I love how when republican's completely destroy the economy and get thrown out of office in favor a democrat, they immediately turn to blaming the guy charged with cleaning up their mess with making the mess in the first place.
You clueless partisan drone. It was the fault of both parties when they regulated the housing market
So you think the biggest problem with the great depression is that we didn't lose enough jobs?
No and you have no proof of me saying that. You make things up because you don't have a leg to stand on. Show proof or STFU.
Because that's the result of just letting sectors of the economy fail.
no That's what happens when the federal Reserve plays with interest rates. Get a clue for once.
And the banks did get to fail for the most part during the great depression. And it was a disaster! People lost their life savings through no fault of their own. Millions lost jobs. And we had 30%+ unemployment.
because we ignored the free market. That's what YOU ignore also. You treat the cause not the symptom.
You are convinced that economic theory that has never produced a positive real world result
because you are an uninformed hack is not my fault. Its already proven it works. We got out of the depression in the early 1920's using that policy in under two years.
is 100% based on no evidence what so ever besides Ron Paul told you that is what you're supposed to think.
I looked at the evidence and not because a mindless clown like you who pulls things out of his backburner said so.
And I'm the one with my head up my ass. lol
Then why not answer the points i made on my posts instead of ignoring them. You're so full of shit the whites of your eyes are brown.
You just won't believe anything unless Ron Paul tells you to believe it.
I believe his truths over your ignorance and backing of failed policies.
It was passed by congress under bush. Yes, Obama distributed some of the money, but that was his job. It was a law passed by congress and signed by president Bush. TARP wasn't a suggestion. Obama isn't the king. He can't just ignore the law because you didn't like it.
You still don't get it because you are dumb . Neither Bush nor Obama believe in the free market. It's all about playing king and picking winners and losers, because you are too foolish to see it is your fault. How is the economy doing? Recover like Obama said? Ignore that again please. How is unemployment? 8 percent like Obama said? Ignore that again please. I'd hate for you to show some backbone and address the issues.
It was, and he didn't enact TARP! That was Bush.
Like I said. You're dumb. You don't address the issues I make in my posts because you don't have a leg to stand on.
Since you cowardly left this out in your response I'll put it back in.
In President Obama's first State of the Union address,
he tried to capture the public's anger toward Wall Street while defending his decision to bail it out. He argued that while his rescue of the banks wasn't popular, it was necessary.
What is the next piece of bullshit coming out of your pie hole? Obama against bailing out foreign banks and businesses? Guess those trillions used to bail them out never happened either.