Witney Houston died


Well-Known Member
And Eddie Murphy.

And this chick


I watched the second one until about a minute in then I just couldn't take it anymore. I have to stop typing or it's going to come out.


Well-Known Member
I'd swear she has hair on her shoulders like an old Italian dude? I showed the video to my wife, she asked why anyone would want to put out a video of themselves looking and singing like that

Mister Black

Active Member
What a shame about Whitney. I wanted to marry her when I was 16 and she came out with her first big album. She was truly beautiful when she was young with the voice of an angel. Shame she never found the right man to tame her destructive demons.


Well-Known Member
I'd swear she has hair on her shoulders like an old Italian dude? I showed the video to my wife, she asked why anyone would want to put out a video of themselves looking and singing like that
Those are freckles! Redheads have freckles people. My grandma used to tell me mine were angel kisses to make me feel better lol. It's comments like that that make me self conscious about mine...I don't have nearly that amount though...


Active Member
Now her daughter is a mess again, this after trying to commit suicide a few years ago. Bobby is a POS.


Well-Known Member
She reminds me so much of my ex-stepson. Like...I know that's terrible but I swear...the way her face looks kind of swollen and it makes her eyes squinty? Even the thin lips. His hair and skin tone were different but...hm. Makes me wonder about things...

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
She should have hooked up with a different member of New Edition. They all look like crackheads though. Except maybe the one in the front. He's probably slanging the rocks to the rest of the group.
