Poisoning our water: The Fluoride Lie


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=+1]Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic Mirror, Springfield, MA, January 1952: [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"It appears that the citizens of Massachusetts are among the 'next' on the agenda of the water poisoners. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless 'intellectual' parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic--from within if they can, according to their plan--for their own possession. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"The tragic success they have already attained in their long siege to destroy the moral fiber of American life is now one of their most potent footholds towards their own ultimate victory over us. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"Fluoridation of our community water systems can well become their most subtle weapon for our sure physical and mental deterioration. .. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"As a research chemist of established standing, I built within the past 22 years, 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of my 53 patents. Based on my years of practical experience in the health-food and chemical field, let me warn: fluoridation of drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national suicide. Don`t do it. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"Even in small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has been found. Every exterminator knows that it is the most efficient rat-killer. ... Sodium fluoride is entirely different from organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate needed by our bodies and provided by nature, in God`s great providence and love, to build and strengthen our bones and our teeth. This organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate, derived from proper foods, is an edible organic salt, insoluble in water and assimilable by the human body, whereas the non-organic sodium fluoride used in fluoridating water is instant poison to the body and fully water soluble. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]The body refuses to assimilate it. "Careful, bonafide laboratory experimentation by conscientious, patriotic research chemists, and actual medical experience, have both revealed that instead of preserving or promoting `dental health,` fluoridated drinking water destroys teeth, before adulthood and after, by the destructive mottling and other pathological conditions it actually causes in them, and also creates many other very grave pathological conditions in the internal organisms of bodies consuming it. How can it be called a "health" plan? What`s behind it? [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"That any so-called "doctors" would persuade a civilized nation to add voluntarily a deadly poison to its drinking water systems is unbelievable. It is the height of criminal insanity. "No wonder Hitler and Stalin fully believed and agreed from 1939 to 1941 that, quoting from both Lenin`s Last Will and Hitler`s Mein Kampf: [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"America we shall demoralize, divide, and destroy from within." ... [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"Are our Civil Defense organizations and agencies awake to the perils of water poisoning by fluoridation? Its use has been recorded in other countries. Sodium fluoride water solutions are the cheapest and most effective rat killers known to chemists: colorless, odorless, tasteless; no antidote, no remedy, no hope: Instant and complete extermination of rats. ... [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or quick national liquidation. It is criminal insanity--treason!"[/SIZE]
Yeah, I'm done. =)

Albert Einstein's sister didn't have any kids. This guy was an uber religious soapmaker, not a chemist. :peace:

On his soapbox


Well-Known Member

I'm so sick of people trying to defend the fact that its good for people. I think its better if there is NOTHING in the water. Instead use the funds of fluoridating the water to fucking give free tooth paste to mother fuckers whose excuse is they cant afford tooth paste. ~Loll~ (and no it wont cost a lot more money, because everyone in the united states wouldn't even sign up for free tooth paste, only the people who truly would need it, shit how does welfare and foodstamps work? Tooth Paste Stamp!)

"its kids who dont want to brush their theeth not adults. kids dont like doing work"

Well then why not make a program that is taught in school as a mandatory 15 minute class. Trust me, young children will brush their teeth if thier forced to learn about it everyday.

I dont know... correct me if im wrong... or atleast if you disagree,

Explain to me the benefit of me drinking Purified water VS toxic water.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by HotNSexyMILF

[SIZE=+1]Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic

Great source, written over 50 years ago by a guy they had to strap on a straight jacket and throw into a mental hospital


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by HotNSexyMILF

[SIZE=+1]Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Great source, written over 50 years ago by a guy they had to strap on a straight jacket and throw into a mental hospital[/SIZE]
Yeah, not Einstein's nephew, not a chemist, what do you want to bet he was never a pow either?


Well-Known Member
Funny, all this criticism from 'pot smoking degenerates of society'. LOL.. guess what? No matter who speaks the truth.. it's still the truth.

Creating a new type of soap.. hm.. think there might be some chemistry to that? Also, delve a little further my friend. He was arrested and thrown into the loony bin FOR speaking against communism and fluoridation.. from which he escaped for nine months of shock treatment and forced labor in a mental institution. He's actually like 10th cousin to Einstein, sorry, I stand corrected.

LOL.. funny, I posted a quote because I felt it summed up a lot of the words that would have come out of my own mouth... caused more controversy than the water actually being poisoned itself..:roll:

If you're going to try and discredit the fact that fluoride is a toxin at least try to disprove the actual research instead of picking apart a quote I posted.. LOL.. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Funny, all this criticism from 'pot smoking degenerates of society'. LOL.. guess what? No matter who speaks the truth.. it's still the truth.

Creating a new type of soap.. hm.. think there might be some chemistry to that? Also, delve a little further my friend. He was arrested and thrown into the loony bin FOR speaking against communism and fluoridation.. from which he escaped for nine months of shock treatment and forced labor in a mental institution. He's actually like 10th cousin to Einstein, sorry, I stand corrected.

LOL.. funny, I posted a quote because I felt it summed up a lot of the words that would have come out of my own mouth... caused more controversy than the water actually being poisoned itself..:roll:

If you're going to try and discredit the fact that fluoride is a toxin at least try to disprove the actual research instead of picking apart a quote I posted.. LOL.. :blsmoke:

"Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII)..."

