The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual


Active Member
I am brand new to DWC and ive already screwed a bunch of things up so I am starting this grow journal so I can keep better track of things. Will include massive amounts of pictures + info. All help is appreciated, I am a retard when it comes to this.

I try to clone like 15 plants a week so I'm always having stuff come in and out.

What I have going on right now for SOIL:

2 1000W HPS in a 10x12 area but closed this room down to like 6x6 for now until I either get more lights or move the room.

3.5 Gal buckets with FFOF soil the whole way through, no nutes until a few days before I put in flowering.
Been using Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and the Fox Farm powder trio: Open Sesame, Beastie bloomz, Cha-Ching. However, I haven't noticed a difference in yield so I stopped using them due to the taste. Will start again if I can get any tips on soil techniques.

Temp: 75F usually all the time

In my veg room for soil I have 6 of those CFL lights in like a 8x6 area, can usually fill about 20 plants in there when they are in the big pots. Want to switch to smart pots kinda..

I just run straight water with these.

Now my hydro setup is all wacko right now. I've got like 30 hydro plants in there with like 3 or 4 soil plants, ha. Let's get started.

I built a garage with an apartment above it next to my house so I can move my grow room into a different building.

This is a 14x28 space.

I've got 3 soil plants around 6 weeks old that I'm trying to put on 12/12 asap, not really sure why I haven't. They're huge, though. I've got another 5 hydro plants in the same room as these, which is the bud room.

The hydro plants are set at:

Almost 4 weeks since I put them into buckets. Trying to 12/12 within 10 days.

Micro: 15mL total
Grow: 20mL total
Bloom: 10mL total
Calmag: 10mL total

The PPM are set at 750.

Not sure if this is right or not, hope so.

So anyways, in the bud room I have a 10x14 space to do anything I want. I have only 2 1000W HPS lights so I cut it down to like 5x10 for now until I can eventually afford 6 more lights. Hopefully by this summer if I don't kill all my shit!

I took this pic with my light off a little while ago, kind of hard to take pics in these rooms because of the lighting.

Can't wait to start budding this plant on the bottom left ^

And this is a pic of the rest of this room, hope to have like 30 DWC buckets in there in a few months! Help me! =D

The temp is around 76-80 during the day and sometimes hits 69 at night.

I'm trying to keep my humidity at 50% but it's hard, so it's usually at like 30-40%.

Now in the veg room of the apartment

Right now I'm working with a T5 Light with I think 6 bulbs or 4. Then I have another light with like 3 bulbs I think. I have these right outside the room and built a wall for a small room so I can mix water and nutrients and things like that.

A shitty pic of the rest of the room I'm not even using:

Now for the DWC. I've got 15 plants all sorts of messed up cause I had like 15 different people coming to my house telling me why my plants were messed up so they just kept getting worse. The 15 bad ones are coming back now, they're like 7 weeks old almost. There's no root system so I'm just hoping they come back without being gay. I've got another 5 that had the same problem but I fixed those ones and they came back right away. You seen those in the bud room which are on 18/6 right now cause I don't wanna flip the switch yet.

I've got another 10 i've cloned a couple weeks ago.

^ This was a few days ago, there are roots coming out of the bottom so I've just put them into buckets today. Hope I don't fuck these up !! Really can't afford it right now considering I provide 14 oz a month for my patients for free!

As soon as I put them in buckets, I shut the lights off for 6 hours. Not sure if that's bad or good..

So with these 10 small ones, I better not fuk up! I got slime and shit last time then a bunch of deffiencies so now I am just going to write everything down so I know everything I know that I do to them.

Today I did this:

Filled 5gal buckets around half ful, 3 gallons prob. Around 1 inch away from the bottom of the net pot.

Mixed Humbolt 3 Part Base Nutrients

First I put:

Micro: 5mL total
Then Grow: 7mL total
Then Bloom: 3mL total
Then I put Calmag: 10ml total
Then I put Aquashield: 10ml total

The PPM are set at 250.

I am using RO water, also.

So, that is about it for all my growing setup. Any questions or concerns on what I'm doing please criticize me.



