Stop growing PURELY for THC!!!


I was laying in bed for hours trying to sleep but failed to do so. At this time I wanted to smoke SOOO BAD but could not because of my upcoming job interview and I was out of product. THEN A LIGHT BULB WENT OFF IN MY HEAD!!


So I grabbed the triple perc loaded the half gram bowl twice and I am now stoned out of my mind. During vaporization doesn't most the thc vape off? Leaving you with unvaped awesome CBD? I could be wrong but I thought this was perty interesting :D I am sooo glad I did this.

P.S. When I vape I work my way up from 300 to 400 degrees



I know it sounds stupid. But I was going to anyway because I smoked two days ago. I am going to purchase synthetic urine. Anyway, arent those tests purely for marijuana's main ingredient which is thc? and if you vape your weed correctly doesnt like 99% of it come off?


Well-Known Member
well at least you know the boat you're in. lol. in all honesty, i'd like to see the science behind your theory tested. any takers???


Well-Known Member
how does a vaporizer work?

There are many types of vaporizers on the market but they all work with the same principle, which is to heat your medical marijuana until the active chemicals boil and vaporize.

The chemical makeup of cannabis.

Marijuana or cannabis contains cannabinoids which are a group of terpenophenolic compounds including THC (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which is what gets users high. In addition there is CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBN (cannabinol), the latter is produced as the THC ages and breaks down.
Cannabis with high levels of both THC and CBD will create a strong energetic high where low levels of THC and high levels of CBD will be more of a body, sleepy stone.

  • Cannabis indica has higher amounts of CBD and lower amounts of THC than sativa.
  • THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) is found primarily in strains from African and Asian cannabis. The THCV may increase the speed and intensity of THC effects, but the high may tend to end sooner. Cannabis that has a potent smell before smoking may indicate a high level of THCV.
  • CBC (Cannabichromene) seems not to be psychoactive in its purest form but is thought to interact with THC to enhance the high.
  • CBL (Cannabicyclol) is created when the cannabis breaks down just like CBN. Light will convert CBC to CBL.


When cannabinoids are heated to the right temperature they literally boil and vaporize. The cannabinoids are concentrated in a viscous resin that is produced in glandular structures known as trichomes, these are the tiny, sticky hair like formations you see at the end of buds.

Marijuana vaporizer temperature.

Marijuana or more specifically cannabinoids will usually vaporize between 285 °F (140 °C) and 392 °F (200 °C). However through our own studies using highly accurate K-Type thermometers we noted that vaporization is most effective at around 338 °F (170 °C) with a vaporization temperature over 392 °F (200 °C) simply burning your medical marijuana and creating unwanted smoke.

Medical marijuana vaporizers can save you from harmful carcinogens entering your lungs & can represent a significant financial saving due to their inherent design efficiencies.

What are the benefits of vaporization?

* No smoke! Is the number one benefit of using a vaporizer. As the medical marijuana vaporizes you will note that a thin mist of vapour is created at this lower 338 °F (170 °C) temperature. Compare that to a typical marijuana joint which burns at temperatures of up to 2,012 °F (1,100 °C) and in the process creates many harmful carcinogens. Smoke is the prime cause of lung cancer and many respiratory disorders.

* Save money - Since vaporization takes place at temperatures below combustion up to twice as many active constituents are delivered to the user than one would get from smoking, according to studies. Cannabinoids are highly combustible, and many of the delicate glandular trichomes may be destroyed when simply smoked.

* No smell. As nothing is actually burning there is very little smell involved with vaporization.

Type 1 - Classic or direct heat dome vaporizers.
There are approximately 40 vaporizers on the market right now but many of them are junk. We only sell models that actually work and are well constructed.

***Be aware of very poorly made copies from China and India.

Vaporizers have been on the market or handmade by individuals since the 1960’s. The classic “dome” design incorporates a heating element much the same as a soldering iron with a small metal bowl situated where the soldering iron tip would normally be. The heat element heats the bowl and the medical marijuana inside it. The whole tip of the heat element and attached bowl is usually covered by a glass dome which captures the vapour. The user then simply inhales the vaporized marijuana via tubing attached to the dome.
These vaporizers are usually cheap options but they do work quite well. Simple yet effective. Problems found in such designs are usually in the materials used in manufacturing such as the glues, plastics, metal of the bowls such as aluminium all of which can affect the taste.

Ceramic heat element vaporizers.

Vaporizers have become better built in the last couple of decades and now most of the top models use ceramic based heat elements. Ceramic is an inert compound which when heated does not give of any unwanted gases. The best ceramic heat elements include alumina ceramic as the method of creating heat. Alumina ceramic has a similar crystal structure to sapphire and ruby after the sintering process.

Type 2 - Manual inhale (direct lung) or indirect heat vaporizers.

