Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
WOOOOOAH! ganjafarmer!!! those have grown quick! and i remember u sayin ur in melbourne!!!??? your backyard would stiiiiiiiiiiiink!!! had any neighbours sticken their heads over!!?? looks like they are over fence level, and, maybe shade them at this stage!!?? dont want any choppers or google earth checkin that out, but wow man! nice grow, u make me feel better about having 6 in the backyard, and 1 indoors......
google earth hasnt been updated in melbourne for like ever. pretty sure i still see my parents old cars when i look at ganja's address lol. but shade cloth would be nice coz of an alley next door...full time job watching them cunts lol.


Well-Known Member
once again it wasnt an update they got hacked and it fucked shit up so they have had to use all the backup data but apparently the last time they backed up was like a month ago so everything in between was lost


Well-Known Member
So you got ya bags bro? im toking some dank sour d.. going to the moon and back!
mah, no bags yet, speaking in advance .... :( gotta be this week or bubblebagdude is gettin an email, ozponics fukd up my order, never even left the fukin store, seems as though the world really is turning to shit


Well-Known Member
fuck i have had a big day. i think i may have early signs of root rot. there was a little brown foam on the top of the water in my buckets and there was some gunk on the bottom of the buckets also. i thought zyme was supposed to prevent this but apparently not so im going back to h202 in my water.

dumped out 80l of nutes ran a h202 and florakleen solution for about 4 hrs then dumped all that, then individually sterilised every bucket by putting the plants one by one onto another bucket while i wiped all the insides with a strong h202 solution and cleaned everything right up. then i filled her back up with nutes but i added h202 into the mix and will be adding h202 to my res daily from now on. im not taking any more chances.

im not even sure that it was rot as the roots were still nice and white but like i said im not taking any chances.


Well-Known Member
your ZYME must be sitting stagnant. i have removed zyme altogether, and mine is booming. zyme is shit, slimy, an d yes, can create root rot if the water isnt circulated enough, or temperature is ideal for rot to grow, hope that helps, rid of the zyme. its basically useless, B1 boost will be fine, bit of DR. Repair zyme may be better for soil aplications, my mentor doent use zyme. maybe i should never have


Well-Known Member
ah thats handy to know. my water circulates constantly so it isnt that and i have 2 big airstones plus all of the pump columns aerating the water as well so it isnt a lack of air and my res temp is at about 24c which i dont think is that hot so i dont know. i might substitute zyme for flora blend and see what happens because im fairly certain they are the same thing but i like flora blend better. other than that the girls are looking nice and green and happy.

there is the possibility that what i saw happening was actually beneficial bacteria from the zyme but i dont think u are supposed to see foam on the water with bennies. i would love to here from miyagi on this one as im fairly sure he uses bennies.

im sticking with what i know... h202 it got me through my last grow and conditions were way worse on that with high res temps and all sorts of other shit like nute burn etc