Ethnobotanical's: The Wave of the Future!


Well-Known Member
Agreed! We get a lot of RCs on blotter down here, it takes longer to kick in, lasts longer and definately has that edgey quality! The govt says RCs on blotter are rare but I think it is veryhard to get good clean LSD these days, especially where we are down at the arsehole of the world.


Well-Known Member
So rarest of specimens... here is my latest Sally D cutting...
By far the most difficult plant I've ever come across. So sensitive she gets upset if you walk past her too often, no exaggeration.


Well-Known Member
Some young Morning Glories that I will soon be disposing of now I can pop HBWR with ease...

IMAG0323.jpgIMAG0325.jpgIMAG0324.jpg more later


Well-Known Member
And you would be welcome friend, all I have (except cannabis strains) were gifts to me and I like to spread the love:peace:


Well-Known Member
Just when I thought I knew of all the drug forums out there, another one pops its green fuzzy head out! :D

Back in the day there were only a few. Now I guess everyone wants to know about drugs!

Hmm... interested facts about that crazy she devil, Sally D.! ;)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the link unnk. She hates being moved that's for sure, but it is a very spiritual plant as well and she needs that side adressed too!
Facts? Traditional use was always chewed/sublingual, never smoked. For me there is no point in smoking without extracting and concentrating, which is an easy process with alcohol and petroleum ether to wash out tannins an sich. Most comercial concentrates I have seen/smoked skip the washing stage so the result is a dark brown/black coating.
Experience..? Like Nitrous on roids + DMT on prozac haha long story, happy to tell it


Well-Known Member
thanks for the link unnk. She hates being moved that's for sure, but it is a very spiritual plant as well and she needs that side adressed too!
Facts? Traditional use was always chewed/sublingual, never smoked. For me there is no point in smoking without extracting and concentrating, which is an easy process with alcohol and petroleum ether to wash out tannins an sich. Most comercial concentrates I have seen/smoked skip the washing stage so the result is a dark brown/black coating.
Experience..? Like Nitrous on roids + DMT on prozac haha long story, happy to tell it
you know how many times i tell people that if their smoking their dpomg it wrong its all about fresh leaves! i chew a wad of about 10-13


Well-Known Member
chew to a ball then SUCKKKKKKKKK then chew then suckkkkkkkkkkkkk stick under the tongue i mean keep that thing there for 20 minutes even watch a digital clock if yah want

but at the 20 min point close your eyes and let that shit happen


Well-Known Member
chew to a ball then SUCKKKKKKKKK then chew then suckkkkkkkkkkkkk stick under the tongue i mean keep that thing there for 20 minutes even watch a digital clock if yah want

but at the 20 min point close your eyes and let that shit happen
That's quite the ritual. :D

I guess do it right, or don't do it at all! ;)


Well-Known Member
Well 15x concentrate was the minimum I found to be usefull for smoking. Upon pulling and holding the first cone I felt my world narrow and was surrounded by numbness, pulsation and bizzare brain noise, very much to me like a big hit of nitrous. I had noticed just before it coming on that i had a slight tick in my left eyelid, after that hit it seemed that the room was coming at me in narrow bands/flashes into that eye, best I can eXplain it. I quickly loaded and pulled a second cone and as I was holding it in, I put down the glass bong and lay down on the bed I was sitting on. I breathed out and felt ovecome by visual and aural stimulation, though more like sensory overload than hallucination.
Then I drifted off... It could have been 2mins or 20, prob somewhere in between... I was on a bed on the fourth floor of an old dutch house in a busy part of the Jordaan, there were people passing by below on foot and bycicle, bells going and people speaking dutch. All these sounds drifted up to me and my twisted brain came up with a bizzare scenario... This existence or universe if you will was like one side of a piece of paper and I was on it, near the top and one corner was peeling up and folding back. On the other side there were people, tall blonde, beautifull people speaking to me in a tongue I didn't understand and yet I clearly understood they were talking to me, calling to me in a way and telling me it was ok. They felt like my true family, though I did and at the same time didn't recognize them and I felt like I was almost crossing over to them but not quite, like a higher dose may drop me off on that side of reality permanently and that would be fine as that was the real one anyway... I felt fairly in control though in a sense of when I wanted to sit up and come out of it, I did. My earliest rationalisations were that in some way I saw/felt (it is much more feeling and imagination than physically visual) the afterlife and my ancestors. My rational mind now sees the many factors that led to certain impressions but it was a strange experience for me, the way I didn't care about this reality anymore, that kind of disassociation is rare for me and takes some processing.
That day I had a babysitter as I was on the fourth floor and I have seen people just panic and run for openings on SallyD. My sitter fell asleep, useless. He tried Sally that night when we were shrooming and was quite upset to be drawn back to reality by my partners giggles. He was quite loud and angry and still calls her a trip killer. All he would say is he was somewhere else... He was just laying with is eyes closed smiling and giggling for 10 mins off 1 hit of the 15x.
Another friend of mine loves to smoke it on mushrooms but only desribes it as like watching a nuke go off in front of him.
The good 50x I tried... I only had one cone and I haven't processed it enough to describe it yet... something like the aforementioned experience but much quicker and more confusing, still less violent than being ripped into hyperspace by DMT. I have some supposed 75x at the moment. The guy who made it must have been a little off with his calculations though, I would say it is a 5x. We just harvested about 100g of leaf and I am going to make it into 20x, so down to 5gs, properly washed with ether etc. Should be good!


Well-Known Member
The good 50x I tried... I only had one cone and I haven't processed it enough to describe it yet... something like the aforementioned experience but much quicker and more confusing, still less violent than being ripped into hyperspace by DMT.
Yes I have...


Well-Known Member
Here is one of the gardens I like to walk through and take cuttings. My friend's aunty has very green thumbs and even the most delicate plants love it at her place, she got this Sally to flower...


Well-Known Member
All her work there, though after my latest cutting was showing the same signs of failing to thrive as the first one I pulled her out for a looksy. The supposedly really well rooted cutting proved to have only a couple of fine hairlike projections, nothing that could sustain a plant, let alone one that doesn't like to be moved! Spooky will be getting quite the talking to. I'm not sure why he rushed as I wasn't paying- maybe showing off? Oh well she is in intensive care now and already looking better so hopefully not too late this time. I am happy enough to put roots on my own cuttings but the way they need to be treated is very different so obviously it is best to know! I was suss last time but looking at the lovely plants these came off, I deferred to his judgement about how to treat it.