These are our favourite vaporizers. The heat element never touches the medical marijuana and the vapour is only produced when you inhale. The user inhales air past an inert ceramic heat element which can reach a surface temperature of up to 1,382 °F (750 °C). The super hot air then continues through the inert Pyrex glass tube to hit your medical marijuana (situated 2 inches further along the tube) at a far reduced temperature in the vaporization range at around 338 °F (170 °C). The medical marijuana vaporizes and the vapour continues through the inert silicon tubing into your lungs.
The beauty of this system is that vaporization only occurs when you inhale. You control the amount of vapour you inhale using your lungs plus (and we think this is the best part) you can easily regulate the degree to which your medical marijuana vaporizers. The harder you inhale the hotter the herb gets which in turns delivers greater volume and denser vapour.
Indirect heating usually offers the most pure results with instant delivery of fresh vapours at the volume that you desire. We find this method far better than fan forced (stored vapour) vaporization units which remove a lot of this human control.

Type 3 - Fan forced or stored vapour.

Such as the Volcano vaporizer with its balloon style attachment.
Balloon style vaporizers work by pumping the vaporized medical marijuana into a special balloon where it can be detached from the vaporizer and inhaled whenever you are ready. Vapour in the bag will always be the same density, this method does not allow you to control how thick or thin the vapour is mixed with air. Some people like these balloon style vaporizers as it makes it easy to pass the vapours around. In most cases the balloon is able to hold more vapor compared to the other styles.
If you’re interested is this type of vaporizer, the Vapormatic Deluxe is also worth a look. It comes with more features than the Volcano and is usually cheaper. Note the Volcano actually uses an aluminium heat element and not a ceramic heat element.

Vaporizer study, further reading....

Laboratory studies by California NORML .....................................................:hump:


That is very good information. I knew that cbd was body stone and sleepiness. I was not aware that sativa usually has higher thc than an indica strain...Idk if that is always necessarily true. LOOKS LIKE IM TURNING MY VAPE DOWN A BIT! But if Im burning it at 400F why the hell am I still getting stoned when I smoke it? According to this article all the cannabinoids are burned off at 340


Well-Known Member
I think there's no doubt some cannabiniods are left over for most users (really depends on the temperature you run at though). The activation point for various molecules in the plant are all different and THC activates at the lowest temperature of all of them IIRC. CBD activates at fairly high temperatures (240 celcius also IIRC).

I will say though that CBD isn't particularly stoney at all AFAIK (of course I have not actually had any in pure form so it's difficult for me to say, I just go by the research I've read). CBN (degraded THC, and possibly other cannabinoids as well although I do not know for sure) is what makes you sleepy/body narcotic high more so than CBD.


Well-Known Member
the test is for the metabolites of Cannaboids which have similar structures...................been up since 2am
and yes; vapes residues will get you high. very body high. they are excellent for cooking, and impart a toasty flavor.


mmmm Damn i wish i could taste you butter! How much vape did you have to go through to accumulate that much vaped weed? Or how long did it take?


Well-Known Member
I think there's no doubt some cannabiniods are left over for most users (really depends on the temperature you run at though). The activation point for various molecules in the plant are all different and THC activates at the lowest temperature of all of them IIRC. CBD activates at fairly high temperatures (240 celcius also IIRC).

I will say though that CBD isn't particularly stoney at all AFAIK (of course I have not actually had any in pure form so it's difficult for me to say, I just go by the research I've read). CBN (degraded THC, and possibly other cannabinoids as well although I do not know for sure) is what makes you sleepy/body narcotic high more so than CBD.
thats why I use my leftover vape duff for butter...makes killer cannabutter
So OGEvilgenius and colonuggs. Whats your ratio of butter to vaped weed? Is there anything that you do different preparing butter with vaped weed than you would do with fresh bud/trim?
Just got an herbalaire and love it. I do think I'll going though more weed. I long as I can extract the remainder I don't mind.

Do either of you do tinctures with your vaped weed? I thought since its already decarbed it would extract easily. What I was thinking was that I would let it soak for a few days. It shouldn't take long since its be heated so high. You could then add that alcohol to more vaped weed. This could be done 3-4 times easily I would think with out saturation being a problem. What are your thoughts on this also.


Well-Known Member
So OGEvilgenius and colonuggs. Whats your ratio of butter to vaped weed? Is there anything that you do different preparing butter with vaped weed than you would do with fresh bud/trim?
Just got an herbalaire and love it. I do think I'll going though more weed. I long as I can extract the remainder I don't mind.

Do either of you do tinctures with your vaped weed? I thought since its already decarbed it would extract easily. What I was thinking was that I would let it soak for a few days. It shouldn't take long since its be heated so high. You could then add that alcohol to more vaped weed. This could be done 3-4 times easily I would think with out saturation being a problem. What are your thoughts on this also.

1 cup vape to 2 sticks butter