How Does Obama Win 270 Electoral Votes?


Well-Known Member
Once again, deflection. You and nodrama should be boyfriends.
You are the one that cannot seem to stay on topic. You post assumptions about me then make a reference to something not even in this thread. Based on that you and Joey are probably good for each other...


Well-Known Member
Someone want to list the states you think he can win? Don't tell us he can lose this or that state and still win, show us the state, the electoral votes, and the total at 270.

Obama has been a miserable failure. We won't be fooled again.
Large scale vote fraud not unlike what was seen during the Kerry/Bush election.


Well-Known Member
Healthcare is not a right. The sooner we acknowledge that the better chance we have to save our country financially.
It was a pointless and stupid move by her to allow those patients to die. Well, I actually don't know how responsible she really is for this, you could say entirely, but someone could have easily told her that nothing bad would happen as a result of it, dumb as she may have been to believe it, malice was not necessarily the intent although I suspect most politicians are sociopaths.

You are correct, health care isn't a right, and IMO in a true free market we would see a lot of innovation in the field, prices would come down drastically and in general things would be better off, this is the kind of thing that it is incredibly fucking stupid to try to defend on any level IMO. It paints you in a bad light. The reality is the government has taken on a lot of the responsibility, moral or not. And much debate can be had about that but you have to live in a world of hypotheticals and IMO so many diseases would be defeated (namely cancer) if they just legalized MJ. It's clear that the cannabinoid system is integral in cancer development, this has been shown many times over in many studies. Anyway that's a bit divergent, the main point is she could have cut elsewhere easily. Why not law enforcement?


New Member
Healthcare is a right....No person should be refused care ever! And they aren't, even before obama care.

Health Insurance...Now that is a different animal...and definitely not a "right"...what a horribly shitty "right" that would be....not much of a "right" now is it?

I just picture them like our car insurance commercials....I saved 200$ on my medical bill by switching to geico healthplus! YAY!

Main stream liberals and conservatives in this country are so easily fooled by yellow journalism tactics its pathetic...They would be better off if they go back to watching American Idol then pretending to understand philosophy with Wolf Blitzer and his imbecile questions on twitter his number one source for information.


Well-Known Member
It's really difficult to ascribe any finite resource as something that is rightfully everyone's to have. It's all relative though and under a sound money system in a government without corruption and with lax regulation on the industry it could be possible. But we can have that debate when we get there, there is no way it is possible right now (unfortunately).


Well-Known Member
Once again, deflection. You and nodrama should be boyfriends.
You're hoping someday that two homophobes that troll forums randomly decide to publicly confess their love for each other, aren't you?

It would be rather entertaining, I will admit

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
i hear education and health care in sweden is free because instead of the taxpayers paying for dumb bullshit like we do here in america, they actually pay for things that matter, and help the society. but wait, if america did that, imagine the profit that would be lost! fuck the plutocracy of america.

(i can already hear it, well why dont you gto of america?! ...i would if i could)

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Obama is not going to pick up a single state he didn't win in 08. To think he might is just whistling through the graveyard. Of course, all candidates have to pretend to be optimistic right up to the concession speech. So it's up to states he won narrowly the last time (a lot). Of those he loses NC, VA, OH, IN, FL. That's just in the east. And that's enough to end him right there.

Face it, Obama has lost the mojo. No more historic first black president, no more hope and change. He was a stuffed shirt, madison ave marketed, community organizer with a slick pitch people were in the mood for. But he hasn't delivered and there is no excitement around him anymore.

He had his chance and now it's someone else's chance and deep down we all know it.


Well-Known Member
You're hoping someday that two homophobes that troll forums randomly decide to publicly confess their love for each other, aren't you?

It would be rather entertaining, I will admit
I am not homophobic I am homoyawnic.... Who cares?


Well-Known Member
Obama is not going to pick up a single state he didn't win in 08. To think he might is just whistling through the graveyard. Of course, all candidates have to pretend to be optimistic right up to the concession speech. So it's up to states he won narrowly the last time (a lot). Of those he loses NC, VA, OH, IN, FL. That's just in the east. And that's enough to end him right there.

Face it, Obama has lost the mojo. No more historic first black president, no more hope and change. He was a stuffed shirt, madison ave marketed, community organizer with a slick pitch people were in the mood for. But he hasn't delivered and there is no excitement around him anymore.

He had his chance and now it's someone else's chance and deep down we all know it.
I doubt he loses all of those, especially Ohio IMO. He's spent a LOT of time and money in Ohio, even before he was "campaigning". There are a lot of ways Obama can win this election... I admit I may be pretty optimistic about his chances but at the same time I think you're being a bit too pessimistic of his chances.


Well-Known Member
That's complete bullshit and you know it. A governor from another state tried to contact her after he went over AZ's budget and found areas that could have been cut and the money re-allocated for the transplant patients. IN THE MEANTIME, the bitch could have stopped the tax cuts for the rich and corporate tax loopholes in the state. Talk about fucking death panels.

People died because of her. What part of that do you not understand?
How much money did you contribute personally to those transplant patients? None? Then YOU are to blame for their deaths?

CARNE SECA knowingly kills transplant patients!!!

Next headline in your local fishwrap


Well-Known Member
You're hoping someday that two homophobes that troll forums randomly decide to publicly confess their love for each other, aren't you?

It would be rather entertaining, I will admit
Homophobes? I don't think you know what that word means if you are using it to describe me.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I doubt he loses all of those, especially Ohio IMO. He's spent a LOT of time and money in Ohio, even before he was "campaigning". There are a lot of ways Obama can win this election... I admit I may be pretty optimistic about his chances but at the same time I think you're being a bit too pessimistic of his chances.
I've been living in Ohio for 35 years now, and I'm sure he isn't going to carry Ohio.

Brick Top

New Member
Someone want to list the states you think he can win? Don't tell us he can lose this or that state and still win, show us the state, the electoral votes, and the total at 270.

Obama has been a miserable failure. We won't be fooled again.

Considering there is not a Republican candidate yet it's pretty tough to predict if Obama can beat an unknown candidate in many states.

But some are his no matter who the Republican candidate will be since they are all somewhat weak and generic.

He can count on California's 55 electoral votes.
He can count on Oregon's 7 electoral votes.
He can count on Washington's 12 electoral votes.
He can count on Minnesota's 10 electoral votes.
He can count on Illinois 20 electoral votes.
He can count on New York's 29 electoral votes.
He can count on Maine's 4 electoral votes.
He can count Vermont's 3 electoral votes.
He can count on Massachusetts' 11 electoral votes.
He can count on Rhode Island's 4 electoral votes.
He can count on Connecticut's 7 electoral votes.
He can count on New Jersey's 17 electoral votes.
He can count on Delaware's 3 electoral votes.
He can count on Maryland's 10 electoral votes.
He can count on DC's 3 electoral votes.
And he can count on Hawaii's 4 electoral votes.

Those are all Deep Blue States and it would take a Ronald Reagan-like candidate to pry most of them from Barry, and the Republicans do not have that strong of a candidate to run.


Well-Known Member
No, Carne Seca did when he started to melt down...
Well I barely skimmed over the thread. I just saw Carne trying to call people gay like I often see him do lately and commented. There was no intended implication towards you or NoDrama on my part. My apologies if you were offended.