Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Active Member
If my government was dumb enough to attack a country who has a much more advanced military I would be mad at my government. It is sad that anybody has to die, but you realize what a government does right, you know makes decisions for their people, and now you want it turned on its ear because its the Palestinians? Why does the whole history of a governing body change for them and them alone? If the country of chad were stupid enough to attack great Britain they would lose and people would ask what's wrong with the chad government, to care so little about their civilians as to start a war that can not be won. But since its just those evil Israelis the rules don't matter as long as those damn Jews die, right. I am not trying to change your mind mainly because I doubt you have the necessary equipment. If you look at the situation its not that hard to see the truth. And again as for living in a wall, I would kick out the government that put me in that spot through elections if I didn't like it. But they voted in a even more militant wing, but now they are victims? Why can you not hold the Palestinians responsible for the actions of their government but then talk about how terror attacks on Israeli civilians are a good if not just thing?
Your just a joke mate. You didn't answer my question. And its your government that runs things not Hamas, Hamas have what ever rights Israel gives them. And you wanna know why they attack your country its because they are men unlike yours who kills children. They are willing to give up their lives to liberate their country from people like you. Who think they dont have any rights even though they have lived there longer then you ever will. And when did I say terror attacks are a good thing? I suggest you go re-read what I wrote cause clearly you was not paying any attention. I said I don't condone it but I've not lived under occupation/oppression so I wouldn't know what their mentality is like. But after speaking with you am slowly starting to understand that they are being wiped out from their homeland by people who look at them as animals not humans. If someone tried to kick me, my friends and family out of mine/their houses your damn right I would fight for it, you clearly would just blame the government though. You know what I give up man. Zionist just simply do not and never can empathize with anyone they are to blind, brainwashed and selfish too.
Are you going to deny that White Phosphorous Rounds were fired into densely populated civilian areas? That entire families were wiped out from their apartments being shelled by tanks? How is that justified?

I must say 1000+ kills to 9 deaths is a much better kill/death than Iv even managed online, doesnt scream "values civilian life" to me tho.
There's no question that those 1000 deaths weren't all accidental either. Israel makes certain that it's attacks on Gaza are significantly disproportionate in terms of civilian casualties then Hamas' attacks on Israel. That's accomplished by deliberately killing large numbers of civilians.


Well-Known Member
I will say this though, we the Jews are going nowhere that's our land. You can bitch all you want at the end of the day we still won. You forget when the nation was first started there was practically no army, if it was that bad these Palestinians should have done something about it, its to bad the people they freely elected don't seem to have their heads on right. And you forget in David and goliath it was the Jew that won. Why would we lose now that we are not the little guy. But I don't blame you for being upset, its just too bad this fight can never be won by any Arab state, and if you remember they have tried. All I have to say is look into why it was the soldiers were not able to attack Israel here ill post a link.


Active Member
I will say this though, we the Jews are going nowhere that's our land. You can bitch all you want at the end of the day we still won. You forget when the nation was first started there was practically no army, if it was that bad these Palestinians should have done something about it, its to bad the people they freely elected don't seem to have their heads on right. And you forget in David and goliath it was the Jew that won. Why would we lose now that we are not the little guy. But I don't blame you for being upset, its just too bad this fight can never be won by any Arab state, and if you remember they have tried. All I have to say is look into why it was the soldiers were not able to attack Israel here ill post a link.
Dont bitch about suicide bombings and people trying to kill Israeli's then.


Well-Known Member
Hey fuck you. I dare you to open your eyes and really look at the situation. Oh and your side started this argument not mine fucking dolt.


Well-Known Member
Oh no they would much rather have hissy fits about everything we do and still live on the teat. What happened to American pride? Why is it cool to hate the US now? Oh and I'm asking you scrog, not one of these douchebag motherfuckers (see syncos, I even used it in context, if that doesn't earn me +1 I don't know what will lol) who are just really confused, and I pity.


Active Member
See how you have to resort to personal insults because your in the wrong. Just goes to show how much of a 'man' you are. Think you should go back to joining the IDF with all the other real 'men'. Also how am I a 'doucebag motherfucker' because I said Gaza is a concentration camp? Why can't you prove me wrong? And whats your response if I put a wall around your house with you and your family inside, controlled what goes in/out what is your viewpoint of that?


Well-Known Member
First off all of your points have been not only disputed but proved wrong. And if the government I elected pushed my neighbors to build said wall I would vote them out as they obviously do not have my best interests at heart. And for the record IDF will stand and fight and beat almost any other military force in the world not because of a lack of manhood. The thing you dont get is by calling me a nazi gaurd wich you took the cowards way of going around, you turned this personal. But again that's probably just zionist propaganda right. You are like the child who gets proven wrong and starts having a temper tantrum. Look back you started this and I just finished it. I understand that being the loser must be disappointing, but it is what it is. Oh and that whole motherfucker thing is a joke between two people, you really are not that important, try to deflate your head for a minute.


Active Member
Hahahahaha are you kidding me?? The people of Gaza do live in a concentration camp and because you joined the IDF you was basically a guard for that camp. You shouldn't be have to be in-denial of the evil deeds you have done since you are a religious person you should start to repent. Are you saying countless Jews, Ron Paul and UK PM David Cameron are wrong and a bunch of Nazi's? And when have you proved me wrong, you Mother fucker not calling you calling someone else personal joke. And you chat so much sh*t its a joke. You know what fuck it. PM me instead of having a discussing on here cause we just randomly bumping this thread.


Well-Known Member
Israel and its supporters - including the U.S. gov't - believe that everything Israel does does to the Palestinians is justified.
you have 27 posts and they are all in anti-israel threads.

are you sure you wouldn't be more at home on stormfront's website? do you even grow weed? do you even know what it is?


Well-Known Member
you have 27 posts and they are all in anti-israel threads.

are you sure you wouldn't be more at home on stormfront's website? do you even grow weed? do you even know what it is?
Does he not get the First Amendment cos he doesn't support Israel or something?


Well-Known Member
Does he not get the First Amendment cos he doesn't support Israel or something?
i am not worried about the first amendment. it is alive and well.

i am wondering why he came to a pot growing site to do nothing but stir the pot about israel. i suggested a website where he may find people more in line with his views, as i am entitled to do under the first amendment.

and for your edification, the first amendment does not govern this site, the TOS do.


Active Member
i am not worried about the first amendment. it is alive and well.

i am wondering why he came to a pot growing site to do nothing but stir the pot about israel. i suggested a website where he may find people more in line with his views, as i am entitled to do under the first amendment.

and for your edification, the first amendment does not govern this site, the TOS do.
Let me guess, another Ron "the bigot" Paul supporter? Funny how so many of them hate Jews too. Must be the Stormfront wing...

America will NEVER abandon Israel, despite anti-Semitic delusions and fantasy. Israel will be around a LOT longer than the "sick" lying anti-Semite losers will.

That really makes me smile... :D


Well-Known Member
Let me guess, another Ron "the bigot" Paul supporter? Funny how so many of them hate Jews too. Must be the Stormfront wing...

America will NEVER abandon Israel, despite anti-Semitic delusions and fantasy. Israel will be around a LOT longer than the "sick" lying anti-Semite losers will.

That really makes me smile... :D

I'm waiting UB..