Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


New Member
Vegas is giving Ron Paul a 0.25% chance at becoming president. Not 25%, 0.25%. Obama is favored at 60%. Vegas has Ron Paul slightly edging out Hilary Clinton as becoming the president in 2012
and who is this "Vegas" person.....link?

I have seen some gambling odds that put Ron Over 20%


Well-Known Member

You are indoctrinated child of the nanny state who doesn't understand political philosophy whatsoever. Go study political philosophy and learn what a real liberal is. I am a liberal and proud, you sir are not a liberal, your a parrot of the government!
I've studied politics for the last 20 years including micro and macro economics. I understand what a real liberal is and I understand where the majority of the liberal base stands. I also see you are clearly trying to pull the "I'm a liberal and you aren't" tactic which wont work on me. Maybe if you were speaking to some 16yo kid. Your counter points were nothing but fluff and not even worth debating further. You're clearly another drunk on RP bandwagon member who wants him to be something he's not, just to possibly get your drugs legally.


Well-Known Member
I've studied politics for the last 20 years including micro and macro economics. I understand what a real liberal is and I understand where the majority of the liberal base stands. I also see you are clearly trying to pull the "I'm a liberal and you aren't" tactic which wont work on me. Maybe if you were speaking to some 16yo kid. Your counter points were nothing but fluff and not even worth debating further. You're clearly another drunk on RP bandwagon member who wants him to be something he's not, just to possibly get your drugs legally.
Two words: classic liberal.


Well-Known Member
"I don’t have any intention of releasing it – but for a different reason. I’d probably be embarrassed to put my financial statements next to (the other candidates') income and I don’t want to be embarrassed because I don’t have a greater income.”

-RP on releasing tax info.

Want to hear something funny? He's got millions in gold stock, if we were to go back to the gold standard his value would jump 100 fold. Odd huh?


Well-Known Member
"I don’t have any intention of releasing it – but for a different reason. I’d probably be embarrassed to put my financial statements next to (the other candidates') income and I don’t want to be embarrassed because I don’t have a greater income.”

-RP on releasing tax info.

Want to hear something funny? He's got millions in gold stock, if we were to go back to the gold standard his value would jump 100 fold. Odd huh?
Been covered in another thread, and he only made about $10,000 in 2010 off of his gold investments.

In 1822, just after the gold standard was re-established, the Bank of England had £18.665m of banknotes outstanding and £11.057m of Gold Bullion. There was no "revaluation" to make them balance. A few years later, in 1837, the BoE had £18.165m of banknotes and £4.077m of bullion. There weren't even close to being equal. So what. The amount of gold is largely irrelevant. The value of the pound remained pegged to gold until 1914.

And what of the US? In 1855, a time of "free banking" in the US – and so much loved by libertarians (there was no Federal Reserve or even a standardized national currency) – there was an estimated $394 million of banknotes outstanding, and $59 million of Gold Bullion held by issuing banks. In other words, a bullion/banknote ratio of 14%. Of course, all of these banknotes were pegged to gold. The US left the gold standard during the Civil War, and returned to gold in 1879, at the prewar parity of $20.67 per ounce. In 1880, there were about $746m of banknotes outstanding, and $139m of Gold Bullion held by issuing banks. The coverage ratio was 20%.

There was no "revaluation." There was no "100% reserve". It didn't matter. The whole Rothbard thing is a fairy tale.


Well-Known Member
"I don’t have any intention of releasing it – but for a different reason. I’d probably be embarrassed to put my financial statements next to (the other candidates') income and I don’t want to be embarrassed because I don’t have a greater income.”

-RP on releasing tax info.

Want to hear something funny? He's got millions in gold stock, if we were to go back to the gold standard his value would jump 100 fold. Odd huh?
not to mention that his plan of eliminating the EPA would work out well for all his investments in gold mining.


New Member
Hello, welcome to the political forums! We have covered the newsletters also. They are put out by a lobyist that works for newt gingrich and they are essentially war profiteers such as arms dealers.

