LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow


Well-Known Member
I just sent an email to Jeff at UV Lighting "Is it possible to have a single bulb made up of ~ 50% 630 + ~50% 660, or ~ 630-700?

What minimum order would be required?"


Well-Known Member
Jeff replied cannot mix red phosphors, and they only work with authorized retailers. I am thinking we can cut a deal with vendors if we have enough prepaid orders. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I honestly doubt UVL is going to play ball... they've been so quiet about this red sun problem I find their PR a little alarming... might be better talking up someone that already has a 660-dominant bulb like AquaMedic or Coral life... but I don't know if they can just drop the rest of the spectrum, it's probably built on the tri-band in the first place... so maybe UVL IS the right place to go, since they're the only ones who seem to be demonstrating the possibility of making a red-only bulb in the first place...

Edit: On the other hand, looking at a red sun chart it's probably built on a tri-band foundation as well as it has the three peaks, they'r ejust a lot smaller... so it doesn't seem like such a stretch to think they couldn't just put a lot less of those in (ie, make a 'very dim tri band') and then add a lot of red. It seems reasonable that anyone could do it if UVL can do it...


Active Member
I just sent an email to Jeff at UV Lighting "Is it possible to have a single bulb made up of ~ 50% 630 + ~50% 660, or ~ 630-700?

What minimum order would be required?"
Forget the 630nm spectrum. There is plenty of it in all the other T5 bulbs including cheapo bloom bulbs. Anyway the correct proportions for 630nm to 660nm is 25%/75%.

That means 25% 630 and 75% 660nm. What we need is a 660nm ONLY bulb! I'm sure the red phosphor used to make the 660nm spectrum would emit enough of the 630nm spectrum anyway.


Well-Known Member
Good point Blue! If you look at the clorophyll absorption charts it's a dramatically higher absorption rate at 660 than it is at 630!

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Or..... we could let the Prof wrap up his thread when hes done with his thread, and we can add our T5 related contributions whenever we have relevant input. I have a thread of my own, I come here to talk T5, then HID/cfl and everything else there. Im all for seeing everyones T5 bud shots, bring em on! Love it! Just not as a step towards wrapping up someone elses thread lol. Come on, its been going for like a year and a half! Others will come and go too, but this home needs to stay available for others to come and learn... No one is learning anything from "club T5" this is the RIU T5 think tank! Don't give up people, when I first joined the group it was debatable whether flowering successfully was even possible wT5s, oh how far we've come! Keep it up guys, were not done here!


Well-Known Member
Right on, I don't think we need to be done either, haha. But I still like the idea of posting summarial grow posts collectively in an easy to reach spot... too bad there IS no easy to reach spot... it would be cool if a thread owner could "pin" some of his own thread's posts so that they float just below the OP's post out of chronological order. (with an obvious flag to denote it)


Well-Known Member
Not that I am pushing UVL. Hell, I have 3 bad Red Lifes (said he will replace when shipment arrives ~ 7 days. We could also use the 660 order as leverage). He says minimum order for 660s is 288 bulbs and roughly 5-7 weeks to produce. So he seems willing to play ball on some level.

What we need now is 36 growers to take 8 bulbs each. I'm in.

If we deal direct with UVL (
If not see Plan B), I am thinking to protect ourselves we need an attorney's escrow account. Everyone can send their money there. Realize attorneys do not work for free (unless you can hook us up) so in addition to whatever price we get quoted, there will be pre negotiated attorney's fee. Plus shipping/handling to ~ 40 people. Whomever we contract with will no doubt add shipping charges to each destination. That part could get complicated. Now if we choose one bulb retailer to handle the transaction, of course they need to get paid, too. Most likely their percentage will be offset by attorney's fee to escrow anyway. So I am inclined to Plan B.

What I need now is who is in, and how many.

Plan B We cut a deal directly through one retailer and simplify it. If I get a 288+ commitment I will shop the idea to other bulb mfgs.

Balls in your court.


