12/12 From Seed 150 Watt HPS Perpetual


Well-Known Member
u think u will still get the same results or better? i hear alot of good and bad on LED's i like the thought of them better but the more i research everyone says to wait for another few years for the specturms to be better and the lights to be cheaper! I know LED is a cool light!
Well I don't even remotely believe the sales hype about led lights, but I do think on a watt for watt comparison they perform ok. Summer time heat will be an issue for sure and my old lady isn't going to let me get a crazy setup going so for me the led wasn't a hard choice. Sure I'd like it if it outperforms the 150 hps but we shall see how that pans out. If it totally sucks balls I'll sell the led and put the 150 back in and figure out those temps.


Well-Known Member
I think led's are pretty good for replacing fluorescents or in small grows. I think comparing hps to led is still a bit like comparing a train to a car. But if you compare them to fluoros it makes a bit more sense. Both are low energy alternatives to HID. I have a closet 2x3x6 and have been wondering what to do since I realised my 600 is never gonna work in it. If I plan on growing in there for a couple years I'd get a LED. It would pay for itself in about 12 months and I wouldn't need to replace cfl bulbs. Plus electricity prices here are extortionate. If you pay barely anything to run a HID like some Americans do then led's are almost worthless.

To Chaka: when you say not as bright I imagine it's because it's just different to the hps, you know hps chucks away a lot of its light. I'm sure the results will show its working
You know I've seen some grows where the plants were vegged with LEDs and they seemed to work beautifully and they were able to cover a large area, they just fall short in flowering more times than not. I could definitely see people replacing Fluor t5 and cfl with led sooner than later. I thought the light would be brighter, I dunno just based on what other people said about them. I don't mean brighter per se, but maybe like a higher volume of red, does that make sense? It's making sense in my head :)


Well-Known Member
I think it's fair to double my yield number from the 3 plants and call that my tentative gpw. The 150 has performed pretty fucking awesome so the bar is set for the led. I almost made a side area to finish those 3 under the 150 but my wife knows me to well and that it would turn into a permanent 2nd grow area, I gotta keep the peace you know :)


Active Member
hahaha dude i feel ya, the only reason my spare bedroom isnt a whole grow op is cuz of the Lady! We got just shy of 6grand this year on Taxes (without kids) and she wont let me spend any of it, to much painting, new carpet, blah blah.


Hey chaka what did you yield from your platinum? I have one just beginning to flower and was wondering what i could expect.


Well-Known Member
Question for you ( great job BTW, your thread is awesome ).....I'm an old phototron user who is considering going GL 60 ( 2x2 floor space ). Also thinking 175w HPS all the way. You mentioned in an early post that you were starting in dixie cups, transplanting to Solo cups until you sexed the plants. How old were they when you sexed them and how did you sex them? Trying to figure out how to do that without wasting valuable time growing a plant or six that turn out to be males. Any info would be helpful.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I'd love to know what your plant cycle is, from germinating to sexing to finishing. A little confused about some of your pics because it looks like you are running the 12/12 cycle for the big plants but there are also seedlings in the picture. How's that work? I thought seedlings should be on a 24/0 cycle?

What you are doing ( cabinet size, ventilation, number of plants, etc etc ) is almost my exact desired setup and any info would be GREATLY appreciated. Your plants are awesome !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i keep a 150w literally 4-7 inches away from tops never less then a foot or two at max if you have a fan blowing from underneath at the bulb it will stay cool were you can touch it almost


Well-Known Member
Hey chaka what did you yield from your platinum? I have one just beginning to flower and was wondering what i could expect.
The platinum only yielded 7g ea plant. They went from clone straight into 12/12 and not pretty clones at that. So 7g each should be super easy to beat!


Well-Known Member
Question for you ( great job BTW, your thread is awesome ).....I'm an old phototron user who is considering going GL 60 ( 2x2 floor space ). Also thinking 175w HPS all the way. You mentioned in an early post that you were starting in dixie cups, transplanting to Solo cups until you sexed the plants. How old were they when you sexed them and how did you sex them? Trying to figure out how to do that without wasting valuable time growing a plant or six that turn out to be males. Any info would be helpful.
That's funny, I bought a phototron when I was 19... Which was 20 years ago! My cabinet stays on a 12/12 cycle, makes it so I can add or remove plants at will. They sex by around 18-21 days from seed. In my previous pic the biggest solo cup is a female that showed that day. so I need to pot her up to the 1 gal but I haven't yet. So you can see who's female early on while they're still small.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I'd love to know what your plant cycle is, from germinating to sexing to finishing. A little confused about some of your pics because it looks like you are running the 12/12 cycle for the big plants but there are also seedlings in the picture. How's that work? I thought seedlings should be on a 24/0 cycle?

What you are doing ( cabinet size, ventilation, number of plants, etc etc ) is almost my exact desired setup and any info would be GREATLY appreciated. Your plants are awesome !!!!!!
Time wise you aren't really saving much time over a normal type grow, maybe a week or 2 at most. Still looking at 10-12 weeks start to finish. Although they show sex at like 3 weeks they don't really start budding for awhile.


Well-Known Member
hahaha dude i feel ya, the only reason my spare bedroom isnt a whole grow op is cuz of the Lady! We got just shy of 6grand this year on Taxes (without kids) and she wont let me spend any of it, to much painting, new carpet, blah blah.
I got to buy my blackstar with tax money, the rest went to the household. And by household I mean her!


Well-Known Member
So you run 12/12 continously? No matter what size the plant? After you sex them you continue to leave the females on 12/12? Interesting..........So no real veg state at all......


Well-Known Member
So you run 12/12 continously? No matter what size the plant? After you sex them you continue to leave the females on 12/12? Interesting..........
Yeah if you follow my first thread I had a single large plant I vegged normal etc and it hermied on me, complete waste of like 5 weeks. So to not put all my eggs in one basket I do several smaller plants now. This way I can just do whatever without having a separate veg area.


Well-Known Member
Trust me, I've spent all morning reading and re-reading your thread and I am impressed.....you are not wasting energy and you have zero use or need for pruning, trimmimg, LST'ing, etc etc etc......Just plant 'em, sex em' and watch 'em flower.......them smoke 'em I guess, can't forget that part......AWESOME !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah the pink pics kinda suck. They'll get watered out of the cab tomorrow so Ill get some new shots.


Well-Known Member
Hey I just kinda tripped out there, we were 1 post count apart...ok now 2. lol
Im actually thinkin of chopping them maybe tomorrow!