Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


Well-Known Member
If you tihnk "it's socialism and it sucks" then you think this country sucks. You can call me a schmuck all you want but I would place the odds in my favor that I understand economics at a much higher level than you do. Our economy is not a free economy where capitalism is free without rules and regulation. We have a mixed economy of socialism an capitalism and when one gets out of balance we must adjust the other to be in higher favor. If you think that making 20 million a year is responsible you don't understand the economy, at all. Not even remotely do you have a clue.

It's this stretch of wealth that is causing higher inflation. The rich are running this country into the ground with their greed. Your ignorance on this subject is dangerous to this country. The wealthy have this idea where they see themselves with their money being sent out in all directions to the little guy, as if they are their own little kings ruling their domain. In reality it's the other way around, the working class is handing the wealthy their money. Talk about wealth distribution! If people working for large corporations knew how much money they were making a CEO an hour they would demand much higher wages. NOBODY deserves 20 million a year, you are not that important and to have the audacity to think you are so important to make that kind of money and remove it from the system is completely arrogant.
I agree that the ridiculous amount of money that CEO's make is representative of inefficiencies in the market. However, I do not believe that capitalism is to blame nor do I believe that socialism is the answer or fix to anything. There is no harm in someone being wealthy, as long as that wealth isn't allowed to control markets and influence politicians. The over-regulation is what causes these loopholes. The FDA creates monopolies in big pharma and big Agro. The EPA causes inefficiencies in the market with cap and trade, by making it more profitable for companies to produce less. The Federal Reserve banking regulations, such as the money multiplier, cause huge profits, inflation, and instability. etc....


Well-Known Member
Seems to me States want to legalize-- it's the Fed's that are the problem.
Because the feds are led by corporate politicians who are in bed with industry leaders and cannabis prohibition is good for the health care industry, pharmaceutical industry, fossil fuel industry, textile industry, alcohol and tobacco industries and it may even interfere with social engineering propaganda.


Well-Known Member
Because the feds are led by corporate politicians who are in bed with industry leaders and cannabis prohibition is good for the health care industry, pharmaceutical industry, fossil fuel industry, textile industry, alcohol and tobacco industries and it may even interfere with social engineering propaganda.
Ron Paul will end Federal drug laws, then we win.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul won't end them because he will never be president, but hey, a vote for him is a vote against the Grand Old Party.
It is numerically possible, you cant dispute that. However, he certainly has the cards stacked against him, which should be a sign that he is the right choice! :)


Well-Known Member
I agree that the ridiculous amount of money that CEO's make is representative of inefficiencies in the market. However, I do not believe that capitalism is to blame nor do I believe that socialism is the answer or fix to anything. There is no harm in someone being wealthy, as long as that wealth isn't allowed to control markets and influence politicians. The over-regulation is what causes these loopholes. The FDA creates monopolies in big pharma and big Agro. The EPA causes inefficiencies in the market with cap and trade, by making it more profitable for companies to produce less. The Federal Reserve banking regulations, such as the money multiplier, cause huge profits, inflation, and instability. etc....
I would just disagree here. The market is extremely efficient, for the wealthy. Cheap labor by the middle class goes a long way. You can call it crony capitalism if you want, but it's still capitalism. It's the result of not having income caps and it's a natural state that will occur when the middle class does not demand more. The path we are on is going to be difficult if not impossible to curb. In order to fix it we need to import a lot less and focus on building higher quality products here at home. Along with this the general public needs to understand that they need to spend more on those products.

I would strongly disagree that there's no harm in being wealthy, though that depends what you consider wealthy. I've never liked the idea of income caps but I feel it's necessary if this economy is going to be fixed long term. Our wealthy population is equivalent to what has happened with other great nations that dumped their wealth into military and then failed, only we are doing both. As I said before, there's a certain amount of money that one might deserve for what they do, but after that, it's just greed and it pulls money out of society leaving less chance for others to be even moderately successful. In order to counter balance this money has to be created from thin air, which leads to huge inflation which in turn leads to more rich and more poor, rinse and repeat. It's a downward trend at an exponential rate. There are very few solutions, income caps are the best, like it or not.