Prefacing arguments in that manner by stating that he's Einstein's nephew, a chemist and a pow, is attempting to establish legitimacy so what follows should be taken as the truth. If that article was factual, it would've read "Soapmaker E.H. Bronner blah blah blah... fluoride is bad..." Which one would you be more likely to accept at face value? There's also chemistry involved in the production of methamphetamine, but I wouldn't call a toothless hillbilly a chemist. I also tend to not take anything seriously when the second sentence onwards goes: "There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless 'intellectual' parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic--from within if they can, according to their plan--for their own possession." To me, that sounds like the writings of someone who is batshit crazy. I think most would agree. Like Bonner, I'm not a chemist, but everything that I found via Lexis-Nexis was really inconclusive. For instance, the Chinese studies that were published by the National Academies to prop up the lowering IQ hypothesis ended with this: "The significance of these Chinese studies is uncertain. Most of the papers were brief reports and omitted important procedural details. For example, some studies used a modification of the Raven Progressive Matrix test but did not specify what the modifications were or describe how the test was administered. Most of the studies did not indicate whether the IQ tests were administered in a blinded manner. Some of the effects noted in the studies could have been due to stress induced by the testing conditions. Without detailed information about the testing conditions and the tests themselves, the committee was unable to assess the strength of the studies. Despite this, the consistency of the collective results warrants additional research on the effects of fluoride on intelligence in populations that share similar languages, backgrounds, socioeconomic levels, and other commonalities.
It should be noted that many factors outside of native intelligence influence performance on IQ tests. One factor that might be of relevance to fluoride is impairment of thyroid gland function (see Chapter 8). For example, hypothyroidism produces tiredness, depression, difficulties in concentration, memory impairments, and impaired hearing. In addition, there is some evidence that impaired thyroid function in pregnant women can lead to children with lower IQ scores (Klein et al. 2001)."


New Member
I agree with MILF on this. Not to the extent that she does but this stuff is poisonous.
Don't usually get into politics but it is a good debate.


Well-Known Member
"Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII)..."

Prefacing arguments in that manner by stating that he's Einstein's nephew, a chemist and a pow, is attempting to establish legitimacy so what follows should be taken as the truth. If that article was factual, it would've read "Soapmaker E.H. Bronner blah blah blah... fluoride is bad..." Which one would you be more likely to accept at face value? There's also chemistry involved in the production of methamphetamine, but I wouldn't call a toothless hillbilly a chemist. I also tend to not take anything seriously when the second sentence onwards goes: "There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless 'intellectual' parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic--from within if they can, according to their plan--for their own possession." To me, that sounds like the writings of someone who is batshit crazy. I think most would agree. Like Bonner, I'm not a chemist, but everything that I found via Lexis-Nexis was really inconclusive. For instance, the Chinese studies that were published by the National Academies to prop up the lowering IQ hypothesis ended with this: "The significance of these Chinese studies is uncertain. Most of the papers were brief reports and omitted important procedural details. For example, some studies used a modification of the Raven Progressive Matrix test but did not specify what the modifications were or describe how the test was administered. Most of the studies did not indicate whether the IQ tests were administered in a blinded manner. Some of the effects noted in the studies could have been due to stress induced by the testing conditions. Without detailed information about the testing conditions and the tests themselves, the committee was unable to assess the strength of the studies. Despite this, the consistency of the collective results warrants additional research on the effects of fluoride on intelligence in populations that share similar languages, backgrounds, socioeconomic levels, and other commonalities.
It should be noted that many factors outside of native intelligence influence performance on IQ tests. One factor that might be of relevance to fluoride is impairment of thyroid gland function (see Chapter 8). For example, hypothyroidism produces tiredness, depression, difficulties in concentration, memory impairments, and impaired hearing. In addition, there is some evidence that impaired thyroid function in pregnant women can lead to children with lower IQ scores (Klein et al. 2001)."

I have to say, if you don't think there are people in this country purposely ruining this country for their own selfish interests you may need to do a lot of research my friend...

There are many many many more studies on this aside from just the Chinese studies..

If in fact the lower IQ observed and documented from other studies are caused by thyroid function (or lack thereof)- where the overdose of fluoride caused the thyroid dysfunction. I would still say there's a direct correlation between fluoride and reduction in IQ.

For example, we say cigarettes cause cancer- but in fact, it's not the cigarette itself that causes cancer. Instead, it is the toxins released from the cigarettes that effect the lung tissue, and therefore plants the possibility of the lung tissue becoming cancerous. You can argue all day that the cigarette didn't actually cause the cancer- however, if one never smoked the cigarette the possibility for the chain of events leading to the final result, simply wouldn't have been as probable.

You all are going to live how you want, and believe what you want. And that is fine.. but as for me and my loved ones- any provable correlation between fluoride and IQ reduction is valid. In my opinion, intelligence is too important to risk... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

yea that too! matter fact hold on...puff puff :joint:

but what about those claims that RO is harmful??

Have only been able to find those two scientists talking about it.. both rather creditable, however one of them has a patent out for a powdered mix to add to RO and distilled water to 'fix the problem'. The theory they are stating, basically is that since the water is pretty much 'empty' and 'pure' it seeks out to absorb things (also driven by the pH), therefore by their theory, the water will absorb nutrients your body needs and expel them through the urine, possibly leading to nutrient deficiencies in the body... Their 'worst case scenarios' from the RO and distilled water though looked meek compared to fluoride's side effects..


Well-Known Member
so how'd you do ya shower up? you did it? bf did it? what, you just put a RO on the main water line?

sounds pretty fucking coo


New Member
Man, RO water to shower with. Seems like that is overkill. I have RO for drinking and to my Icemaker, but the size of an RO system to bathe and shower with would be a huge expenditure. I guess if you are rich and concerned enough about Flouride poisoning, you could do it though. I wonder how much flouride is absorbed by the skin? I doubt it would be all that harmfull. I've been taking flouride showers for years, 65++ years, and I'm still breathing.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a RO on the main water line yet.. those ro systems carry quite a heavy price tag. lol.. I have a 5 gal ro system and a shower filter.

Btw.. the shower filters you can get for like 50-60 bucks on the cheaper end.. most expensive is around 100...