Annoying ass Christians.... not the religion just the people


Well-Known Member
I don't care that people try talk to me about God. I'm tolerant enough that I'll listen to what makes them happy. Building new churches is what pisses me off. There are soooo many churches already. Where the fuck does that money come from? Build a homeless shelter or a rehab or something that helps people that aren't already helped.

Pat the stoner

New Member
Hmmm annoying ass athiest who are determined to kill god in anyone who has one. Leave us alone bro thats fucked my god didnt hurt you he let you hurt yourself for being a fool. Plenty of times ive done wrong and he's always "hey wait dude dont" "dude just slow down and think about that for a sec!" stop trying to get on christians nerves with your views i didnt do shit to you.
Yeah , if you know what happened to me then also my stepson the guy I let move in cause he was homeless and fed , bought him food and a heater so he wouldn't freeze and offered him work at a fair wage is an atheist . Just like you describe Silas . I never once shared my thoughts with him on religeon , cause I knew they were unwanted . But every day he had the balls to say shit about God and just really asshole comments about religeon to anyone he deemed to be of a faith . Then he broke into my room and robbed me , and called the cops in to be a fuckin rat in order to cover up his theft of over 300 in cash I kept locked up . This fucker is drunk on self righteousness . He is just a lazy theif with no balls and not even an addiction which I could then see why he robbed me . But I dont and will not say that all atheists are like him cause I know they are not . He clearly didnt do this cause hes an atheist - All Christians arent either - so f'n haters come in all shapes and sizes . I wish they would all just go away . That shit is abusive and totally unnecessary as well as uncool . Personalities of assholes span all groups of people and are not limited to one or the other .

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
I don't really like joining religious threads usually because if I tell my beliefs, the atheists try to bring down the hammer on me. Anyways to get to the point I put religious people in two groups the ones that walk by and try to change people and the ones that walk by with there own life to think about who don't get bothered by other peoples beliefs and don't worry about changing people, and go on with life, I put myself in the latter. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I don't really like joining religious threads usually because if I tell my beliefs, the atheists try to bring down the hammer on me. Anyways to get to the point I put religious people in two groups the ones that walk by and try to change people and the ones that walk by with there own life to think about who don't get bothered by other peoples beliefs and don't worry about changing people, and go on with life, I put myself in the latter. ;-)
The thing about that is that most religious people are hyper sensitive when it comes to their beliefs, so any amount of questioning whatsoever is "bringing down the hammer". Society has conditioned religious people to think religious beliefs are completely off limits to criticism, most atheists today recognize that that is one of the major reasons religion has lasted for so long. Within the short amount of time, 10-15 years with the advent and widespread use of the internet, it's had a sharp decline because people are talking about it and learning about it more than they ever could before.


Well-Known Member
When people try to proselytize me, I ask questions. But not the questions they want to hear.

So you are monotheistic, is that right? How does the Trinity square with that? 1+1+1=3, not 1.

Jesus was reanimated on Easter Sunday, your holiest day. How can you justify zombie worship?

Okay, so Jesus feed 5,000 people with seven loaves and fishes. Explain. Miracle? I call bullshit.

If Judas was following God's plan, did he go to Hell? If he did, God is a Bastard. If he went to Heaven for following God's plan, I don't want to go anywhere near there.

Chimpanzees can learn sign language. Can a chimp be saved?

You get the point.


Well-Known Member
Well on that last one, ALL animals are required to worship and are mentioned in heaven/new heaven and earth. I don't think animals have to be 'saved' as they never had The Fall and as far as I know old testament law about 'unclean' and 'clean' beasts is obsolete. As with animals sacrifices (now we don't have to pick the right animal anymore, whee) because these things apparently 'offend god'. The same goes for all the ritualistic pretentiousness surrounding the 'church' today.


Well-Known Member
Well on that last one, ALL animals are required to worship and are mentioned in heaven/new heaven and earth. I don't think animals have to be 'saved' as they never had The Fall and as far as I know old testament law about 'unclean' and 'clean' beasts is obsolete. As with animals sacrifices (now we don't have to pick the right animal anymore, whee) because these things apparently 'offend god'. The same goes for all the ritualistic pretentiousness surrounding the 'church' today.
Okay, consider the last one a gimme. Charlie Church can come up with all sorts of reasons why Cheetah is not smoking a cigar and drinking beer with the Savior as I type this.



