Critical Jack, White Widow, Connie Chung - 1st indoor mac gyver style.


Active Member
Good day fellow smokers,

after having documented my 2nd outdoor grow last year, i decided that summer alone will not be enough growing time and hence started some indoor experiments in November last year. I started out with a 25w CFL for the seedlings and slowly made my way to 100w with 2 lamps. not nearly enough but since i havent got any better equipment yet and not particular in a hurry, i just kept vegging them until now, which is a good 3 months, i reckon. obviously things have gone quite slowly, but nevertheless im surprised that these plants are growing after all, with such little lights. :D

i have got a 600w hps waiting to be setup for the flowering, or when the ordered tent arrives.

notes to the plants:

critical jack: popped 1 seed, got 2 seedlings out of it. has been doing very nicely, especially in contrast to the mold issues the other 2 had/have.

white whidow: was the slowest to start with but has since picked up some speed. unfortunately, dealing with some mold issues. will have to properly spray them with some organic fungicide a good amount of time before flipping to 12/12.

connie chung: was a freebie and the oldest out of them all. grew very quickly in the beginning and still has got the biggest stem. but growth has slowed down considerably since the topping about 2-3 weeks ago.

setup: spare room with 1 window, bad air circulation and cat toilet in the same room. i live at the coast side, hence quite humid air, but never really getting below 0 celsius. i know, it is quite cold for them but i havent bothered dealing with it, since im gonna setup the 600w relatively soonish, which should provide enough heat. atm ive got one ventilator on the plants. still need to fix this better as well.

in any case, since im very much still new to this and lack essential DIY skills, im open to any suggestions and constructive criticism. other then that, hope you enjoy the ride, as i am :blsmoke:

some pictures:

CRW_1045.jpgoct 13th: here we've got the beginning. from left to right: connie chung, two little ones is the critical jack, big one was apparently a seed from jamaica, a friend gave me, and the white whidow on the very right.

CRW_1061.jpgCRW_1062.jpgdec 17th: the two critical jacks coming along nicely. the connie chung and white widow on the bottom. connie chung has some ridiculously big fan leaves. had to cut a couple for better penetration reasons. same with most of the. snip snap. dont mind me. as you might have noticed i managed to put a reflector somehow on top for a couple of weeks. had to re-arrange it recently though.

CRW_1066.jpgCRW_1064.jpgCRW_1068.jpgdec 27th: connie chung in front, white widow in the back, some bag seed seedling. i think i topped them around this time. and the critical jacks: all togeter + little bit of the setup:

CRW_1080.jpg12th jan: little jungle in there:

CRW_1085.jpgCRW_1096.jpg14th jan: more crappy setup fails: wip:

CRW_1105.jpg21st jan:

thats it for now. im expecting the tent to arrive this week. will update again when ive got it setup.

until then...



Active Member
good day ladies and gentleman,

my tent arrived in the middle of last week and i managed to finally get some proper setup going.

CRW_1121.jpgjan. 25th: tent arrived. dimensions 1x1x1,80 m. also setup the 600w hps.

CRW_1127.jpgCRW_1130.jpgjan. 28th: looking a lot better already, i think. not that much curling going on anymore. the white spots on the leaves are from some maniac attempt to clean the leaves with tissues. :wall: i realized my stupidity and went to get some neem oil. sprayed them twice so far and barely any mold issues left, if at all.

so, im thinking maybe another 2-4 weeks veggie time but we will see. at the moment they are between 25 - 30 cm tall, so still got some space to fill.

btw. for some more facts: i am feeding them biocannabium organic fert. for veg. time:


Nitrógeno Total (N)........................................................10%

Anhídrido Fosfórico (P2O5) soluble en agua........... 7%

Óxido de potasio (K2O) soluble en agua.................. 9%

Materia Orgánica............................................................1,5%

Extracto de algas, Ascophyllum nodosum...............3%

Hierro ( Fe).......................................................................0,1%

For flowering it will be:


Nitrógeno Total (N)..........................................4%

Anhídrido Fosfórico (P2O5) soluble en agua...........8%

Óxido de potasio (K2O) soluble en agua...............12%

Materia Orgánica............................................1,5%

Extracto de algas, Ascophyllum nodosum...............3%

Hierro ( Fe)...................................................0,1%

as always any thoughts and criticism appreciated.

stay green! :peace:


Active Member
still trying to find the best way to take some accurate pics. not such a keen fan of using flash on my camera but the white balance is way too tricky to handle without. :?

i did setup the air exhaust yesterday. will wait with the proper intake till flowering. now, some pics from today mainly as documents for myself, all taken with lights on and no flash :leaf:

CRW_1142.jpg CRW_1135.jpgCRW_1139.jpgCRW_1140.jpgCRW_1137.jpg

from left to right: g13's white whidow, dinafem's critical jack, dna genetics's connie chung. this is taken on day 4 after switching from 2 x 50w cfl to a 600w hps. all have been topped and supercropped a little.

those colors just dont look too right...



