Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


New Member
he is worth millions. if he is not in "the 1%", he is at least in the 2%.

i don't hold it against him, i'm just saying ronald the millionaire never has to worry like my 76 grandma has to worry (she is actually 86 now). she owns her house and still works a little bit to supplement her SS in order to get by without depending on anyone else. ronald the millionaire could buy a mansion on the beach somewhere and go retire anytime he wanted.

Nope, he is not even in the 2% actually, he makes only like 200 grand a year, hardly a millionaire....the one percent is over 700 grand a year I believe. THe other canididates are 5 times richer at the minimum . Ron Paul also doesn't get congressional bennifits and he vowed to take 39k a year as president. Ron Paul has one house its worth 280 grand.


Well-Known Member
Nope, he is not even in the 2% actually, he makes only like 200 grand a year, hardly a millionaire....the one percent is over 700 grand a year I believe. THe other canididates are 5 times richer at the minimum . Ron Paul also doesn't get congressional bennifits and he vowed to take 39k a year as president. Ron Paul has one house its worth 280 grand.
The 1% drops down into people making a little less than 350K...

And if you include net worth in the equation I am sure Ron Paul makes it into the 1%. People dont realize how far down it reaches.


New Member
The 1% drops down into people making a little less than 350K...

And if you include net worth in the equation I am sure Ron Paul makes it into the 1%. People dont realize how far down it reaches.

You could be right about that, regardless....Ron Paul is not in the 1% the 2%, I am not even sure he is in the 6%....


Well-Known Member
You could be right about that, regardless....Ron Paul is not in the 1% the 2%, I am not even sure he is in the 6%....
You have proven time and time again that what you think and reality are not the same thing...


Active Member
Mitt want to take your weed and put you in jail. Obama wants to take your weed, smoke it, and then put you in jail. Ron Paul doesn't give a shit about your weed, grow it, smoke it, eat it-- it's your plant, it's your life-- keep government out of personal freedom.


Active Member
The fact is, even if he doesn't win he will have enough support that the nominee will need him. None of the other candidates have been able to get the independent and young vote like Paul. They will need his support to beat Obama which means his ideas will have a platform. I could see a VP nod for him as well. That won't be good enough for me though, if he isn't the POTUS nominee then I will vote Obama but there are a lot that would follow him even as a VP or vote for whomever he endorses. That endorsement will come at a cost to whoever gets it though, maybe ending the war on drugs and a change in foreign policy ???


Well-Known Member
Mitt want to take your weed and put you in jail. Obama wants to take your weed, smoke it, and then put you in jail. Ron Paul doesn't give a shit about your weed, grow it, smoke it, eat it-- it's your plant, it's your life-- keep government out of personal freedom.
RP doesn't care if a state decides to jail you for life for it either. Get it? He's a con artist. He's pulling the wool over your eyes. Those of us in politics long enough can clearly see this.

PS. RP is worth about 5 Mil, yes less than most other candidates but completely out of touch with your average citizen. I think it's funny how somebody with that worth can sit in congress, take your money and not do a damn thing.


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney released his tax records today....

He is worth less than the Clintons...

And people bitch about the rich bankers, LOL!


Well-Known Member
Didn't romney make 21 million in 2010? We need to stop electing wealthy, democrat or republican either way. Having that much income is IRRESPONSIBLE, it is made off the backs of the working class and that makes you a modern day slave owner. The biggest problem with Mittens is he doesn't even think he's wealthy! He made a statement that he didn't make much of anything off his speeches which actually amounted to 500K in one year... That guy is EXTREMELY out of touch. These wealthy live in a WHOLE other world and have NO CLUE what it's like to be middle class. It's likely they don't even have a single middle class friend or relative.


Well-Known Member
You have proven time and time again that what you think and reality are not the same thing...

The other candidates mansions and Ron Pauls shitty cheap house....


Well-Known Member
Didn't romney make 21 million in 2010? We need to stop electing wealthy, democrat or republican either way. Having that much income is IRRESPONSIBLE, it is made off the backs of the working class and that makes you a modern day slave owner. The biggest problem with Mittens is he doesn't even think he's wealthy! He made a statement that he didn't make much of anything off his speeches which actually amounted to 500K in one year... That guy is EXTREMELY out of touch. These wealthy live in a WHOLE other world and have NO CLUE what it's like to be middle class. It's likely they don't even have a single middle class friend or relative.
Romney didnt inherit any money. He worked for his money from the ground up. He made 20 million last year by investing hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money into the economy and businesses.

I think you are extremely greedy to sit around in judgement of other people and their lives.

He paid 3 million dollars in taxes on his gains. And that is tax revenue on top of all the economic activity his investments created. How much economic activity did you create last year?


Well-Known Member
Romney didnt inherit any money. He worked for his money from the ground up. He made 20 million last year by investing hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money into the economy and businesses.

I think you are extremely greedy to sit around in judgement of other people and their lives.

