Good post. They reconstructed a Jesus Era face/head from arch. recovered skeletons ( Go to minute 7:00 in the video for the final face construction. I would ascribe as a Palastinian, than a Jew. If you do a general google search for Jesus face image, you will find the baloney story on the Shroud of Turin. Most evidence points that this was the burial shroud of The
Knights Templar leader Jacques de Molay, which I think is more likely than Jesus. The SoT fits for people's pre-concieved image of Jesus over the last 1,500 years, so they like to believe that. You have to do your own research and decide FYS.
I always think it's crazy when people fight over land. In our last 3,000 to 5,000 years, it was all about conquering to enslave the people and add their resources back to the "Motherland" (Rome, Greece, GB, etc.)
But it puzzles me with Israel and that land b/c whenever all the killing and bombing is over, whoever is left (Jews and Palestinians) will just start mixing together and a single
race will exist there in peace(caveat here is that
race is a terrible term, we are all the same humans, just different tans and geography, rant for another time). That to me is the reason so many people are anti-religious, because they see how it brings out the absolute worst actions/behavior in humans against each other. The whole tenant of Judaism and Christianity is Love and Peace, and Golden Rule stuff. Islam is based on both Judeo-Christan religions, so I would say those are central tenants of Islam. Even if you do not believe in the God part of religion, you can understand that these are good ways to live for the happiness of all.
So why are they fighting and killing over this tiny ass piece of land? One quote I like is, "There will only be peace in the Holy Land when Palestinians begin to Love their children more than they hate the Jews." There is a lot of truth in that. I know the US is biased towards supporting Israel the state, and that Israel has purpotrated a lot of bad shit on the basically homeland-less Palistines, so it is hard for most Americans to understand the exact Tit-for-Tat that is going on and has been going on for like 5,000 years.
Sorry for the long-ass rant, I get wound up sometimes. Peace out