Active Member
thought id throw up a comparison. 3 days. did some heavy pruning on the fan leaves to let some more light through. as always, plants cant grow as quickly you want them to. at least in my case. everything does still feel very basic. i dont have a ph meter or temp/humidity control, just some advice from a friend here. naturally quite humid and the water i usually leave for a couple of hours in the dark before watering. the water here usually needs something to adjust the ph, so i add a couple of drops of vinegar into the water. i have not fed them anything else in the tent for now. however, i did fill up the pots with some coco.

here the comparison.




whats going on my dude... for the type of setup you got everything looks great but i cant help but notice you have droopy leaves usually a sign of over watering or dehydrated plants,
keep posting subd!!


Active Member
whats going on my dude... for the type of setup you got everything looks great but i cant help but notice you have droopy leaves usually a sign of over watering or dehydrated plants,
keep posting subd!!
hey man, thanks for checking in. hope you'll enjoy the ride.

i think you might be right with the overwatering. especially the white widow still doesnt seem to drink a whole lot. the connie chung is similar but seems a bit more thirsty, whereas the critical jack needs the most water so far. im kinda thinking they might be stuck a little bit with an overflow of nutrients. a friend suggested flushing just to make sure, but im not sure if that would be worth the hassle for now. im gonna stay a bit more patient and update again with some pics on the weekend. until then, keep green!



Active Member
im running white widow as well....i wish i could get connie chung beans,on the up and up...

get the little strips to check the ph the swimming pool area of wal-mart (i just saw you use cm so yeah a box store like wallys) like 3 bucks usd...

my grow if you wanna see (its my first vert run)...
hi there, thanks for checking in. i did have a ph meter for liquids at some point but since it was for a swimming pool as well, it only went from 6.8 - 9.0 or something. i might have ti invest in a proper one after all. bit harder to get though in this city. might have to order it online. any suggestions? your grow is looking good, id say were roughly about the same stage? apart from that you are doing hydro it seems. the more i read the more i get intrigued about hydro. makes for a faster grow it seems. will see :)

i took some more pictures earlier today. doesnt look like they are growing much. they ve been in the tent for exactly a week today. the white widow hasnt been watered for for 3 days now. ill see how she feels by tonight but felt this too heavy this morning. im gonna have to give them some peace for a while. no more trimming and topping for a bit, i reckon. see if they just need to recover or something.

im still hoping that in about 2 weeks i should be able to switch to 12/12. lets see.

until next time.




Active Member
You should mos def invest in a good meter it will always keep your plants happy

i think i will do that in the near future. any suggestions? prolly makes more sense to order it online here. cheers!

i gave the plants some org. fert yesterday. will take some more pics tomorrow or during the week.



New leaves are looking strong and green. I'm sure they were just a bit stressed out, but since your gonna give them some time, they should recover nicely.

sub'd keep it up, can't wait to see the fatties they put out =)


Active Member
New leaves are looking strong and green. I'm sure they were just a bit stressed out, but since your gonna give them some time, they should recover nicely.

sub'd keep it up, can't wait to see the fatties they put out =)
hey man, thanks for the input. they are looking a lot better already today, i think. hopefully they should take off now. fingers crossed. :bigjoint:i started two more freebies last night. dinafem auto haze and g13s sour ak. anyone got any experience with either of them?

and just a short update with a picture i took this evening. i like.




Active Member
some pictures from tonight. i can def. see some growing happening now. gave them a bit heavier dosage yesterday but still not at the recommended. gotta stay patient.




Active Member
another update: ive switched the light cycle to 16/8 for about a week now. strangely enough, all of the plants have shown their hairs and i can see a little of raisin production, i think. tried to get some close ups to show the hairs on the critical jack but yea, my camera is not so good with close up shots it seems. also the white balance is still a bit on the wrong side. in any case, the last group shot is connie chung, white widow, critical jack twins. im thinking give them 1 more week of veg and then do the switch. they are about 40-50 cms tall now. any suggestions?




Active Member
where did all the posts go? did something happen with newer posts?

here's an update from today. tomorrow will complete the 3rd week of flowering. :joint:



Active Member
some pics from this morning. the critical jack is starting to fill out nicely. added a vent to the tent as well for better ventilation since i dont have the exhaust setup yet. im looking to harvest at the end of april. 100gr together and id be well happy. :mrgreen:




Active Member
getting a bit more smelly now, it seems. the connie chung has quite a spicy smell to it. me like. so im almost half way there, id say. prolly will go 8 weeks for all of them, and maybe a bit longer for the white widow. sincerely hope, that she is gonna catch up a bit on the others, with the bud size.

well, took some pics just now before the lights went out:




Active Member
couple more pics from this morning :joint:

group shot, with ww in the left back, then connie chung, and the critical jack twins. the other pics are close ups from the connie chung, this time.




Active Member
looking aces.....
a few posts back you asked about a meter....

check out the hanna ph/tds combo's legit.....
oh riu got hackd and the admins did a back up..but it was like a month old...
missing post are gone forever.....DOH!