Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
The problem started with "Listen Up." If you're new to this you don't make a post gathering everyone to your feet to hear your wisdom. You might post this is what I'm doing, how about you? The OP is just stuff out of any book. Now he is claiming a 2 lb + harvest for this newbie.

It just strains credibility rather than builds it.


Active Member
Good basic information for the newbie. but I agree with others who feel the OP is a bit of a (pseudo) knowitall.

IMHO, he's just a little giddy with his success and now feels like the Mac Daddy. but thats not illegal.



Well-Known Member
I weighed everything this morning and I came up with 1,007 grams total.

Whether you like it or not . . . I harvested 1,007 grams. Period. The End.

For my friend IllegalSmoke . . . They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. In this case 1,007 grams!!!




Well-Known Member
Nice harvest.

However your OP is inaccurate. Period.
Really? Because I plagiarized the hell out of it! EVERYTHING in my original posts comes from published books by Rosenthal & Cervantes plus a couple more books. Funny how when it comes from me it's junk/inaccurate.


Well-Known Member
i managed to read the first 3 or 4 lines of the op's original statement/declaration before i could no longer submit myself to such drivel
OP you have a great deal to learn, perhaps you should concentrate on that before declaring yourself a guru
just a thought

peace :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Really? Because I plagiarized the hell out of it! EVERYTHING in my original posts comes from published books by Rosenthal & Cervantes plus a couple more books. Funny how when it comes from me it's junk/inaccurate.
Doesn't matter who you stole the information off. It doesn't make it accurate.

As i pointed out. The concept that for ANY hydro setup a water chiller is a MUST, that is utter bullshit. If Rosenthal & Cervantes plus a couple more books are telling you that this is a requirement, they are talking out of their arses, couldn't care how famous they might be.

As i say, your information is inaccurate.

Maybe if you had real experience you'd have known this.


Active Member
I'm still pretty much a Newbie but have learned a lot and would like to share some insight.

There are ONLY a handful of things you need to control to have a successful grow. If you keep these within the ranges specified below everything will fall in to place. You won't have issues with bud rot, mold or pests.

Light - the more the better! MAX out your light/lumens. This is easily accomplished with a 1000W hood/ballast. CFL's are good but will NOT produce the type of harvest you are expecting! Get a hood that is air-cooled this will help a lot with controlling temperature. Digital ballasts are easier on the bulbs during startup, make virtually zero noise and emit very little heat. It has been my experience that digital ballasts are more reliable and last longer. They are also more expensive, but you get what you pay for.

Air temperature - no higher than 85 degrees daytime and no less than 70 degrees during the dark cycle. Do whatever it takes to maintain the temp within this range. With CO2 you can run a few degrees warmer during the light cycle, not to exceed 90 degrees

Humidity - 40% - 55%. A higher RH during Veg of 55% is ok, you MUST lower your RH during Flowering to 40%. I have even seen some Flower at 35% RH. This helps to prevent mold/bud rot.

Water Temp - 65-70 degrees. For ANY Hydro setup a water chiller is a MUST. Especially under 1000W lighting in a room at 85 degrees. Your water temps will easily exceed 80 degrees and needs to be chilled. The higher the ambient room temperature the lower the water temp needs to be. Not to drop below 60 degrees.

Air Quality - I use 3 small fans in my grow room. I also use CO2 with a PPM meter set to keep the room at 1500PPM. This works great and my PPM ranges from 1350-1500 ALL THE TIME!!! The fans circulate fresh air as well as the CO2. It also helps to prevent mold/bud rot and reduces the temperature around the plant canopy.

PH - Buy a QUALITY PH meter and keep your PH between 5.8 - 6.3. A little PH swing is ok and I think actually helps strengthen their resistance to PH changes. Always make MILD adjustments to PH levels.

LST - low stress train your plants!

Nutrients - Almost ANY nutrient solution will do. Spending more $$ rarely equals more/bigger buds. Start with something inexpensive and work your way up. MORE IS NOT BETTER!!! You WILL burn your plants. I always start out at 75% dose and QUICKLY work my way to 100%. I know many people who start their grow at 25% and run it like that for a few weeks and then jump to 100% and don't understand why their plants look like a sun dried tomato. I believe that running less than 50% for too long has a negative effect and you will have a very hard time increasing it to 100%. Start out at 50-75% and immediately work your way to 100% within the first week - 10 days. Also purchase a QUALITY TDS/PPM meter to measure the total disolved solids in the reservoir.

Seeds - crappy seeds = crappy buds. The only thing bag seeds are good for are PRACTICE. Collect bag seeds and use them to practice germinating. Once you have them germinated grow them for a couple weeks. You will get to see how the environment is impacting them, how your nutes are affecting them etc.... Then after a couple of weeks you can pull them up and germinate the expensive seeds. QUALITY seeds with known good GENETICS are worth the $$. BUY THEM!!! You won't be disappointed. Personally, I use Attitude for my seed orders.

Read ANY posting by Professor Marijuana - this guy is an Encyclopedia of Cannabis. I read, read, read his postings and can directly attribute my success to the information he shared on these forums!!!

OBVIOUSLY the 'tips' I have listed are NOT the ONLY things necessary for a successful grow but if you have these nailed, you will be prepared to address anything else that comes up.

Also, pickup/download a copy of Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Grower's Handbook. EVER THING I typed above is in that book. Read the damn thing!!! I did and look at what I've done. For a 1st time hydro grower I'm doing VERY well.
get your wallet out, bitches.