Which states want to give the death penalty for marijuana use?
I was simply making a point in reference to what RP believes. It's not about what the fed decides is right or wrong, for him it's about giving state choice. Although he has been hypocritical in his views regarding Federal law when it's been in his favor in the past.


Well-Known Member
I would just disagree here. The market is extremely efficient, for the wealthy. Cheap labor by the middle class goes a long way. You can call it crony capitalism if you want, but it's still capitalism. It's the result of not having income caps and it's a natural state that will occur when the middle class does not demand more. The path we are on is going to be difficult if not impossible to curb. In order to fix it we need to import a lot less and focus on building higher quality products here at home. Along with this the general public needs to understand that they need to spend more on those products.

I would strongly disagree that there's no harm in being wealthy, though that depends what you consider wealthy. I've never liked the idea of income caps but I feel it's necessary if this economy is going to be fixed long term. Our wealthy population is equivalent to what has happened with other great nations that dumped their wealth into military and then failed, only we are doing both. As I said before, there's a certain amount of money that one might deserve for what they do, but after that, it's just greed and it pulls money out of society leaving less chance for others to be even moderately successful. In order to counter balance this money has to be created from thin air, which leads to huge inflation which in turn leads to more rich and more poor, rinse and repeat. It's a downward trend at an exponential rate. There are very few solutions, income caps are the best, like it or not.

I was simply making a point in reference to what RP believes. It's not about what the fed decides is right or wrong, for him it's about giving state choice. Although he has been hypocritical in his views regarding Federal law when it's been in his favor in the past.
Income gaps? Oh my, stay away from government please. Not only is this idea completely opposed to the American dream, it would be impossible to implement. A huge beaurocracy would have to be installed to police income caps and you know damn well that people would find loopholes in such a system. This idea is the opposite of economic freedom.

"In order to fix it we need to import a lot less and focus on building higher quality products here at home."

Are you suggesting that we impose tarrifs and not learn from history? Tariffs just cause retaliatory tariffs which just benefits the government and not the people. Free trade is good for all nations and this idea of blaming China for our problems is absurd. The reason they assemble (not manufacture) a lot of products we consume is because they are a labor abundant country, therefore labor is cheaper. Did you know that our manufacturing sector alone is almost as large as China's entire economy?

"Our wealthy population is equivalent to what has happened with other great nations that dumped their wealth into military and then failed, only we are doing both."

The military industrial complex has influence in our politics and our media, that is the problem, not capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Income gaps? Oh my, stay away from government please. Not only is this idea completely opposed to the American dream, it would be impossible to implement. A huge beaurocracy would have to be installed to police income caps and you know damn well that people would find loopholes in such a system. This idea is the opposite of economic freedom.
It's not in any way opposed to the American dream (not that the statement is merely a talking point) at all, in fact it's very much in favor of it. It wouldn't even necessarily need a large bureaucracy at all. Don't take everything at face value. Higher tax rates are a great solution and don't require any more burden to implement. Warren Buffet one of the wealthiest people in the world is in large favor of much higher tax rates on the well off. Anyone making over 2 million or more a year should be paying 50% in tax.

"In order to fix it we need to import a lot less and focus on building higher quality products here at home."

Are you suggesting that we impose tarrifs and not learn from history? Tariffs just cause retaliatory tariffs which just benefits the government and not the people. Free trade is good for all nations and this idea of blaming China for our problems is absurd. The reason they assemble (not manufacture) a lot of products we consume is because they are a labor abundant country, therefore labor is cheaper. Did you know that our manufacturing sector alone is almost as large as China's entire economy?
You're making asinine assumptions. Not once did I mention tariffs. China being a labor abundant country has nothing to do with it, you go on to say our manufacturing sector alone is as large as Chinas entire economy... You have a lot to learn about China.

The military industrial complex has influence in our politics and our media, that is the problem, not capitalism.
You're in denial about capitalism. That's just as dangerous as a pure state of communism, if not more so.


Well-Known Member

  • The rich are running this country into the ground with their greed.​

The government has overspent itself to the tune of 16 trillion dollars. Actually the number is over 20 trillion when you count the social security IOU's (that the government looted). And if you add in all of the promised benefits it balloons into hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Yet somehow the rich are greedy....