If you watch the full un-edited version of the CNN interview it is apparent that Gloria Borger is subtly threatening Ron Paul if he refuses to stop running negative ads against Gingrich. Then when he firmly states why he will not stop the ads she moves in for the kill.


From Michael Vara's blog;
Powell-Tate is linked up with none other than Presidential Candidate and Ron Paul foe, Newt Gingrich. Now, if you've been following the campaigns as I have, you would be aware that Dr.Paul's campaign has been hammering Newt with the reality of the Gingrich who stole Christmas' record. In his infinite wisdom... what was Gingrich's attempt at returning fire? Try this: “He doesn’t want to blame the bad guys… He dismisses the danger of Iranian nuclear weapon and seems to be indifferent to the idea that Israel could be wiped out. And as I said, I think the key to his volunteer base is people who want to legalize drugs.”
How does Newt Gingrich link up with Powell-Tate, you ask? Well, now boys and girls, lets dig a little shall we?
Let's start with some of the revolving door folks that have links to them both.
http://www.linkedin.com/p... Vice President
Powell Tate| Weber Shandwick
2004 – 2005 (1 year) Press Secretary to Speaker Newt Gingrich
U.S. House of Representatives
Government Agency; 5001-10,000 employees; Legislative Office industry
1997 – 1999 (2 years)
http://www.security-innov....... Suzanne has extensive experience in public and government relations, having worked at major DC firms such as Cassidy and Associates and Powell Tate. Suzanne began her career on Capitol Hill as Whip Assistant to Congressman Newt Gingrich.
Frankly, I probably could have found more, but I found these two without much more than a cursory glance through cyberspace, but it gets even better. Remember Newt's backdoor for multimillions is his usage of "Non-Profits"? Well, one of these should get your attention as well.
In the 90's Gingrich's "progress and freedom foundation" received money and lobbied on behalf of the Tobacco industry, with the PR being handled by... you know what's coming right... Powell Tate.
Before I move on to close this out, let me remind you that it seems Mr. Gingrich, like Mr. Morgan, has ties to Iran-Contra: http://www.redgage.com/bl......
Is it a coincidence then that Gingrich has hired Robert McFarlane as part of his advisory team on National Security? Who's Robert McFarlane?
" McFarlane, you might recall, was National Security Adviser to Ronald Reagan when the Iran/Contra scandal broke and became famous as the man who went to Iran with a cake in the shape of a key, and a Bible. McFarlane ended up pleading guilty to four misdemeanor charges related to withholding information from Congress. "
Now, I could spend all night carving up the connections between Gloria Borger, her husband, the Military Industrial Complex, Powell Tate and Newt Gingrich, but now I put the ball in your court. If you want to take this low level research further, feel free, but please, utilize what's here and wake people up to the scam that's being perpetrated against Ron Paul. While we're at it, why don't we fill up Mrs. Borger and Wolf Blitzer's email, along with the rest of CNN's establishment with this little question: "Why is it that you, CNN, with the complicit cooperation of Mrs. Gloria Borger and Mr. Wolf Blitzer, choose to mislead your viewers by presenting a decades old story, that you actually already covered and had discredited back in 2008, as breaking news?"

So here we go.
Submitted by donnay

James Kirchick is said to have released the newsletter cache.

James Kirchick is connected with Newt Gingrich in a think-tank group called Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD).

Also, Here is the CNN interview about the newsletters.

The interview was done by Gloria Borger, CNN senior analyist.

Gloria Borger's Husband is Lance Morgan.

Lance Morgan
Works for Powell-Tate as Chief communications strategist.
He is essentially a lobbyist for the military industrial complex. He's also all caught up in the whole Iran-Contra cover-up, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Agra, and Biotech.


Important Info:

Powell Tate = Powell Tate/Weber Shandwick (they merged)
Before Powell Tate merged with Weber Shandwick, it was part of Cassidy and Associates

Shandwick International is one of the largest PR companies in the nation.

