Poisoning our water: The Fluoride Lie


Well-Known Member
This is a very very important issue- yet I've never seen ANYONE say anything about it here..

Flat point is fluoride is a toxin. Openly known to cause brain damage and reduce IQ.

Where did the idea to originally fluorinate the water? Nazi Germany..

Does fluoride actually help teeth? LOL.. No.. ever wonder why your toothpaste has a "call poison control" warning.. why it always says "do not swallow".

Now this is all known as fact. Seriously, google it.. ya know what, nevermind, let me do it for ya..
fluoride toxin - Google Search

Now.. stop.. think..

The people who put this shyt in the water- they know the risks. They know the outcome. They KNOW that adding this toxin to water WILL reduce the IQ of the population, they know that with this toxin in the water you WILL be much more prone to illness, cancer, death.

Now stop. Think. What kind of person.. what kind of soul does it take to knowingly POISON MILLIONS. Poison children, adults- your mother, his sister, my daughter, YOU.

What kind of soul does it take to blacken out the light that these children could have been. Seriously, ponder this- what type of person does it take to do this. Could you knowingly pour a toxin into water- a toxin that will steal the very intelligence that makes man a superior species. Could you knowingly maliciously rob millions of the future they would have had?

This is the type of evil we face in this country- and we are extremely under fire.. yet most don't even know it..

Look around- this is serious. Forget all the 'conspiracy theories' that divide us all. We literally have had our minds under attack..


Well-Known Member
They still put fluoride in the water supply? For some reason I thought they stopped doing that...I know they still sell fluoridated water at the store, it says "great for children!" right on it


Well-Known Member
Water fluoridation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Right from Wiki.. amazing to me how people would fight for the fluoride to be RE-instated in their water... this world never ceases to amaze me..

United States

As of May 2000, 42 of the 50 largest U.S. cities have water fluoridation.[52] According to a 2002 study,[53] 67% of Americans are living in communities with fluoridated water. As of 2001, 19 states have at least 75% of their population receiving fluoridated water.[54] There is a CDC database for researching the water fluoridation status of neighborhood water.[55]
In 1998, 70% of people polled in a survey conducted by the American Dental Association believed community water should be fluoridated, with 18% disagreeing and the rest undecided.[56]
The issue of whether or not to fluoridate water supplies occasionally arises in local governments. For example, on November 8, 2005, citizens of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan voted 63% to 37% in favor of reinstating fluoridation in public drinking water after a 2004 ballot initiative ceased water fluoridation in the city.[57] At the same time, voters in Xenia, Ohio; Springfield, Ohio; Bellingham, Washington; and Tooele City, Utah all rejected water fluoridation.[58]
The cost of fluoridating water supplies in the United States has been researched.[59] In cities with a population of over 50,000 people, fluoridation costs 31 cents per person per year. The cost rises to $2.12 per person in cities with a population below 10,000.


Well-Known Member
great for children" makes them dumber...
we are under control of the people who sell and distibute products.. why you ask?
because everyone buys them and uses them..
Everything in this world is controlled by someone... we've destroyed and ruined this planet.... there's no going back... no-cares about helping others it's all about making that MONEY... if so we would all pitch in to help eachother....


Well-Known Member
I looked it up, and my tap water is fluoridated...and I had no idea....good thing I have an RO filter!


Well-Known Member
RO filter n bottled water. Also an RO filter for the shower as well. Non fluoride toothpaste.

Just one little one at the moment also. =)


Well-Known Member
I too, through a ton of digging could only find those two 'scientists' referenced.

Zolton P. Roman has a pretty solid education and is a well respected author who's affluent in natural and organic healing methods.

However, Sang Whang has a patent on a mix to 'fix' the 'problem' with distilled and reverse osmosis water..
Alkaline additive for drinking water - Google Patents

Hm.. only two, in the whole realm of science.. well any notably anyways.. seems like a very dead theory..


Well-Known Member
Funny to me.. people will bicker forever about elections that aren't even decided by us.. yet real issues are brushed aside.. as usual.. lol.. =)

drink that tap water sheeple, bathe in it, cook with it, make your babys formula with it.. get dumber.. who cares right.. lol..