The politicians made the rules, the government is the problem.

At this point our opinions are so diverse I am just going to consider you a troll.


Well-Known Member
The government has overspent itself to the tune of 16 trillion dollars. Actually the number is over 20 trillion when you count the social security IOU's (that the government looted). And if you add in all of the promised benefits it balloons into hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Yet somehow the rich are greedy....

The politicians made the rules, the government is the problem.

At this point our opinions are so diverse I am just going to consider you a troll.
I never said the government was not a major problem or contributor. You can consider me a Troll, doing so just negates your opinion, you haven't shown a lick of intellectualism anyhow which is, ironically the reason you would consider me a troll.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul isn't Republican and won't ever beat Obama even if he did run against him so vote Obama to beat the GOP and legalize it:leaf:.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
The government has overspent itself to the tune of 16 trillion dollars. Actually the number is over 20 trillion when you count the social security IOU's (that the government looted). And if you add in all of the promised benefits it balloons into hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Yet somehow the rich are greedy....

The politicians made the rules, the government is the problem.

At this point our opinions are so diverse I am just going to consider you a troll.
the politicians dont make the rules. the rich who buy the politicians do


Well-Known Member
well. . .at least a few legal states without federal intervention is better than none. . .isn't it?
I think it's more important that we make it legal at a federal level across all states, and not give individual states ability to ban it. I'm okay with letting states choose to make it legal, obviously but I would be worried about the states that impose harsh punishments still. IMO there should be some Federal oversight protecting peoples right to smoke, unfortunately it's working in the other favor right now.

The only real solution right now is for people to continue to be vocal and push for legalization. And while a few states are allowing it for medical use it's not good enough. We shouldn't be debating medical use at all. I sort of worry what will happen if all states allow use as medicine and how this would effect the movement of total legalization. It may just further classify it as a drug while doling out harsh fines and sentences for those who use it for recreational purposes. It's hard to say, big medicine is bad, and has a long strong arm.


Well-Known Member
I think it's more important that we make it legal at a federal level across all states, and not give individual states ability to ban it. I'm okay with letting states choose to make it legal, obviously but I would be worried about the states that impose harsh punishments still. IMO there should be some Federal oversight protecting peoples right to smoke, unfortunately it's working in the other favor right now.

The only real solution right now is for people to continue to be vocal and push for legalization. And while a few states are allowing it for medical use it's not good enough. We shouldn't be debating medical use at all. I sort of worry what will happen if all states allow use as medicine and how this would effect the movement of total legalization. It may just further classify it as a drug while doling out harsh fines and sentences for those who use it for recreational purposes. It's hard to say, big medicine is bad, and has a long strong arm.
I wonder what will happen when only big corporations are the ones growing cannabis. Whether they be big pharm corporations or just mass produce joints of schwag, I am delighted that currently it seems to be encouraged to grow for personal use in one's home as opposed to relying on a dispensary. Nobody profits but the growers, not Mexican Cartels, not streamlined corporations, it doesn't have to be an industry. Just let potheads grow.


Active Member
I think it's more important that we make it legal at a federal level across all states, and not give individual states ability to ban it. I'm okay with letting states choose to make it legal, obviously but I would be worried about the states that impose harsh punishments still. IMO there should be some Federal oversight protecting peoples right to smoke, unfortunately it's working in the other favor right now.

The only real solution right now is for people to continue to be vocal and push for legalization. And while a few states are allowing it for medical use it's not good enough. We shouldn't be debating medical use at all. I sort of worry what will happen if all states allow use as medicine and how this would effect the movement of total legalization. It may just further classify it as a drug while doling out harsh fines and sentences for those who use it for recreational purposes. It's hard to say, big medicine is bad, and has a long strong arm.
I don't understand the benefit of 100% illegal over some states legal. . . a place where peace loving pot-smokers could go and live without fear. . .life is short. . .I don't think there is enough time for me to wait for everyone to agree. . .why do I have to get anyone's permission to grow a plant is just confusing.. at least with Ron Paul, whether or not it is actually true, there seems to be a micron of hope that there is someone out there who still believes that people are the best managers of their lives--not the government.