Cassidy & Associates and The Rhoads Group are Powell-Tate/Weber Shandwick's "sister government relations agencies"


People associated with Powell-Tate:

Christina Martin
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Executive Vice President March 2009 – Present
Powell Tate/Weber Shandwick, Executive Vice President 2004 – 2005 (1 year)
Press Secretary for Newt Gingrich, 1997 – 1999 (2 years)
Press Secretary for Bob Dole, 1995 – 1996 (1 year)
Press Secretary to Governor Terry Branstad, January 1994 – December 1995 (2 years)

Suzanne Wilson-Houck
Ripple Communications (Intelligence and National Security Alliance), September 2010 – Present
Account Executive, Cassidy & Associates, January 1994 – January 1996 (2 years 1 month)
Assistant to Newt Gingrich, January 1992 – January 1994 (2 years 1 month)

Christy Evans
Vice President of Cassidy and Associates
Former Assistant to Newt Gingrich
Former Policy Coordinator for Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)
Registered lobbyist for Tiffany's!

Peter Carson
Powell-Tate, Exec. Vice President
Chief of Staff for Rep. Christopher Shays, 1995 – July 2000 (5 years 7 months)

Here is a picture of Newt Gingrich w/ Rep. Christopher Shays

"Gingrich was in Washington to give support to House Republicans who are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to reconvene the chamber and vote on the American Energy Act, a Republican bill designed to address America's dependence on foreign oil. "

Submitted by HOLLYWOOD
Connecting the dots: the Shays/Gingrich Connection

Christopher Shays has listed former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich as his political inspiration, saying "Newt Gingrich is my hero."[7]

^ Shays does know the details, and he admits that "there's a part of me that wonders if it's as well thought out as I'd like it to be." But, he adds, "I'll take almost any alternative over what we've got now." And on the day the measure passed the House, Shays was standing at Gingrich's side, paying homage with the familiar phrases. "What I had to wrestle with was, in my heart I thought I was a caring person," he said. "But I realized I was a caretaking person. And today, what we have shown is that we are a caring country." And then the unlikely convert concluded with the least likely words: "Newt Gingrich is my hero." Rant, Listen, Exploit, Learn, Scare, Help, Manipulate, Lead, The New York Times, January 28, 1996, Sunday, Late Edition — Final, Newt Gingrich, Section 6; Page 34; Column 1; Magazine Desk, 7786 words, By Jason DeParle New York Yimes

Shays background: http://www.videosblogdelnarco.nightc...her_Shays.html


lets go back to Christina Martin for a sec, remember she is the V.P. of The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) <--- Ethanol Lobbying Group
They support Newt Gingrich.


Organized in 1981, RFA serves as the voice of the ethanol industry, providing advocacy, authoritative analysis, and important industry data to its members, Congress, federal and state government agencies, strategic partners, the media and other opinion-leader audiences.


Submitted by Daddy Warbucks
Newt Gingrich, like Lance Morgan, has ties to Iran-Contra:

Is it a coincidence then that Newt Gingrich has hired Robert McFarlane as part of his advisory team on National Security? Who's Robert McFarlane?

"Robert McFarlane, one might recall, was National Security Adviser to Ronald Reagan when the Iran/Contra scandal broke and became famous as the man who went to Iran with a cake in the shape of a key, and a Bible. McFarlane ended up pleading guilty to four misdemeanor charges related to withholding information from Congress. "


Submitted by BOOGAFACE
More on Gingrich/Powell-Tate

Electric Boat, whose PR is--again-- handled by Powell-Tate, was run by John Rowland, who helped Newt Gingrich get his first position in Congress http://articles.dailypress.com/1995-.../9506250066_1_...

Years later, [John Rowland] heavily lobbied then-Speaker Newt Gingrich to support the purchase of a 1.5 Billion dollar Seawolf submarine

The US purchased the submarine

The Billion dollar submarine had several leaks, but we bought it anyway


That post earlier is just total BS. People are so afraid of giving power back to the states. States always do a better job. The people have more of a direct voice to state government and I feel appropriate tax money more efficiently. (and please don't start giving me numbers of states in financial trouble,...)


