200w any opinions on yield?


Well-Known Member
So my grow cabinet size is about 3 x 3 x 1.5 feet deep. I will be using cfl's with total wattage of 200. I plan on topping and LST. This is not my first grow, but is my first in a grow cabinet. Any ideas or opinions of aprox. yield I will be able to achieve. Half pound , Ounces?

Uber Newb

Active Member
Ounce, maybe two.

Hate to be a stick in the mud, but from those specs I honestly dont see a whole lot coming out of it.

Either way, good luck with your grow!
In that space and depending on everything else I wouldn't say more then 2oz.. That's being nice I would be surprised if you get more to be honest.
Ounce, maybe two.

Hate to be a stick in the mud, but from those specs I honestly dont see a whole lot coming out of it.

Either way, good luck with your grow!
Same thing I was thinking.. I would just use that can to beg and flower in a tent or something larger with more light.


Active Member
I've seen 90g pulled from 250W...

Find a hearty strain and SCRoG the fuck out of it.

What is your planned lighting config?

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
please, if your not going to be productive or help the OP, dont comment with pointless comments. you could have easily told him that a HP wasnt likely politely and not have been so rude.

nate id say around an oz per plant if you train it well, id start topping it and lsting to get a nice sized plant with more nodes. i saw somewhere on here where you can top it and get 4 main colas but it has to be done at a young age. if your search around on here im sure youll find it. try google to. but a half pound is really really unlikely. now you could set up a perpetual grow and maybe harvest an oz or two a week, this could get you a quarter pound every month or so. look around on here, id try and go 12/12 from seed. maybe buy regular seeds get a male and female, pollinate a lower branch or two. itll give you dozens of seeds and you can start a 12/12 from seed and have good bud every other well ready to harvest.

only problem i see if your cab is pretty small so i would probably treat it like a pc box grow, one plant, lsted and topped, maybe screen of green?

hoped this helped mate :blsmoke:
please, if your not going to be productive or help the OP, dont comment with pointless comments. you could have easily told him that a HP wasnt likely politely and not have been so rude.

nate id say around an oz per plant if you train it well, id start topping it and lsting to get a nice sized plant with more nodes. i saw somewhere on here where you can top it and get 4 main colas but it has to be done at a young age. if your search around on here im sure youll find it. try google to. but a half pound is really really unlikely. now you could set up a perpetual grow and maybe harvest an oz or two a week, this could get you a quarter pound every month or so. look around on here, id try and go 12/12 from seed. maybe buy regular seeds get a male and female, pollinate a lower branch or two. itll give you dozens of seeds and you can start a 12/12 from seed and have good bud every other well ready to harvest.

only problem i see if your cab is pretty small so i would probably treat it like a pc box grow, one plant, lsted and topped, maybe screen of green?

hoped this helped mate :blsmoke:
A oz every week or two with just 200 watts cfls? Seriously come on..

The only post here that wasn't productive was 1 so please be more direct about it. Thanks

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
i was giving possible options, i never once said IT IS POSSIBLE or YOU WILL. he would have to redesign his box and set up, but honestly very possible dont know why you wouldnt think it would be. im usuing 188 watts in fact. why dont i update you in a couple months or check my thread out when i harvest. an oz a week is very possible.

and i dont want to be direct as it in an overall message to everyone. i dont single people out..., sorry


Active Member
Sorry mate, if you want results like that, id be using a 600w sodium.... At least. For your setup, id be saying 45-70g max. Good luck any pics?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't expecting a half a pound I was just putting that in there. Thanks for the replies from those of you that aren't smart asses!


Well-Known Member
No pics yet cause its too cold in the garage for my cabinet, and cabinet is not yet finished. *lso the lights I usta use in my closet will not fit in my cabinet


Well-Known Member
Not to be "that guy" but a 250 watt Hps would do you a lot better in that size space. Something like this which is switchable from HPS to MH if you can afford it. Good luck.


Active Member
Honestly, there is a big dependance on your strain too. If you're topping, here is the guide to get four main colas. You may want to do this, as it will increase your yield. Instead of LST, you could try ScroG'ing, as it has around 20-50% higher yield depending. Ensure that you give your plant proper nutrients, but don't overdo it, blah-blah-blah, etc. Anyways, I would expect anywhere from an ounce to four ounces depending on how long you leave it in vegetative, how well you LST or ScroG and how well your topping goes.

On an off-topic note, everyone hop off electronug, I know that almost everyone of you upon reading "half pound" laughed, or had some form of lolz. It's quite clear that electronug didn't mean for his remark to be offensive, and as far as helpful, I can't read half of the posts on this forum due to spelling/grammar issues or ridiculous misconceptions. While you may preach about posting helpful, constructive things, you yourself are posting remarks directed toward other members of these forums. The remarks that you yourself are posting are neither helpful nor constructive, so there goes your entire argument, burned by your own self-lit flames of hypocrisy. If you wish for people to be helpful and constructive, please be so yourself.


Active Member
Any ideas or opinions of aprox. yield I will be able to achieve. Half pound , Ounces?

Alexander never would have conquered the entire known world and beyond if he had listened to the guy saying, "Nah, dude, half of Europe is plenty. I think we just stay here and hang with our Womens and party a lot."

Same thing for Columbus (he sailed off the "edge" of the earth going backwards to get to China, that is pretty pimp).

Napoleon, Completely ended the Reign of Terror with a "Whiff of Grapeshot" (that's not Purple Urkle lol). He then Devastated the entire World's combined armies 3 times. Then, after he was finally beaten for, of all things, invading Russia (very poor idea), he escaped from prison/exile, re-grouped his troops, and took back over France and was back fighting the Austrians, Brits and Russians :P

Franklin was out flying kites in a lightening storm, which if he had not done, we would not be talking instantly across the entire earth. That's a tad crazier than trying to get a half pound from a small stealth cabinet.

Point is, Aim High!, and you just might grow enough to stay high until the next grow is dried.

Peace out :bigjoint: