Healthy Stoners

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Last time I got the body fat percent thing done to me I was 6%. I probably got a little more fat on me now though. I consider myself healthy other than the lack of sleep and 400 or so mg of caffeine I drink a day :/

EDIT: I've been eating a shit load of meats and good food lately, drinking protein, and working out every other day to try and buff up a little and not be so freakin' skinny. My only down fall is burger king haha


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty healthy I go to the gym 4-5 nights a week and do kickboxing 2 nights a week, I like to keep a decent balance to toking and staying in shape.


Well-Known Member
Im VERY healthy and VERY athletic, not bosting so dont get the wrong idea on that, i do a sport called parkour everyday and have become quite the expert at it, the stronger you are the better you are, such as stronger legs jump further, so i work hard to keep my body in shape, smoking weed hasnt effected me in bad ways to stop me from doing my sport so im cool, iv got a wallflip you could take a look at


Well-Known Member
To be honest smoking doesn't always make you lazy and couch locked, I've smoked a joint in the car on the way to the gym and then gone and bench pressed no saying that you do get tired a little quicker.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Im 35 now and have had ms since i was 19 bin smoking pot bout same time if not longer. Im 6 foot two and weigh 182. I dont work out anymore but have a 19 yo girlfriend who keeps me active 4/5 times a week lol, I feel great concidering lmao

Orange kush

Well-Known Member
I was wondering how many RIU users would consider themselves healthy. I actually work out occasionally and my job requires a lot of physical activity plus I'm usually always doing something and usually only sit on my ass at night
i just wish I could eat a lot healthier, if it was possible I would have fruits and veggies growing next to my white widow crop

I work out 3 days a week im 6 foot at 170 im in fairly good shape i would say.


New Member
Im 35 now and have had ms since i was 19 bin smoking pot bout same time if not longer. Im 6 foot two and weigh 182. I dont work out anymore but have a 19 yo girlfriend who keeps me active 4/5 times a week lol, I feel great concidering lmao
Fuckin pedobear.


Im 35 now and have had ms since i was 19 bin smoking pot bout same time if not longer. Im 6 foot two and weigh 182. I dont work out anymore but have a 19 yo girlfriend who keeps me active 4/5 times a week lol, I feel great concidering lmao
I don't know whether to congratulate you or post flyers in your neighborhood. LOL!!! i skateboard, snowboard, longboard, run, work out 4 days a week and occasionally do things like surfing, wind surfing and jet skiing. I'm a pretty scrawny dude, but i have a bet going with a few friends. The person who is the buffest by Christmas is going to take all the money (20 per person is thrown down). so far i'm the only one doing anything about it. lol sometimes i feel like a teenage girl since i'm growing boobies now!