Sagging Pants


Well-Known Member
It's always funny to me when somebody says "their pants sag to their ankles"

That's fucking stupid. I've never seen anybody with their pants around their ankles. Maybe 5-6 inches below the waistline but that's not the ankles grandpa

I don't sag my pants at all but you really sound stupid complaining about it. Stop looking at other dudes asses
Ha ha. Trust me......there is no way anyone could ever in this lifetime sound even close as supid as the dumb asses who wear their pants like that. Grow up......ever seen anyone that has a succesful career or even life dong that? Let me answer!

Try going to a construction site and wearing cloths like that, or a'd be a laughing stock, and would quit from the constant laughing at you.

It makes people who are in all likelyhood very intelligent, look like a jackass. Pull up your pants bro. The rest of the population is openly laughing at you.


Well-Known Member
My pants sag a big I suppose. Usually have my jeans on my hips, so my boxers are just slightly above my jeans kinda thing. Its just a style I never grew out of. Lol Theres a few guys that will pull their pants practically up to their nipples, and think thats normal.


Well-Known Member
I agree most people don't know how the 'trend' started. I don't mind if the guy has nice clean boxers, fashionable jeans, a flat stomach and a nice butt. I suppose it corressponds with the carefree, casual and subtly sexy connotations associated with women in oversized and off-the-shoulder sweaters etc. If you incorporated it as part of your style, fair enough.", but it's clear when someone saw it on tv and decided to follow suit.

Sometimes it does just look retarded though. (pardon the crudeness)

Some men know how to pull off skinny jeans. I think the ones who look stupid were too stupid to realize it just isn't going to work for them. Skinnies with a suit jacket and shirt can even work for smart/casual. Skinny jeans don't always have to be skin-tight. More like very fitted 'drainpipe' style pants, and again the ones who aren't stupid won't just wear the first pair they find because it is 'fashionable'. Dress to suit you, not what you saw someone else doing.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
When we had our little company if someone came in for an application and looked like that we showed them the door and told them to come back when they figured out how to dress.

One or two did come back and were hired. Then the first day on the job they enviably showed up with the droopy pants. Fired.


Well-Known Member
When we had our little company if someone came in for an application and looked like that we showed them the door and told them to come back when they figured out how to dress.

One or two did come back and were hired. Then the first day on the job they enviably showed up with the droopy pants. Fired.
lmao fired. Most people judge people by their work ethic, not appearance. The hardest workers or laborers are usually the "rougher" looking people.


Ursus marijanus
Laborers maybe, but in practically any job that involves interacting with more than a foreman ... appearances are still king. And the droopy pants evolved as and remain a great big finger hoisted at polite society. cn


Well-Known Member
Stonerman, I agree with this. You guys know how I dress and according to the 'rulebook' of job interviews I should not have been employed by the list of people I have. I turned up for my interview in a bunny suit once. Yes, they were taken aback, but then we reviewed my personal statement, I showed them certificates, portfolio and had an extensive chat about work ethic. I do let my bondage pants hang quite low...


Well-Known Member
It seems like a lack of intellegence in general wearing pants in such a fashion.Especially shameful if your in yur 30's and still sagging.It dosent make anyone look cool,just really ignorant.


Well-Known Member
So none of you have been to Florida?, some of those European flaming tourists running around in speedo's should be waterboarded.


Ursus marijanus
Pants correctly cut will do the same ... it's quite liberating, and actually looks like someone has a clue. cn


Well-Known Member
So none of you have been to Florida?, some of those European flaming tourists running around in speedo's should be waterboarded.

It's very strange to see it in the US.....but I've traveled the world quite a bit, and believe me, it's the norm all around the world. In fact, most Europeans (sp?) think American's have something to hide wearing the swimming suits we wear. It's kind of weird to see a beach full of men wearing a speedo, but that shock is offset by the topless sunbathers. Some are wonderful to see, and most should just cover those puppies up....

We have many European friends from my wife's former place of employment, and you should hear how they talk about the sagging thing's hilarious.

I live out in the country, very far from anywhere where KIDS wear their pants down, and still, even here, they do it. I can't wait for some dumb ass kid to come to my house on a lake to come and wakeboard, or hang out......if they have saggy pants, they will be sent home, and told to dress properly. If they want to date one of my daughters, lets just say they won't make it past the front gate. Come back looking like someone who I don't want to pistol whip.

I'm praying that by then, this phase of wannabe gangsta's will be long gone. I hope it disappears as fast as those paraschute (sp?) pants thing came and went.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
When you work directly with other business owners as deliverymen you dress appropriately for the position no matter how hard you work.

Somehow I can't figure out how dragging pants and hardest workers fit together. It is dangerous and I bet if I went into my old OSHA manuals there would be rules and FINES for allowing employees to wear loose clothing. It's nothing more than common sense.

lmao fired. Most people judge people by their work ethic, not appearance. The hardest workers or laborers are usually the "rougher" looking people.


Well-Known Member
lmao,to true biz,being a resident in Fl,and they need to learn how to drive as well,they cause more accidents than anyone ive seen.
I take it you have encountered the blue hairs that cut over 6 lanes of traffic on I-95?. I had to drive a lot due to work, tourist season sucked...particularly in Naples. Orlando was another city I avoided, took them a decade to re-do I-4. If I had to go to Jax, I went around it.