I'm located in Northern California. I created a Stealth Fridge box a couple of months ago and I now have the chance to use it.
2 x 42 Watt 6500K CFL's
1 x 26 Watt 6500K CFL
There is an 120mm PC exhaust fan and a passive intake. My temperature stays around 75 during the day and drops to the 50's and low 60's during the night. The humidity is around 50%. Is this acceptable?
Anyways so on Thursday I attempted to germinate 2 seeds. This was my second attempt (first in December with some white bag seeds that didn't sprout). I used the paper towel method.
This was what I did:
I got 3 paper towels. I got them damp and placed the seeds in the middle. I wrapped it up and placed it in an airtight jar in a dark room. I didn't realize it but the room it was in was around 65 degrees. I checked on it daily until Saturday I moved it to a warmer (but dark) spot. Waited another day and still no signs other than the seed looked a darker brown. So I talked to a few friends and they advised me to plant it and hope it comes up. Is that the right choice? I really didn't think this one through and I planted it Sunday. The seeds are now in a dark blue party cup about 5 inches under the lights.
What should I do?
Thanks for any help
I'm located in Northern California. I created a Stealth Fridge box a couple of months ago and I now have the chance to use it.
2 x 42 Watt 6500K CFL's
1 x 26 Watt 6500K CFL
There is an 120mm PC exhaust fan and a passive intake. My temperature stays around 75 during the day and drops to the 50's and low 60's during the night. The humidity is around 50%. Is this acceptable?
Anyways so on Thursday I attempted to germinate 2 seeds. This was my second attempt (first in December with some white bag seeds that didn't sprout). I used the paper towel method.
This was what I did:
I got 3 paper towels. I got them damp and placed the seeds in the middle. I wrapped it up and placed it in an airtight jar in a dark room. I didn't realize it but the room it was in was around 65 degrees. I checked on it daily until Saturday I moved it to a warmer (but dark) spot. Waited another day and still no signs other than the seed looked a darker brown. So I talked to a few friends and they advised me to plant it and hope it comes up. Is that the right choice? I really didn't think this one through and I planted it Sunday. The seeds are now in a dark blue party cup about 5 inches under the lights.
What should I do?
Thanks for any help