Ursus marijanus
If there really was a Heaven that would be a doob and a stein full of Cliquot " La Grande Dame" '82 from magnum. cn


Ursus marijanus
Or Hippocratic. "Crucifix, heal thineself." Oooooh, somewhere a nun just lifted a ruler ... I could FEEEEL it ... cn


Well-Known Member
religious people whining (because they cant bring the torches and axes?)

well, if they only spoke of god. god helping them and stuff like that.

but no

they are not talking of god (actually scandinavian word coming from the old religion, Thor was a god..)

they are talking of jehova

and believing in the bible

and thats

whats being attacked.

not faith in god.

this stupid old horrible book full of prejudice and hate.

not belief in the god.

Pat the stoner

New Member
religious people whining (because they cant bring the torches and axes?)

well, if they only spoke of god. god helping them and stuff like that.

but no

they are not talking of god (actually scandinavian word coming from the old religion, Thor was a god..)

they are talking of jehova

and believing in the bible

and thats

whats being attacked.

not faith in god.

this stupid old horrible book full of prejudice and hate.

not belief in the god.
To me its fanaticism , not a belief in god but how it's displayed . Some you may never know but others attack people with it like a weapon . Tyrrany , anything can be perverted to a point where it is disturbing to others . I know people who are great but then they get on a binge of I don't know what but it's like they say Jesus 1000 times in 5 minutes and will keep it going for hours . By the time theyre done with the effort they spent we could have ended world hunger .

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
When my oldest brother went to Vietnam when he got off the plane the Red Cross asked him for money for a cup of coffee and a sandwich. The Salvation Army gave him food and drink for free and they didn't preach.

When Katrina and Rita took out the gulf coast every church in our area sent teams to help and they did that over and over. How many here picked up a hammer and helped out? Not many, if any. Yet you speak of Christians like they are inhuman and don't deserve any respect.

In my minds eye I see people who care about the wellness of others.


Well-Known Member
usually, the "christians" that dont preach and actually do practice "christian" values (being nice and caring and sharing)

they usually Dont read the bible and ignore most of it.

(probably only calling themselves christians to be part of a group lol though having faith in god and jesus.)


Well-Known Member
Alright i feel like venting...... What the fuck is up with Christians standing on corners trying to convert you. I was raised in a christian family but i don't consider myself religious. I don't go to church and don't really believe in a god...

On my walk to work almost 2-3 times a week a christian converter will come up to me and ask if i am interested in joining their practice and meeting group. I have always politely declined because i feel religious tolerance is important.

This has happens so many time the next time some one asks me to convert i will ask them this.

If GOD Is Real Why Do People Get Raped, Murdered, Hurt!? Why Do People Starve, Why Is There Crime, Why Are There Other Religions !?
Okay, so why knock a guy's dick in the dirt for trying to save some silly asses from going to hell? That's right, why do you want to go to Hell? You don't have to believe to die and pass into the spiritual realm, it will happen without your permission. Stop being a fool and realize there are forces in this world that want humanity DEAD. Stop crying. Stop denying that there is a creator. man is as perfect as diamonds on dog shit. you guys are funny, you nonbelievers. We will be around to trip you and knock you down everytime you fart in our direction. WAKE UP! GROW UP! stop being cool, stop being the popular douche. Find god, or just watch your happy free government blow up in smoke thanks to World War III. You can laugh, but don't let any terdlets escape, mommy won't change you anymore.


Well-Known Member
When my oldest brother went to Vietnam when he got off the plane the Red Cross asked him for money for a cup of coffee and a sandwich. The Salvation Army gave him food and drink for free and they didn't preach.

When Katrina and Rita took out the gulf coast every church in our area sent teams to help and they did that over and over. How many here picked up a hammer and helped out? Not many, if any. Yet you speak of Christians like they are inhuman and don't deserve any respect.

In my minds eye I see people who care about the wellness of others.
The topic of this thread is proselytizing on the street, not good deeds.

Just yesterday, I gave a lady bus fare because she asked me for it.

And I think god is an invisible man in the sky, and religion is a hoax.

I suppose I could have given her a ride. Would that make me more holy?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so why knock a guy's dick in the dirt for trying to save some silly asses from going to hell? That's right, why do you want to go to Hell? You don't have to believe to die and pass into the spiritual realm, it will happen without your permission. Stop being a fool and realize there are forces in this world that want humanity DEAD. Stop crying. Stop denying that there is a creator. man is as perfect as diamonds on dog shit. you guys are funny, you nonbelievers. We will be around to trip you and knock you down everytime you fart in our direction. WAKE UP! GROW UP! stop being cool, stop being the popular douche. Find god, or just watch your happy free government blow up in smoke thanks to World War III. You can laugh, but don't let any terdlets escape, mommy won't change you anymore.
WW III has already come and gone, your Holiness.

It is otherwise known as the Cold War.