Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Well-Known Member
Hey Iv got nothing against people who are religiously Jewish, I have a problem with the paranoid, illegal, preemptive-attack style foreign policy of the Israeli Government, so why am I being called an anti-Semite?

Iv no particular fondness nor dislike for Palestenians either, but basic human rights and a groups right to self-determination on their own land are two things I do believe in. I also believe if Israel softened to the Palestenian people and accepted the two state solution (like they eventually will anyway) it'd probably diffuse some of the tension in the Middle East and enhance Israels defensive position.

Iv no bias either way, just the current situation is no good and there needs to be a solution.

Is that what makes me anti-Semetic? Care to quote a post where I make insulting/racist/derogatory terms or comments about Jewish people? Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly is the criteria to be anti-Semetic? Cos I genuinely can't understand why I'm being called it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Iv got nothing against people who are religiously Jewish, I have a problem with the paranoid, illegal, preemptive-attack style foreign policy of the Israeli Government, so why am I being called an anti-Semite?

Iv no particular fondness nor dislike for Palestenians either, but basic human rights and a groups right to self-determination on their own land are two things I do believe in. I also believe if Israel softened to the Palestenian people and accepted the two state solution (like they eventually will anyway) it'd probably diffuse some of the tension in the Middle East and enhance Israels defensive position.

Iv no bias either way, just the current situation is no good and there needs to be a solution.

Is that what makes me anti-Semetic? Care to quote a post where I make insulting/racist/derogatory terms or comments about Jewish people? Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly is the criteria to be anti-Semetic? Cos I genuinely can't understand why I'm being called it.
i wouldn't call you anti-semitic for your views.

my main beef is with the guy who comes to this site for the sole purpose of starting anti-israel threads, and nothing more.

i doubt the guy even has a grow. he might not even toke. he's better off at stormfront.


Active Member
I was referring to the OP but even without reading the whole thread I can bet that there are RP supporters that parroted anti-Semitic diatribes. I see it on other forums too and I can even guess the typical RP supporters' excuse for it, trying desperately to claim their hatred of Jews is something else.

(and it's "he" btw.)


Well-Known Member
I was referring to the OP but even without reading the whole thread I can bet that there are RP supporters that parroted anti-Semitic diatribes. I see it on other forums too and I can even guess the typical RP supporters' excuse for it, trying desperately to claim their hatred of Jews is something else.

(and it's "he" btw.)
When did anyone here say they hate Jews tho? I'v seen the odd skin head nut-job come and go, but someone speaking against Israels foreign policy decisions isn't automatically anti-Semetic, and I don't think a proper Stormfront member would give too much of a shit about Palestenians either tho.
you have 27 posts and they are all in anti-israel threads.
Sour grapes.

are you sure you wouldn't be more at home on stormfront's website?
If you don't like the subject why don't you just ignore the thread. Other people obviously think it's an important subject. Secondly, all we're talking about here is how much the gov't's assinie commitment to Israel costs the U.S.

What in the hell is wrong with that?

do you even grow weed? do you even know what it is?
Do you think I should advertise that information on the Internet.

And lastly, you talk about my posts yet from my vantage point all you ever do is pop into a thread and wage war against the messenger. What are you, mad at the world or something?


Well-Known Member
It's anti-semetic if you support a group that calls for the slaughter of Jews as both hamas and hezbollah have stated time and time again. To just say oh I hate tge government but I do not support either of these groups is a great way to avoid any sembelence of anti-semetism. One can hate the government all they want, and I get that. But the second it turns to how sad it is that Palestinian civilians die but its fine for Israeli civilians to die, one starts dancing on the edge. No human life is worth more than another correct?
It's anti-semetic if you support a group that calls for the slaughter of Jews as both hamas and hezbollah have stated time and time again. To just say oh I hate tge government but I do not support either of these groups is a great way to avoid any sembelence of anti-semetism. One can hate the government all they want, and I get that. But the second it turns to how sad it is that Palestinian civilians die but its fine for Israeli civilians to die, one starts dancing on the edge. No human life is worth more than another correct?
You're just trying to change the subject. This thread is not about terrorism directed at Israel. It's about the obscene cost and ramifications of the U.S. gov't's commitment to Israel. Those costs and ramifications include but aren't limited to:

1) It brings worldwide scorn and condemnation for the United States.
2) It's cost the American people trillions of dollars.
3) It significantly increasess the risk of terrorist attacks against Americans.
4) It severely complicates American foreign policy.

That's what this thread is about.

Stop trying to change the subject.


Well-Known Member
I was just answering a question. And it really does change nothing if one supports our (us, Israel we are alliies) you have no ground to discuss the ramifications, there is a word for that, its treason.