Well-Known Member
Really? Because I plagiarized the hell out of it! EVERYTHING in my original posts comes from published books by Rosenthal & Cervantes plus a couple more books. Funny how when it comes from me it's junk/inaccurate.
So you start the thread with LISTEN UP!!! then you admit that you stole the info? ehhh huh......
Your a bit of a ______ you know that ;)



Well-Known Member
No where did I state this was MY information. In fact, had you read the entire thread you would have seen where I clearly stated that I gathered this information from readily available and published sources and organized it in to a single source 'guide'.

I WELCOME any of you cock gobblers to bring your ass down here and grow hydro without a water chiller. With outside ambient air temps >95 degrees on a regular basis it is next to impossible. I tried. I failed. My res temps were easily 85+ degrees. Once I added the water chiller and dropped the res temps to 60-65 degrees . . . My problems with root rot, black slime and bacteria DISAPPEARED!!!

These 'rules' are what I used to be successful. My experiences may vary from yours. But at the end of the day THEY WORKED!!! I don't think a $350 investment was a waste to ensure my res temps stay below 70 degrees. COULD I have a successful grow without a chiller? Maybe. Probably. But I don't want FUC*ing guesswork. I want to know my temps are going to prevent problems. I don't want to worry or fuc* with frozen water bottles or using H2O2 or friggin' bleach to fight the microbes. The water chiller provides me with a plug it in and forget about it solution. It works. Admit it.

They are several ways to grow. I listed what I have found to work for me. It may not work for you!

How many of you fuc*'s have taken the time to type up/throw together a FAQ/Newbie document? YOU HAVEN'T!!! You spend all your time poo-poo ANYONE that tries to help.

This is the type of behavior that keeps others from contributing on this site. Do you think ANYONE will take their time to try and share information if you idiots are going to slam them? NO!

I promise you one thing . . . I won't contribute another damn thing to this forum. It's not worth it!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I WELCOME any of you cock gobblers to bring your ass down here and grow hydro without a water chiller. With outside ambient air temps >95 degrees on a regular basis it is next to impossible. I tried. I failed.
Oh, so now you're even contradicting your own OP :lol: You're doing wonders for your credibility. Last i checked you said it was a MUST

For ANY Hydro setup a water chiller is a MUST
All of a sudden must is only must if it involves >95 degrees climate. My air temperature is not 95 degrees, so i have no need for a chiller, thus proving your statement that they are a MUST as a load of nonesense :)

As i say, you were chatting bullshit, and the fact that you were simply parroting someone elses information wihtout even knowing the accuracy of it does even better things for your credibility :lol:

You are sat there trying to dictate your own single personal experience as a universal growing fact. Wrong :D

COULD I have a successful grow without a chiller? Maybe. Probably.
And again, completely contradicting yourself.

I'd rather not type up an FAQ thread than type up a hugely inaccurate FAQ thread ;)

And it's not your information, anyone can cop

Better luck elsewhere fella, we'll sure miss your pearls of wisdom :lol:


Well-Known Member
Nice harvest.

However your OP is inaccurate. Period.
How can you congratulate me on my harvest then slam what as I posted as inaccurate? You do realize that my "nice harvest" was a result of using the guidelines I posted? If my OP is inaccurate then how they hell did I yield what I did?

Your statement is contradictory!!!! To say the least. LMAO!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, so now you're even contradicting your own OP :lol: You're doing wonders for your credibility. Last i checked you said it was a MUST

All of a sudden must is only must if it involves >95 degrees climate.

As i say, you were chatting bullshit, and the fact that you were simply parroting someone elses information wihtout even knowing the accuracy of it does even better things for your credibility :lol:
You are a fucking idiot! A keyboard Rambo.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How can you congratulate me on my harvest then slam what as I posted as inaccurate? You do realize that my "nice harvest" was a result of using the guidelines I posted? If my OP is inaccurate then how they hell did I yield what I did?

Your statement is contradictory!!!! To say the least. LMAO!!!!
The result of the grow has nothing to do with the accuracy information you posted ;)

I could tell you that using RO water is a MUST, and then get a good harvest, it doesn't detract from the fact that the statement is a load of nonsense ;)

And i'm the fucking idiot :lol:


Well-Known Member
The result of the grow has nothing to do with the accuracy information you posted ;)

Really? Because according to you if I ran my grow according to what I posted it would have failed miserably. Yet, I yielded 1,007 grams. How do you reconcile that fact?

You can't.


Well-Known Member
I would just like to chime in and say that
your original post is ok. I prefered the more scientific approach to hydro on my first run. It made it easier being methodical.


i have to agree with TTT that it can all be done by reading your plants, as long as you aren't using nutes that seriously effect your pH then the chances are you're never gonna need to mess with it as most hydro nutes have buffers which help it to stay in check etc.

This whole thread has got a little out of hand for 1 main reason it's your first grow hydrodawg. Well done. But don't get too big for your boots. You now need to recreate your success time after time.



Well-Known Member
Mr Tip Top Toker

Please contact a Mod and ask them to delete this thread. Additionally, ask that they delete my account and block my IP Address. I give you permission. If you want to cite providing inaccurate information as the reason, by all means please do.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Really? Because according to you if I ran my grow according to what I posted it would have failed miserably. Yet, I yielded 1,007 grams. How do you reconcile that fact?

You can't.
According to me? No, you seem to be having difficulty understanding what i have written.

Seems you simply don't understand why your information is being stated as inaccurate. Maybe this is because you are a noob grower as you state in the opening line.

I have no wish to kick you off this site, it's nothing to do with me, you said you wanted to leave..

If anything this thread should be a sticky as an example of why noobs should not try and create grow FAQ's.