Active Member
The strains I have are Sharks Breath, Blueberry, Ak-47, Hash plant, Cinderella, and I just got some lemon haze clones. I also have a purple haze plant I think, it's like a 12 week plant.

Sharks breath is a real strong grow. They take stress like no other and the yield is promising every time.

Blueberry is also a real strong grow, takes alot of stress but seems to be sensitive to nutrients. Very high yield and a tasteful smoke which is why I've kept it for the past 3 years.

AK-47 is just amazing. It grows outwards and small, the yield is OK but the quality is amazing plus it has the taste to go with it.

Cinderella is a decent strain, it's potent but it seems sensitive to nutrients and doesn't like to be messed with.

Hash plant is the same IMO, It doesn't take stress from me very well but it loves when you give them the right chemicals.


Active Member
Think my PPM meter was off, so I bought a new one. It was such a peice of junk, I had to calibrate it like every day and then hope it will work long enough to ppm all my plants. I also picked up some pH calibration(7 & 4) because my pH meter was off a little too.

Woke up and all my plants were 6.5 pH.

My 10 small ones are 300ppm
My 15 sick junky ones are 750ppm. They were at 850-900 but I added water and pH'd them today
My 5 good ones in bud room are at 750ppm. Were at 800 but I added some water.

I added 7ml h2o2 solution to every single bucket except for my 10 young ones.

That's about all I did today with my plants.


On my 10 plants that I just put into buckets yesterday, I am using the 8" net pots which holds a crap load more hydroton also. I have my water about a half inch to an inch away from the bottom. The rockwool cube is so wet it's unreal. The net pot itself is really heavy and the cube is really wet, even on top.

Is this a problem? Should I lower my water so less water hits the net pot? Not sure what to do, or if it's supposed to be wet as all hell?

Some pics I took today:

Here's kind of a close up of one of those shitty ass looking plants. I think the problem is fixed just waiting for root growth.

I can't remember if those 2nd set from the top were there before I added the calmag. I'm pretty sure all of that coloring stopped after I added 10ml calmag. Hopefully they're enjoying their life now...


Active Member
Those soil plants are kind of having problems too. I flushed both of them and I'm going to flush again next water. Any advice for these guys? What I did was put open sesame in them all on the 19th cause I was planning on putting them to bud, so I didn't. Then 2 weeks ago I put in a mix of humboldt nutrients, just very small and ha that was not a good idea. My sharks breath is getting big and looking good except for some little issues.



Active Member
nice bro im subed thats alot of dwc buckets to clean every two weeks shit lol im learning in 2 dwc buckets i got but once i get it dwn packed ima switch to under current dwc much easer to maintain u probably kno a lil more than me about it check out this site bro they got some nice set up a lil pricy but youll triple ur $$$ in the first round ppl like to build there own but im not that dude ill buy it if i got the money ima make it bck anyways right lol i heard if ur useing ro water to add cal+mag u probaly already knew that but i just wanted to throw that in there just incase but shit bro loooking nice +rep

DJ Ric Hard

I'm curious as to how you change the water and clean all those buckets. I am doing circulating deep water culture and I basically can't really clean the buckets because the plants are huge. I still change the water weekly.

I'm about to start some new plants in my veg room and was thinking about doing individual buckets instead of doing the circulating thing. Seems like a pain in the ass to keep up individual buckets, though.


Active Member
I'm curious as to how you change the water and clean all those buckets. I am doing circulating deep water culture and I basically can't really clean the buckets because the plants are huge. I still change the water weekly.

I'm about to start some new plants in my veg room and was thinking about doing individual buckets instead of doing the circulating thing. Seems like a pain in the ass to keep up individual buckets, though.

It sucks ass. I just take x amount of buckets for how many plants I need to change out and mix the nutrients in them all, then just pick up the plants and move them to the new bucket. Then I clean my old buckets out for later.

DJ Ric Hard


It sucks ass. I just take x amount of buckets for how many plants I need to change out and mix the nutrients in them all, then just pick up the plants and move them to the new bucket. Then I clean my old buckets out for later.
I was thinking something along those lines. At least I'd be working with 16 instead of 30. Maybe I'll do some kind of rotation where I'll do 4 buckets a day for four days. Keeping track of pH for 16 different buckets is going to be a bitch, though.