He paid 3 million dollars in taxes on his gains. And that is tax revenue on top of all the economic activity his investments created. How much economic activity did you create last year?
This is another case of the less fortunate sucking the wealthys cocks off. Nobody makes 20 million a year and works for it. There's no such thing. If you knew what it took to be rich you would know that the less work you can do the more profit you make. You hire people to do the work for you, you don't do it yourself. Nobody deserves that sort of money, at some point it's created by the middle working class. These guys are modern day slave owners. And PS you have no clue who I am or what I have done for the economy so don't even go there.

The rich are responsible for inflation and McJobs, Mittens takes the credit for what Staples did as if the company wouldn't have created the same low paying jobs without him. He's a leech on society. It's a typical mind set of followers to look up to the wealthy and the people with leader mentalities in this country sit back and laugh at you. It's no wonder that sometimes the rich have no qualm over controlling your lives and making big money off you, you sometimes deserve it with your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Romney didnt inherit any money. He worked for his money from the ground up. He made 20 million last year by investing hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money into the economy and businesses.

I think you are extremely greedy to sit around in judgement of other people and their lives.

He paid 3 million dollars in taxes on his gains. And that is tax revenue on top of all the economic activity his investments created. How much economic activity did you create last year?
YAH! Quit picking on the millionaires guys! geez! This poor man only makes 500k a year going around giving deceptive speeches. What would we do without Mitt Romney (the hero of our economy) buying companies, firing everyone and selling of all the assets? This man only gets millions from the bailout banks as his top contributors and he only has like 6 multi-million dollar houses to live in. This man "worked" for his money!


New Member
RP doesn't care if a state decides to jail you for life for it either. Get it? He's a con artist. He's pulling the wool over your eyes. Those of us in politics long enough can clearly see this.
Is that why he constantly writes and backs legislation to outright legalize marijuana and hemp? Is that why he has fought tirelessly against the drug war for over 30 years and in the process lost voters because of this because this hasn't always been that popular?


Well-Known Member
This is another case of the less fortunate sucking the wealthys cocks off. Nobody makes 20 million a year and works for it. There's no such thing. If you knew what it took to be rich you would know that the less work you can do the more profit you make. You hire people to do the work for you, you don't do it yourself. Nobody deserves that sort of money, at some point it's created by the middle working class. These guys are modern day slave owners. And PS you have no clue who I am or what I have done for the economy so don't even go there.

The rich are responsible for inflation and McJobs, Mittens takes the credit for what Staples did as if the company wouldn't have created the same low paying jobs without him. He's a leech on society. It's a typical mind set of followers to look up to the wealthy and the people with leader mentalities in this country sit back and laugh at you. It's no wonder that sometimes the rich have no qualm over controlling your lives and making big money off you, you sometimes deserve it with your ignorance.
He is a venture capitalist. He risks hundreds of dollars for a return on his investment.

I own my own companie(s) I dont make much but the rich are not making money off me. I just dont want some ignorant schmuck like you plus the government deciding how much is fair for people to make... It is socialism and it sucks.


Well-Known Member
Is that why he constantly writes and backs legislation to outright legalize marijuana and hemp? Is that why he has fought tirelessly against the drug war for over 30 years and in the process lost voters because of this because this hasn't always been that popular?
You're having a hard time understanding his motives. Let me clear this up for you one last time, he does not give a shit if it is illegal by STATES choice. His motive is to destroy the Fed. He is PRO PRE CIVIL WAR, he STRONGLY believes the South should have won. This guy would prefer to live in a time before the war and wants to take the country back to that. That means if a state decided it would hand out the death sentence for anyone who smoked a pipe, he would be PERFECTLY fine with that in the sense he would not prevent it since he thinks it's the STATES CHOICE.


Well-Known Member
He is a venture capitalist. He risks hundreds of dollars for a return on his investment.

I own my own companie(s) I dont make much but the rich are not making money off me. I just dont want some ignorant schmuck like you plus the government deciding how much is fair for people to make... It is socialism and it sucks.
If you tihnk "it's socialism and it sucks" then you think this country sucks. You can call me a schmuck all you want but I would place the odds in my favor that I understand economics at a much higher level than you do. Our economy is not a free economy where capitalism is free without rules and regulation. We have a mixed economy of socialism an capitalism and when one gets out of balance we must adjust the other to be in higher favor. If you think that making 20 million a year is responsible you don't understand the economy, at all. Not even remotely do you have a clue.

It's this stretch of wealth that is causing higher inflation. The rich are running this country into the ground with their greed. Your ignorance on this subject is dangerous to this country. The wealthy have this idea where they see themselves with their money being sent out in all directions to the little guy, as if they are their own little kings ruling their domain. In reality it's the other way around, the working class is handing the wealthy their money. Talk about wealth distribution! If people working for large corporations knew how much money they were making a CEO an hour they would demand much higher wages. NOBODY deserves 20 million a year, you are not that important and to have the audacity to think you are so important to make that kind of money and remove it from the system is completely arrogant.