Honestly, there is a big dependance on your strain too. If you're topping, here is the guide to get four main colas. You may want to do this, as it will increase your yield. Instead of LST, you could try ScroG'ing, as it has around 20-50% higher yield depending. Ensure that you give your plant proper nutrients, but don't overdo it, blah-blah-blah, etc. Anyways, I would expect anywhere from an ounce to four ounces depending on how long you leave it in vegetative, how well you LST or ScroG and how well your topping goes.
On an off-topic note, everyone hop off electronug, I know that almost everyone of you upon reading "half pound" laughed, or had some form of lolz. It's quite clear that electronug didn't mean for his remark to be offensive, and as far as helpful, I can't read half of the posts on this forum due to spelling/grammar issues or ridiculous misconceptions. While you may preach about posting helpful, constructive things, you yourself are posting remarks directed toward other members of these forums. The remarks that you yourself are posting are neither helpful nor constructive, so there goes your entire argument, burned by your own self-lit flames of hypocrisy. If you wish for people to be helpful and constructive, please be so yourself.