Active Member
I was thinking something along those lines. At least I'd be working with 16 instead of 30. Maybe I'll do some kind of rotation where I'll do 4 buckets a day for four days. Keeping track of pH for 16 different buckets is going to be a bitch, though.

My master plan is to have 5 plants come out a week, so I'm going to need 30-35 in bud and 30-35 in veg at all times. Definitely going to be a bitch later on. LOL


Well-Known Member
thats alot of work but once you got the dam what a boutniful harvest
look like you have a cal mag problem in the dwc and ph off in the soil but up to u tho


Active Member
thats alot of work but once you got the dam what a boutniful harvest
look like you have a cal mag problem in the dwc and ph off in the soil but up to u tho

Yup, fixed the mag problem. Just waiting for roots to grow back, a bunch of dumb stuff happened with those.

Soil ones IDK what to do. Flushing them a few times and then idk.


Active Member
Checked all pH and ppm's today. had to pH down a few of them but that's about it. New clones looking good but I'm scared I have too much water in the buckets. The rockwool in the net pot is so wet it's rediculous.

I lowered the water level in all buckets.

Moved my bud room around, hoping to get 1 more light and then have 3 or 4 rows of that in my room by summer time.

I Put the light lower to where it's supposed to be. My res temps are hitting 70 so I put my pumps in the attic and hopefully that will cool it down to lower 60s.

I got one of the plants that I just put into buckets in my bud room, too. So there's 6 under the HPS and then 3 soil ones under the other HPS. I'll take it out once I flip to 12/12 lol.

I got alot of root growth on my babies, too. Pretty excited. I hope I don't fuck up like those other ones. :(



Active Member
Man the root system on these suck so bad. I think I am just going to put them in soil and flower them. :(

​They are looking a tiny bit better every day...


Active Member
Been out of town for a few days, so had lots of work to do when I got back. I had someone ph'ing my stuff and making sure everything was fine while I was gone.

My leaves on all my plants in my bud room is drooping way bad. I don't know what's going on. I bought another humidifier today and got humidity from 20% to 50% so I hope it stays higher now.

I switched out the 5 buckets in that room and put in:

15mL Micro
15mL Grow
15mL Bloom
10mL Calmag

ppm's set around 650-700.

I think it might be because I have too much water in my buckets. I usually have like a lil more over 3 gallons. Now I have probably a little more over 2 gallons, so I hope that does it.

The rockwool in my buckets are wet as hell, even on the top.



Active Member
The new vegging plants I put into buckets last week are looking OK. They all have roots coming except for one. They are still at around 300ppm and growing OK I suppose.

I don't know what's going on with my 15 crap ones.. What I did to them today was rinse them out and fill them up with h2o2 solution for 2 hours, then I cleaned buckets again and put in:

7mL micro
9mL Grow
4mL Bloom
5mL Calmag

Running at 550-600ppm

Plus I used well water with these ones, so I didn't put as much calmag.

I used RO water on 2 plants and included some white widow on about 8 of them. Trying to get the roots to grow back so I can put them in 12/12.



Active Member
Soil operation is going good. It's usually always good, soil is pretty easy. Water every few days and that's pretty much it. Some plants are looking bad but meh, idk..



Well-Known Member
When you see defiency like yellowing of the plants DO NOT FLUSH you are just making it worse. You need to add more Nitrogen and Calmag to effectively stop the yellowing. The only time you need to flush is when you over nute them like when the leaves turn dark bluish/purpleish with burn tips. Other wise keep it simple follow the KISS method.


Active Member
When you see defiency like yellowing of the plants DO NOT FLUSH you are just making it worse. You need to add more Nitrogen and Calmag to effectively stop the yellowing. The only time you need to flush is when you over nute them like when the leaves turn dark bluish/purpleish with burn tips. Other wise keep it simple follow the KISS method.

Oh damn, thanks for the tip. I was going to just keep flushing them and hope they come back. They look like crap right now. Tomorrow I will water them with RO water + calmag and nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
look like root rot in the dwc and you should try the lucas formula it works wonders in dwc
i would put some hygrozyme and a lil h2o2 get them roots back healthy