Active Member
when I first joined the group it was debatable whether flowering successfully was even possible wT5s, oh how far we've come! Keep it up guys, were not done here!
A lot of people still doubt T5's can produce quality buds. I've even heard it's against the rules in some states to be a provider if you aren't using HID for your grows. I'm not sure if it applies to LEDs or not. The title of this thread would give someone the assumption that a person can re-create the PAR/PUR spectrum that is being produced with LEDs these days through using T5's without the help of LEDs. Well, we've summed that up to the best of the T5 world's capabilities. And the answer is, NO, T5's will never duplicate an exact PUR/PAR spectrum because they are not designed for gardening. They do pretty well however, but to a newcomer seeing the title of this thread for the first time his first thought is going to be, "Wow is it really possible to re-create a spectrum with these special T5 bulbs that match that which can be done with LEDs?" There's nothing more we can do other than add other light sources. I didn't mean this thread should be closed, just summed up eventually so that people have an answer. Until they make a 75/25 660/630nm bulb, the answer is NO. Please remember that this thread is not entitled, "Can T5's produce good buds." We've established that over and over and over and over and over, the real question is, "Can T5's actually duplicate the spectral output in a red/blue 6:1 balanced ratio that is similar to LEDs?"


Active Member
Not that I am pushing UVL. Hell, I have 3 bad Red Lifes (said he will replace when shipment arrives ~ 7 days. We could also use the 660 order as leverage). He says minimum order for 660s is 288 bulbs and roughly 5-7 weeks to produce. So he seems willing to play ball on some level.

What we need now is 36 growers to take 8 bulbs each. I'm in.

If we deal direct with UVL (
If not see Plan B), I am thinking to protect ourselves we need an attorney's escrow account. Everyone can send their money there. Realize attorneys do not work for free (unless you can hook us up) so in addition to whatever price we get quoted, there will be pre negotiated attorney's fee. Plus shipping/handling to ~ 40 people. Whomever we contract with will no doubt add shipping charges to each destination. That part could get complicated. Now if we choose one bulb retailer to handle the transaction, of course they need to get paid, too. Most likely their percentage will be offset by attorney's fee to escrow anyway. So I am inclined to Plan B.

What I need now is who is in, and how many.

Plan B We cut a deal directly through one retailer and simplify it. If I get a 288+ commitment I will shop the idea to other bulb mfgs.

Balls in your court.
HOLD THE PHONE WOMAN! I would throw down enough money for 50 of these 660nm bulbs if I knew it was going to be a quality product and isn't going to "leak" or crap out like the red suns have been doing for quite a few people(I've never had a problem with my red suns however). We need a sample first, that's how the industry works. Keep trying to work out a deal with this guy that makes sense on the consumer's side. UVL would be absolute morons to not realize the market potential for these bulbs! Have them produce a few samples for us to try out. Then we'll talk. BTW, whatever happened with WavePoint? Maybe they would be more inclined to create a few samples for us to try.


Active Member
BTW, posting photos of LED only grown buds in here 100% goes along with the title of this thread. If we are trying to re-create the LED spectrum with T5's, then doesn't it make sense to compare T5 grown buds to LED grown buds?

And if someone on the LED side discovers how to grow even fatter buds by changing the spectrum a little bit, wouldn't someone on the T5 side want to know about it so that they can try that change in spectrum with T5's(if possible) as well? fo realz

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Damn, no reason to get so defensive, or to remove posts/pics... All info is good info, but when I check my phone or comp for the latest posts and newest developments with T5s, and its page after page of led posts, I start to wonder if maybe we've gotten off track. Sure, share useful info, please, we all want to know more about PAR growing. But again there are tons of other threads for LED related discussions. Sure, share your anecdotal stories of T5 vs LED or PAR or whatever, but consolidate them so its not pages and pages. Maybe I'm being a crusty old fuck, but really, I have no interest in LEDs (don't have disposable income for one). And I'm NOT convinced that you can't perfect the spectrum without LED. Ill never discourage anyone from trying to improve their grow, I know Ill never stop trying. And its not my thread to control, but without Prof here to say exactly what path he wants to take his thread, I vote to keep it on track.
Please share every damn T5 bud pic you take (everyone loves bud porn, and will show PROOF of the concept for doubters) that's why I love it here so much... major boner for T5 bud porn! But I also know where to go to discuss LED, HID or cfls.
Sharing your experience using both is fine, whatever, post the LA county yellow pages for all I care, not my thread. I just think back two weeks ago when we were learning something new every day. Those that are just discovering the thread are gonna miss out on that
Theyre not gonna read thru hundreds of pages to get to the good stuff, they'll read the first page, then skip to the last page and learn all about LEDs.