Well-Known Member
This is the type of evil we face in this country- and we are extremely under fire.. yet most don't even know it..

Look around- this is serious. Forget all the 'conspiracy theories' that divide us all. We literally have had our minds under attack..
this is the key here, most people don't know it... just like most other things that hurt us, we don't know cause we're not shown these things by the mainstream media.


New Member
WTF, even my reverse osmosis water is bad for me? Fuck-fuck-fuck. I've given up everything that is pleasurable, smoking, drugs, booze, drunken sex orgies, what's a guy to do. I guess everything on the fucking planet is bad for you, the air we breath, the filet mignon that has steroids and anti-biotics in it, the milk that has additives, the fruits and vegetables that no longer have any minerals, and now I'm told that the 1500.00 reverse osmosis water treatment I've installed in my kitchen is making the water bad, Fuck-fuck-fuck. I guess we'll not live forever eh. Something has to kill you, lord knows I've pretty much tried them all, But this RO water thing really pisses me off. I'm drinking at least 6 glasses a day, fuck, I'm gonna up it to ten and see if that kills me,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
this is the key here, most people don't know it... just like most other things that hurt us, we don't know cause we're not shown these things by the mainstream media.
The masses need to be awakened.. 3% is all that fought in the American Revolution.. you better believe there's more than 3% of us now.. only difference is most are cowards now.

.. and then a lot of the people who DO know.. well, let me just say.. seems I am one of the Very Very few who will stop giving them the money, stop giving them the audience. Lots of people flap their gums about how evil the media is, then pays comcast or whatever every month.. The elites are laughing down at everyone.. honestly..

As a human being- it is expected of you to question your reality- question the world you perceive around you.. yet everyone just spouts out what they've been told.. forget researching it yourself..

Fluoride damages your brain, lowers your IQ. Nazi Germany used it on concentration camp prisoners to suppress them from leaving. Germany had planned to control and medicate it's population thru water for greater control... fluoride was the 'holy grail' of this plan.. fuckin wake up sheeple.


Well-Known Member
WTF, even my reverse osmosis water is bad for me? Fuck-fuck-fuck. I've given up everything that is pleasurable, smoking, drugs, booze, drunken sex orgies, what's a guy to do. I guess everything on the fucking planet is bad for you, the air we breath, the filet mignon that has steroids and anti-biotics in it, the milk that has additives, the fruits and vegetables that no longer have any minerals, and now I'm told that the 1500.00 reverse osmosis water treatment I've installed in my kitchen is making the water bad, Fuck-fuck-fuck. I guess we'll not live forever eh. Something has to kill you, lord knows I've pretty much tried them all, But this RO water thing really pisses me off. I'm drinking at least 6 glasses a day, fuck, I'm gonna up it to ten and see if that kills me,~LOL~.
Our whole world has become toxic..

Honestly I personally don't put much belief into the 'harmful aspects of distilled and ro water', only two scientists and one is making money off the results of his research by patenting and selling a product to 'fix' the water.... even if the claims are accurate I'd rather have osteoporosis than brain damage and IQ reduction.. lol.


Well-Known Member
I pay comcast every month, but it's not for the news i get from it, it's for WEEDS :)

and all the other entertaining shows. but not the news, plus you get the news for free anyway.... I'm not sure how cable companies come into play here. i didn't know that only 3% of americans fought the revolutionary war, yet another thing that school doesn't want us to know.... and there most certainly are more than 3 % now..... kinda like the gun law shit..... they won't be able to take guns away, there is definately too many of us willing to fight to keep them. and it should be that way with everything, but like you said milf, people are SCARED to do so. it's sad, sad but true.......

so how do we get people to wake the fuck up?


New Member
Here's what happens when people try and make changes: they bring out the national guard. Now with these Patriot act laws, they can shoot on sight if ordered to as it would be considered domestic terrorism. Then they divide and conquer. They single out the ringleaders and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, which in "war time" and with the patriot act in full swing would mean the death sentence. They are prepared to ramp up all protection of the existing government to the highest priority, even to using attack helicoptor gunships, cluster bombs and napalm, (the patriot act you see), we are the terrorists. A revolution in this country must begin with a coup. We must have the military on our side.
Since the country is controlled by the military-industrial complex, that is highly unlikely.