Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Well-Known Member
Our talk is over. How dare you compare this to a concentration camp. I am sorry but you have crossed the line with that. Do they get food, yes. Do they get medical aid, yes. Can they practice their faith, yes are they thriwn in fucking ovens, hunted down like dogs, made to dig their own graves while singing, are they made to be expiriments, are they? The answer is no. You have no right to compare the two. This is a war, that was a fucking slaughter. Huge difference, we do not put there children in camps and force them to work until life slips away from their already dead bodies. I see a lot of healthy looking Palestinians. I am ashamed for you.


Active Member
Its funny how you don't bother to refute any other things I say but once I show footage of Israels war-crimes you spam with loads of videos.


Active Member
Our talk is over. How dare you compare this to a concentration camp. I am sorry but you have crossed the line with that. Do they get food, yes. Do they get medical aid, yes. Can they practice their faith, yes are they thriwn in fucking ovens, hunted down like dogs, made to dig their own graves while singing, are they made to be expiriments, are they? The answer is no. You have no right to compare the two. This is a war, that was a fucking slaughter. Huge difference, we do not put there children in camps and force them to work until life slips away from their already dead bodies. I see a lot of healthy looking Palestinians. I am ashamed for you.
Whats up can't face the truth? Even Ron Paul says so because its the truth. Watch the second video mainly.


Even Israeli says its like what the Germans did to the Jews.

UK PM calls Gaza Prison Camp.


Vatican cardinal calls Gaza big concentration camp.


Well-Known Member
If you can't see my problem with your Bullshit talk me and you have nothing to talk about. You spam I spam, and I'm the bad guy? They attack we attack we are the bad guy I'm sensing a trend here. It must be nice to be so saintly. Oh and the pope really the hitler youth pope? That's your evidence? I belive it is best we at least adjourn for now before this gets downright nasty. I hope you see how as a man what you have said has been foul.


Well-Known Member
Oh and ps. I just watched an interview where your dear RP said the us should stay out of Palestine, you realise that is signing their death warrants right? First attack on our children and the us is not there saying whoa relax, we will kick them all out. I don't want to see this happen but hey I'm the one who served in a government that sponsers concentration camps right what do I know.


Active Member
If you can't see my problem with your Bullshit talk me and you have nothing to talk about. You spam I spam, and I'm the bad guy? They attack we attack we are the bad guy I'm sensing a trend here. It must be nice to be so saintly. Oh and the pope really the hitler youth pope? That's your evidence? I belive it is best we at least adjourn for now before this gets downright nasty. I hope you see how as a man what you have said has been foul.
Clearly you would'nt know what a man is if you think its okay to oppress people in concentration camp. And you attacked first why don't you get your facts from anything other then Zionist propaganda.

How about you look up the definition of concentration camp.
[h=3]Noun[/h] concentration camp (plural concentration camps)

  1. A camp where large numbers of persons—such as political prisoners, prisoners of war, refugees—are detained for the purpose of concentrating them in one place.
  2. A camp or premises in which persons considered to be undesirable by those who control it are hidden away, mistreated, and even killed.
  3. A situation wherein crowding and extremely harsh conditions take place.


Well-Known Member
Now I am not a man? Here we go I had you pegged wrong, I really thought we could have a discussion but now its zionism and camps, why be a coward come out and say it you fucking nazi piece of shit. As soon as you see your little points you think you make are refuted or challenged in any way here this comes. And your clips they were not biased huh? Fucking hypocrite.


Active Member
Lmao your just a joke! Just cause I criticized Israel am a Nazi. And no your not a f*cking man if you think its okay to oppress people end of. Your country government are a bunch of Nazi's not me mate. And how are the videos biased? Are you saying UK PM and Ron Paul are Nazis? Just because they go against your opinions don't mean its not credible. When you control every single thing that goes in a place and have walls all around its a concentration camp mate.


Well-Known Member
And how is it zionist propaganda just because it goes against your views? You talk like a victim here boy, and then you call me a Nazi? I come back at you with it and now I'm the irrational one. You really don't see the flaw in your argument do you, thats sad.


Active Member
You called me a Nazi first you joker. Am going to assume your still not well. Come talk to me once your feeling better in the head.


Well-Known Member
Sir it was you who stated the government I served under and that I hold citizenship in was running concentration camps twist it all you would like but the facts don't lie.


Well-Known Member
concentration camp with luxury mall, water park, and 11 tons of free UN food a day. the Pali's have received 1.4 TRILLION dollars since '67. the "Muslim World" get's 21B a year. save it, Heinrich.


Active Member
That also gets loads of bombs when ever the 'lunatic state' feels like breaking international law, war-crimes, crimes against humanity, and UN resolutions. The "Muslim World" is the propped up dictators your government put up. When theres a wall all around your house and someone else you are at war with controls everything that goes in and out of there, you tell me is that not a prison?
Why don't you both look in the dictionary at the definition of 'concentration camp' which I already gave.


Well-Known Member
Again the victim. Let me say this until you see it you will never know, and I pray you never have to it might shatter all of your ideals on this subject.


Active Member
So would you be okay with walls all around your house with your wife and children in there and I control what goes in and out? Just what I thought so STFU with your victim card.


Well-Known Member
If my government was dumb enough to attack a country who has a much more advanced military I would be mad at my government. It is sad that anybody has to die, but you realize what a government does right, you know makes decisions for their people, and now you want it turned on its ear because its the Palestinians? Why does the whole history of a governing body change for them and them alone? If the country of chad were stupid enough to attack great Britain they would lose and people would ask what's wrong with the chad government, to care so little about their civilians as to start a war that can not be won. But since its just those evil Israelis the rules don't matter as long as those damn Jews die, right. I am not trying to change your mind mainly because I doubt you have the necessary equipment. If you look at the situation its not that hard to see the truth. And again as for living in a wall, I would kick out the government that put me in that spot through elections if I didn't like it. But they voted in a even more militant wing, but now they are victims? Why can you not hold the Palestinians responsible for the actions of their government but then talk about how terror attacks on Israeli civilians are a good if not just thing?