New Member
"I don&#8217;t have any intention of releasing it &#8211; but for a different reason. I&#8217;d probably be embarrassed to put my financial statements next to (the other candidates') income and I don&#8217;t want to be embarrassed because I don&#8217;t have a greater income.&#8221;

-RP on releasing tax info.

Want to hear something funny? He's got millions in gold stock, if we were to go back to the gold standard his value would jump 100 fold. Odd huh?
he is 76 years old and he lives a modest life, why would he change?

His finances are readily available online, it gives more information than a tax return. Ron Paul is technically the poorest candidate by a long shot. The corporations and lobyist do not go to him. Ron Paul is incorruptible and that is a fact.


New Member
I've studied politics for the last 20 years including micro and macro economics. I understand what a real liberal is and I understand where the majority of the liberal base stands. I also see you are clearly trying to pull the "I'm a liberal and you aren't" tactic which wont work on me. Maybe if you were speaking to some 16yo kid. Your counter points were nothing but fluff and not even worth debating further. You're clearly another drunk on RP bandwagon member who wants him to be something he's not, just to possibly get your drugs legally.
Really, because, The encyclopedia and the dictionary tells me you don't know what a liberal is. I see you are just another old washed up republicrat. I see you have managed to make your way to the internet. Please have a look around.

Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis)[SUP][1][/SUP] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[SUP][2][/SUP] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP]

These ideas are widely accepted, even by political groups that do not openly profess a liberal ideological orientation.
Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment, rejecting several foundational assumptions that dominated most earlier theories of government, such as nobility, established religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The early liberal thinker John Locke, who is often credited for the creation of liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition, employed the concept of natural rights and the social contract to argue that the rule of law should replace absolutism in government, that rulers were subject to the consent of the governed, and that private individuals had a fundamental right to life, liberty, and property.
The revolutionaries in the American Revolution and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of tyrannical rule. The nineteenth century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe, Latin America, and North America. Liberal ideas spread even further in the twentieth century, when liberal democracies triumphed in two world wars and survived major ideological challenges from fascism and communism. Today, liberalism in its many forms remains as a political force to varying degrees of power and influence on all major continents.
A twenty-first century development is an emerging new liberalism that is centred on the concept of timeless freedom (ensuring the freedom of future generations through proactive action taken today).[SUP][8][/SUP] This is an idea that has been endorsed by the President of Liberal International Hans van Baalen.

Now Neo, Will it be the Red Pill or the Blue Pill?



No, we should just keep printing more paper money and one day his gold will be worth 10,000 times you idiot. Smart people hedge a portion of assets in gold to hedge against inflation. Any smart broker will recommend that if your worth something.


Well-Known Member
No, we should just keep printing more paper money and one day his gold will be worth 10,000 times you idiot. Smart people hedge a portion of assets in gold to hedge against inflation. Any smart broker will recommend that if your worth something.
this is solid financial advice, and you don't have to be a gold bug to realize this.


Well-Known Member
No...he is the only one that is IN the 99%..How about that fact for ya?
he is worth millions. if he is not in "the 1%", he is at least in the 2%.

i don't hold it against him, i'm just saying ronald the millionaire never has to worry like my 76 grandma has to worry (she is actually 86 now). she owns her house and still works a little bit to supplement her SS in order to get by without depending on anyone else. ronald the millionaire could buy a mansion on the beach somewhere and go retire anytime he wanted.


Well-Known Member
he is 76 years old ...
go google photos of the stress and aging the presidency puts on people.

how do you think ronald the 76 year old millionaire would hold up against that type of stress?

i am not being agist here, i am being a REALIST.


New Member
go google photos of the stress and aging the presidency puts on people.

how do you think ronald the 76 year old millionaire would hold up against that type of stress?

i am not being agist here, i am being a REALIST.
Ron Paul rides bikes and runs everyday. Dr Paul works non-stop.