The 1st Grow & Organic


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I got the seeds from a buddy who had no reason for them anymore.

1 is G13,
2 are Dutch Treat
3 are Big Bang

All organic soils.

I have the G13 in by itself. And covered, because the cat loves to go after that container specifically for some reason.
The room will be closed off, but she figures a way in.

the 2 Dutch are together, and the 3 big bangs are together on the end. The lighting is 5000k on the G13, (he said he had amazing results with just that) the Dutch's are running on 6500k, and the big bangs are running on 5000k. I dont really have high expectations for the g13 since the seed looked pretty beat up. But they were all germinized before putting them in. I put some saran wrap on them as well to help speed up the process abit, an lock in some heat.

this first run will stay in the closet, since I do have a nice amount of room to play with. After this batch is done. The next batch will be broken out into the full size room It is connected to with the closet. But I will be buying full light setup for the room. So pretty much this batch will be supporting the next run... HOPEFULLY all goes well. After they are big enough, they will be swapped into different pots. Just moved. so everything is all over the place. I also have a 400watt HPS that is going to be hooked up sooner or later. Possibly next run tho. Going to get reflector sheeting this upcoming week.

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Active Member
after giving them some water, an coming back to close the doors for the day. 2 babies sprouted!!! (2 of 3 of big bang)
Praying the others sprout soon.

the 2nd one hasnt fully opened up yet. But they look healthy. BRIGHT BRIGHT green inside. stem is purple.


Active Member
Thought I would check if anything else happened. Since the temperature was a little high in the room. Opened a window for cold air. a 3rd one sprouted in a matter of hours. So now we have a G13 an 2 Big Bang. Had to adjust the light height already on the Bangs. :) pretty stoked everything is going A.O.K for the mean time



Active Member
Day 4

well... was a sad morning. And Mourning. 1 of my Big Bangs was dead this morning. the clip on the light fell off some how. An fucking squished it... perfectly dead on center of the plant. How the hell that happens.... I HAVE NO CLUE!

Either way... I have 2 still going great. Praying the other 2 decide to hop on out soon.


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Day 6,

The G13 that I didnt expect to live is now the biggest :) Shes looking so beautiful.
The Big bang is getting some deep colors. Stem is getting nice an thick



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Read through your journals. Very beautiful plants you had :) hoping I can grow some beasts with these 2. If everything prevails properly
Thanks I've come a long way since then, I learn a lot more with each grow, . I'm sure you'll get some nice plants. If you want monsters you better hook that hps for flowering!


Active Member
what is your soil mix ? will you be using teas? or topfeeding more soil later on?

Fox Farm organic soil and the mix it comes in. The water PH is pretty damn neutral for balancing on what it should be, so i just use tap water. So no need to work on that. and as for teas... not sure. Just going with the flow.

I will be top feeding more soil later on. when its needed. I still have about 10lbs left

Just checked in on them, room temp is perfect. an they grew an additional 1/4" on leaf span. the Bigbang grew almost another 1/4" in height


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Day 8

They are looking more beautiful by the day. They changed so much just over night. I love checking in on them frequently through out the day.


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Today... you wont believe what I uncovered. While I was watering the plants, A Dutch Treat some how made it!!!! No joke on this, the root was 5" long. Looks like it has been at it for a while to get to the surface.

Some new updates. There will now be 4pots I got some more big bang seeds yesterday. Germinated them, an good to go!!!
So now it will be...
3 Big Bangs
1 Dutch Treat
1 G13

Plants are labeled in picture

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Day 11. BIG Changes in 2 days

My Dutch is holding on strong. Finally turned green, not sick looking anymore. Can tell she wont be a big yielder.... as long as if it survives that's all that matters.

My big Bang is definitely going to be a beast.

The G13 I might have to look in on closely, Dont know If it just had a little too much water, since she was a little flimsy. Time will tell

Big Bang on Left, Dutch still holding on strong in the middle, G13 on the right

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Well, figured out why the G13 wasnt doing good. She had mites. Found the marks on the leaves today. Fogging the room to take care of that issue.