12/12 From Seed 150 Watt HPS Perpetual


Well-Known Member
I wish I had a camera that can capture how a plant looks under led and hps together, it's really
like nothing you've seen. If you have, then you know how trippy the buds look! Super crisp green and frosty like candy.


Active Member
man put them under SUNLIGHT direct sunlight if its summer and sun is shinning up in the sky... thats the best way to look at cristals.. my autoberry is just frozen solid.. it fkin glows... im not joking... if fkin glows under sunlight.... i just want to smoke that shit


Well-Known Member
Hey Supchaka,
Those plants seem to be doing just lovely, interesting move removing the fan leaves on those budding plants. Doing a test on some of my genetics right now, something similar. I'm subbed.
All my best,


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, I was going to see if a mod could change my title so I can just keep this one going.


Well-Known Member
The 3 girls just keep throwing new hairs out and the trics still havent changed. I think sunday will be the end of 8 weeks They might go even longer I guess!


Well-Known Member
I am stoked with your grow and my baby grow........adding a 2nd 2x2 and will go 12/12 in one tent ( aping you ) and SCROG'n in the other.......I'm out of control...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yes, going to add a 2nd GL 60 as soon as I sex my plants......one will go 12/12 ad the other I will veg/SCROG.....In the future I will alternate them so that I have a harvest every 7 weeks or so.....it's a plan !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice man, I think the only thing I'm going to try is to let this round go without my brutal pruning methods to see if they yield better or worse.


Well-Known Member
Tentatively going to take them down this Sunday.
26 Days old, Gave her a half feeding of FF Big Bloom


Active Member
nice they grew a lot after floweres showed?? or not much? i currently have 28 inch "not counting the pots" AK47 flowering day 1