Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


Well-Known Member
That's because I have a lick of common sense and don't need to. If you can't see that his policies are batshit crazy I am sorry, you don't belong in politics.
So if someone disagrees with you they are wrong?


What if someone didn't know? If they had the desire to know and, as in this situation, you refuse to point to the reason behind your claims I believe that would make you the ignorant one.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Also a very important point is that Ron Paul has spent 23 years in congress and only sponsored one bill that passed in 23 years. And that one bill was about the Galveston Texas Historical Society.

He's not a serious law maker and has failed his whole career when it comes to working together to get things done. He's just not an effective law maker.

It really doesn't matter how good his ideas are if he can't get others to agree to make those ideas law.


Well-Known Member
Also a very important point is that Ron Paul has spent 23 years in congress and only sponsored one bill that passed in 23 years. And that one bill was about the Galveston Texas Historical Society.

He's not a serious law maker and has failed his whole career when it comes to working together to get things done. He's just not an effective law maker.

It really doesn't matter how good his ideas are if he can't get others to agree to make those ideas law.
While it is a legitimate argument to point out that he has passed only one bill, the only things he has passed has been across party lines. He may be ineffective, but he shows that he can bring people of different ideologies together.

His impact in the federal reserve investigation with Bernie Sanders, you have to admit, is huge.

edit: As governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura got a lot accomplished before the Dems and Reps realized they hated him more than each other and united against him (As well as the media). I think Ventura's term as governor is a very likely indicator of a Paul presidency: meaning he will get a lot done initially than will become the target of congress.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The free market system is extremist?
Yes it is. It's so extreme that no industrialized nation in the history of the planet has ever attempted anything close to that. Free market economics is the furthest possible place you can go on the right-left economic spectrum.

This typical of you freedom haters.
You are correct. I hate the freedom of multinational corporations to rip us off.

Instead of talking about what the OP posted, you all resort to name calling. Pathetic.
Isn't that exactly what you just did when you referred to me as a "freedom hater" for making a factually correct statement? So you're point is "do as I say, not as I do"?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
While it is a legitimate argument to point out that he has passed only one bill, the only things he has passed has been across party lines. He may be ineffective, but he shows that he can bring people of different ideologies together.

His impact in the federal reserve investigation with Bernie Sanders, you have to admit, is huge.
IF he was really bringing people together, wouldn't he have, you know, actually passed a couple of laws?


Well-Known Member
Isn't that exactly what you just did when you referred to me as a "freedom hater" for making a factually correct statement? So you're point is "do as I say, not as I do"?
You only got a like from me cause of that zinger lol


Well-Known Member
IF he was really bringing people together, wouldn't he have, you know, actually passed a couple of laws?
Not if he is being ignored. As President, it's damn near impossible to be ignored.

Everything Ron Paul stands for can only be implemented from the office of President, because the two parties will threaten their representatives if they go along with it. It's hard to ignore a majority vote in the US, plus the media machine that goes along with the President. Majority/minority leaders hold wayyyy too much power.


Well-Known Member
My question wasn't really answered... How does Ron Paul get 270 votes in the electoral college?


Well-Known Member
More like impossible for R.P. to win.........probably 1000-1 odds in Vegas. It's a shame too- but people just view him as a little too drastic to be a serious contender. Chris Christie was the only person who could defeat Obama IMO. 4 more years of this.....UGH!


So sad. The choices are so bad people just can't get along discussing politics. Ron Paul is dead on but most people will never actually understand what he is talking about because they won't take the time to research and understand the facts. Sorry state of affairs. He prob will not get the votes. America is in deep doodoo and Romney/Gingrich/Obama is just the same ole crap.


Also, I want to say Ron Paul VOTES on everything. He just sticks to his guns and doesn't let lobbyist buy him off. Not like the rest that barter taxpayer monies with "you vote for me on this, and I'll vote for you on that". He votes the way I wish all politicians voted. Common sense instead of special interest.


Well-Known Member
See my above post. Clearly, batshit crazy. It's not ad hominem, it's my opinion based on HIS opinions, his ideology leads me to believe this. I didn't say "Ron paul is ugly and has a small penis"
although if you did, it would be true.


Well-Known Member
For my being so conservative when it comes to many issues, yet basically only listen to left wing politics, I think that disproves your "black and white thinker" accusation.
i think given a few more interactions he would not have lumped you in with the crowd he was talking about. i wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
My question wasn't really answered... How does Ron Paul get 270 votes in the electoral college?
let's start at the baseline democratic map, the one they can attain even with a retarded chimp as the nominee: the kerry map.

the kerry map now represents 246 electoral votes, 24 shy of a win for obama. let's see which states obama is likely to pick up...

gary johnson will be running libertarian and will pick up enough NM votes from otherwise republicans that obama will pick up NM's 5 votes, so he is at 251 now.

ronald did OK in NH, but got beaten by the establishment candidate anyway, even with an open primary. so let's give NH's 4 to obama as well, up to 255. 15 shy.

ronals also did OK in IA, but once again was drubbed by two establishment candiddates. so let's give iowa's 8 votes to obama. up to 263. 7 shy.

that means ronald would have to hold off obama in NC, VA, OH, NV, CO, IN and FL to win. any one of those states would hand obama the election over paul.

the toughest one is FL. ronald is doing so poorly there that he will get beat easily by a fading froth bag. florida is filled with lifelong democratic jewswho are scared to death of ronald's views on israel/iran. plenty of hispanics there as well who will break 2-1 in favor of obama. plenty of people working for the government (nasa) who would not take kindly to ronald's dream of dismantling whatever government program he could.

forget all the other analysis, kerry's map + florida = 271, effectively cockblocking ronald.

there is NO WAY ronald could get to 270 based on florida alone, unless he were to flip a solid blue state that even kerry could win. not likely, not even really possible.


