Lace and Frills <3


RIU Bulldog
*puffs chest
s room
What's going on???
*crazy Clint Eastwood eye
Is someone being [a] hypocritical and/or a jealous douche bag again? No? Good.
*curls up in my bear cave

Awww... :') Nice to feel missed. Thanks.

And ftr, 1)I'm 27 and 2)It looks like you could kick my ass BW lol I dig your style man (tats, hair). Very cool.


Ursus marijanus
*puffs chest
s room
What's going on???
*crazy Clint Eastwood eye
Is someone being [a] hypocritical and/or a jealous douche bag again? No? Good.
*curls up in my bear cave

Awww... :') Nice to feel missed. Thanks.

And ftr, 1)I'm 27 and 2)It looks like you could kick my ass BW lol I dig your style man (tats, hair). Very cool.
Dude ... ? It's the tenth ...?


Well-Known Member
I told you kuroi, it follows me everywhere... even the first page of youtube.


buddha webb

New Member
Beanslys back,,,,
Matt and April,i hope everythings smokey johnson and the gang and we can get back on!!(dont know what smokey johnson and the gang is but you know what im sayin!)
This tickled me today/like lacelike frillyness may tickle,,,,

A man goes to a psychiatrist and says, "Doc, my brother's crazy, he thinks he's a chicken." The doctor says, "Why don't you turn him in?" The guy says, "We would. But we need the eggs."

*puffs chest
s room
What's going on???
*crazy Clint Eastwood eye
Is someone being [a] hypocritical and/or a jealous douche bag again? No? Good.
*curls up in my bear cave

Awww... :') Nice to feel missed. Thanks.

And ftr, 1)I'm 27 and 2)It looks like you could kick my ass BW lol I dig your style man (tats, hair). Very cool.


Well-Known Member
A butcher is talking to a customer.
Butcher says: You won't believe what happened the other day, I caught my assistant sticking his dick in the bacon slicer and fired him.
The customer says: Good lord. What did you do with the bacon slicer?
Butcher says: I fired her too

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member

Here are some frills sure to help keep your mind off of anything that could be happening...

And Kuroi if that doesn't work, I get paid on friday... I might be able to buy something frilly and do a private photo shoot for you ;)