does anyone really think they've perfected their spectrum/bulb selection, nowhere else to go? And the ONLY option is LEDs? Im sure there are places for better info about LEDs than the T5 thread.

Ok, I'm done, I feel like a grumbly old asshole now for trying to salvage the thread that taught me so much. I just want it to stay in its current format, available for so many other people to use as a reference in their own grow.

Hate me or love me, I love my T5s and this is the only place online with such a concentration of knowledge... RIU T5 think tank! Lets keep it pure


Well-Known Member
And now back to our previously scheduled program...? heh.

Went into my closet and found a cat had ripped the mylar off the wall and over a fluoro and some seedlings, knocking over two of them. D:

I think the seedlings are okay.

Cats are once again banned from the grow room. I was letting them back in because they're pretty harmless towards the vegging plants and the hair isn't getting all caught up in the sticky buds. But I guess now they are trying to chase mice through the wall and ripping the freaking mylar off in the process... BANNED...

Need to go to the hydro store and buy more T5's to replace CFL's in the new veg space... for these seedlings...

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Lol when I was setting up my room, still empty, I would invite my dog in to hang while I did my thing, now shes comfortable and will push the door open on her own and go in to sleep in the warmer room... 9 inch long chow/collie hair all over lol. No bueno


Active Member
Not defensive, realized. LOL

I've switched my bulb setup a little today. 5 Flora Suns, 1 actinic plus, 1 blue plus, 1 coral wave, to balance out all the RED from the leds. Oops, I said it. LEDs LOL SO UNPURE!


Well-Known Member
Not defensive, realized. LOL

I've switched my bulb setup a little today. 5 Flora Suns, 1 actinic plus, 1 blue plus, 1 coral wave, to balance out all the RED from the leds. Oops, I said it. LEDs LOL SO UNPURE!
LED's!?!? LED's?!?! Stands for "Light Emitting Devil"!!! Did you not hear?!?! :p (Just teasing, I'm pretty new here, but this has rapidly become one of my go-to threads.) 2 8-bulb 48" T5's and the corresponding veg and flower bulbs. I have a GDP, ATF, and a Romulan just waiting for them. The Rom and GDP are both 17"+, just waiting for all the light to get here in the next couple days.


Active Member
LED's!?!? LED's?!?! Stands for "Light Emitting Devil"!!! Did you not hear?!?! :p (Just teasing, I'm pretty new here, but this has rapidly become one of my go-to threads.) 2 8-bulb 48" T5's and the corresponding veg and flower bulbs. I have a GDP, ATF, and a Romulan just waiting for them. The Rom and GDP are both 17"+, just waiting for all the light to get here in the next couple days.
LOL Have you had the Romulan before? \What are the romulan's qualities/downfalls if any?


Well-Known Member
I got this clone from a dispensary near my house. I enjoy the Romulan myself, great for 2 bad knees and a bad back. Definitely an evening high in my opinion though. The stuff I tried did not mess around. My buddy and I smoked one bowl, and I was good for the whole evening. The only downside I have noticed is that its not a good outdoor plant (obviously irrelevant given the topic of this thread.), the yield seems good, and the potency is kick-ass by all accounts I have found. So if you grow it well, it seems like a good choice. The ones I have seems to be a good candidate for topping/lst combo, not alot of bushing like the Grand Daddy Purp. I'm still new at this game though, these three will be my first plants. I have some cuttings trying to root now off the Rom (7 or so). If the original does well, I can try some CS and see if I cant get some seeds for you. I'm out in Cali,so it wouldn't be hard to ship.