New Member
You are full of shit, or you have no clue what it means to be a liberal, or you don't know what RP is really about, which is it?

He is anti environmentalist. He wants to remove pollution laws and leave it up to tort law to decide outcomes, which is so astronomically naive it blows my mind.
He is pro corporations and anti oversight
He is anti choice and will overturn roe v wade. Even though he talks big game about state rights and limiting governments the hypocritical asshole wanted to introduce law at the Federal level to declare life at the start of conception! (Sanctity of Life Act)
He follows Jesus
He is anti taxes
He is anti labor unions
He is pro gold standard (what a joke)
He is anti immigration & anti amnesty
He is anti public schooling and pro home schooling
He wants to destroy the department of education along with 4 other important departments without giving a single damn solution
He wants prayer in public schools allowed!
He's against gay marriage, but hides this view behind the "let states decide" Hence, he wont let it be determined at the Fed level. He was actually pro sodomy laws in Texas!
He was against the raid that killed Osama.

That seems Liberal to you? There's a lot of things RP has going for him that none of the others do, but it doesn't counter his extreme mentality on many other issues.
Good lord, being liberal doesn't mean your an Obama Zombie Government Worshiper, I am sorry it means that to you...it is obvious you have never studied political philosophy in your life..that is really scary..anyway let me break these down.

He is anti environmentalist. He wants to remove pollution laws and leave it up to tort law to decide outcomes, which is so astronomically naive it blows my mind. Pollution Laws don't remove pollution but not really a good point anyway because the enviroment doesn't make you liberal.

He is pro corporations and anti oversight No he is not, Ron Paul doesn't believe people are corporations, obama obviously does

He is anti choice and will overturn roe v wade. Even though he talks big game about state rights and limiting governments the hypocritical asshole wanted to introduce law at the Federal level to declare life at the start of conception! (Sanctity of Life Act) He wants to leave it up to the states

He follows Jesus - This has got to be a joke? Jesus was basically a liberal libertarian.

He is anti taxes - Being pro-taxes does not make one liberal it makes you authoratarian and doesn't move you left or right.

He is anti labor unions - No he is not, he is anti-mandatory labor unions but he is in favor of legitimate unions.

He is pro gold standard (what a joke) - Not that relevant to this discussion and not a joke

He is anti immigration & anti amnesty - Not really, he takes a middle stance on this compared to others.

He is anti public schooling and pro home schooling - Again, not necessarily a liberal or conservative position and what is wrong with promoting schooling which is not public indoctrination.

He wants to destroy the department of education along with 4 other important departments without giving a single damn solution
The Solution is the state and the people

He wants prayer in public schools allowed! That would technically be a liberal position to allow for social liberties in school assuming prayer is optional.

He's against gay marriage, but hides this view behind the "let states decide" Hence, he wont let it be determined at the Fed level. He was actually pro sodomy laws in Texas!
His actual position is that the government not be involved in marriage at all so he would be the most pro-gay marriage candidate there is.

He was against the raid that killed Osama.
Being a constitutionalists humanitarian and following the rule of law is actually a liberal position.

You are indoctrinated child of the nanny state who doesn't understand political philosophy whatsoever. Go study political philosophy and learn what a real liberal is. I am a liberal and proud, you sir are not a liberal, your a parrot of the government!


New Member
Also a very important point is that Ron Paul has spent 23 years in congress and only sponsored one bill that passed in 23 years. And that one bill was about the Galveston Texas Historical Society.

He's not a serious law maker and has failed his whole career when it comes to working together to get things done. He's just not an effective law maker.

It really doesn't matter how good his ideas are if he can't get others to agree to make those ideas law.
Evidence that he stands alone against the corruption in Washington, he stands alone in representing the people, and evidence that he does what he says and he means what he says and sticks to his principles.



Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
More like impossible for R.P. to win.........probably 1000-1 odds in Vegas. It's a shame too- but people just view him as a little too drastic to be a serious contender. Chris Christie was the only person who could defeat Obama IMO. 4 more years of this.....UGH!
Vegas is giving Ron Paul a 0.25% chance at becoming president. Not 25%, 0.25%. Obama is favored at 60%. Vegas has Ron Paul slightly edging out Hilary Clinton as becoming the president in 2012


Well-Known Member
Vegas is giving Ron Paul a 0.25% chance at becoming president. Not 25%, 0.25%. Obama is favored at 60%. Vegas has Ron Paul slightly edging out Hilary Clinton as becoming the president in 2012
Vegas doesn't run numbers based on any political climate, necessarily. They obviously will give Obama the advantage because of the statistical backing that incumbents possess. Americans, while voting for change, fear change greatly (Bush 2004).