Poisoning our water: The Fluoride Lie


Well-Known Member
The Romans prolly got a lot of things they just didn't cause a stink over it,they just died and accepted it as part of life.In all fairness though in those times you were lucky to live past 30 so catching a disease was most likely not the biggest egg in your basket.


New Member
That's really good, and so are most of the comments that followed the video.

The next big revolution, in fact its already started, is Americans will become more health conscious. Proper nutrition will be at the forefront with exercise right behind it. The Organic, vegetarian revolution is picking up speed very fast. Even "normal" supermarket chains are feeling the pinch and are offering organic sections now. Hey, I even have been buying organic peanut butter, oatmeal and pancake mix at Costco.

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Well-Known Member
That's really good, and so are most of the comments that followed the video.

The next big revolution, in fact its already started, is Americans will become more health conscious. Proper nutrition will be at the forefront with exercise right behind it. The Organic, vegetarian revolution is picking up speed very fast. Even "normal" supermarket chains are feeling the pinch and are offering organic sections now. Hey, I even have been buying organic peanut butter, oatmeal and pancake mix at Costco.

I agree. The sad thing is most of what is labeled "organic" by the USDA is not what you or I would consider organic. Hit a local farmers market- if you want to you can ask the man that grew it how he grew it. LOL. Organic fruit imported from the Philippines though?.. I'll pass.. it's like when McDonalds came out with the new nuggets "now made with real white meat".. and we all went "wtf was it before.. and this is the same damn thing." I glad to see people striving to eat more healthy.. now we need to get them to just grow their own. LOL.. :blsmoke: I can dream.

Peace & Love