Well-Known Member
It's anti-semetic if you support a group that calls for the slaughter of Jews as both hamas and hezbollah have stated time and time again. To just say oh I hate tge government but I do not support either of these groups is a great way to avoid any sembelence of anti-semetism. One can hate the government all they want, and I get that. But the second it turns to how sad it is that Palestinian civilians die but its fine for Israeli civilians to die, one starts dancing on the edge. No human life is worth more than another correct?
Are you slow or something? They are fighting you to establish themselves as a country, they don't give a shit if you're Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Jedi or the fucking Moon-man, YOU are the occupier in their lands, building settlements and pushin the natives off the land.

Of course they're gonna hate you with the way you treat them, it's not Anti-semetism, they just consider you the enemy.

Israel started the fight and is now suffering the blow back from it, it's nothing to do with Anti-semetism.

As for people on here supporting Hamas/Hezbollah... You care to provide a quote or is it a stick-man you're talking about?

I can't believe Jewish Americans can't draw a parallel between the Palestine situation and the American War of Independence, it's basically the same thing.


Well-Known Member
All I was doing was answering your question. Am I slow? Why because I call you out and you don't have an argument. Oh and they don't just say let's wipe out israel they say kill the Jews. Oh and now you don't support them? It must be a very confusing time in your head. And this is nothing like the revolutionary war you schmuck. This is a issue that has nothing to do with the people of "palestine" it has to do with the terrorist government they have wich completely justifies America sending aid to help in general defense. You realize if the terror stopped the war would be over.


Well-Known Member
All I was doing was answering your question. Am I slow? Why because I call you out and you don't have an argument. Oh and they don't just say let's wipe out israel they say kill the Jews. Oh and now you don't support them? It must be a very confusing time in your head. And this is nothing like the revolutionary war you schmuck. This is a issue that has nothing to do with the people of "palestine" it has to do with the terrorist government they have wich completely justifies America sending aid to help in general defense. You realize if the terror stopped the war would be over.
You realise the terrorism would be over if Israel ended the blockade and accepted the two State solution? Again, Israel couldn't even halt settlement building whilst negotiating with the Palestenians.

Where did I say I supported Hamas/Hezbollah? Quote it, cos I never would've said that. I support human rights and a people's right to self determination on their own land, not an Islamist freedom fighter group.


Well-Known Member
Ok Fenderburn, say somehow Iran attacked, defeated and occupied Israel, would you consider the Israelis fighting against the occupation terrorists?


Well-Known Member
Ok Fenderburn, say somehow Iran attacked, defeated and occupied Israel, would you consider the Israelis fighting against the occupation terrorists?
No it would be irans land. That's how it works. Would it suck, yes. Would I cast a vote to elect a party of cowards who Target children, no. I would also not call for killing of their people instead of their soldiers.


Well-Known Member
Uh uh. It's not lazy its common sense. Me and you have done this for months. I'll ware my time searching, ill find examples and you'll say no your just a zionist. We've done this before, and I tire of it.


Well-Known Member
Uh uh. It's not lazy its common sense. Me and you have done this for months. I'll ware my time searching, ill find examples and you'll say no your just a zionist. We've done this before, and I tire of it.
If you don't want to debate, just go away, if you do want to debate how about not just calling me an anti-semite and maybe you try actually debating instead of playing the race-card?

Again, post a quote or stfu.


Well-Known Member
Hey go fuck yourself coward, you have stated multiple times that killing Israeli children is justified because of land disputes. I am sorry I have more shit tulip do than go rehash all of your mindless banter. You know what you've said why do you need me to prove it to you. If you really want me to I will when I have more time on my hands. What do you want to debate?


Well-Known Member
Hey go fuck yourself coward, you have stated multiple times that killing Israeli children is justified because of land disputes. I am sorry I have more shit tulip do than go rehash all of your mindless banter. You know what you've said why do you need me to prove it to you. If you really want me to I will when I have more time on my hands. What do you want to debate?
I said a number of times, that logically speaking if you occupy someone's land they're gonna fight back...Iv always said Palestenian rocket attacks were to be expected, but I never ever tried to justify them or the killing of civilians. Again post where I did? Or you should try post something where I once said I disliked the Israeli people themselves? Iv nothing against Israeli citizens, problem is they allow their Government to do what they do because they've been brainwashed to be so paranoid. I never said their death was justified tho.

Another Straw man yeah?


Well-Known Member
All land in "palestine" has been lost in war, you keep saying occupation, but its not their land look back to 67 and your answer should be clear. The Palestinians are a people who lost their land. How do they respond to being allowed to still have freedom? They attack. Look into the facts for yourself I really have no need to be your teacher, I've got my own kids.