Mike K let joe do this, and he has no respect from me, as i see it
8:21:09 AM] Michael Komorn
To the Membership of the MMMA;
Earlier today our site was hacked. The problem is under control. I personally want to thank you for your patients while we transition the website. We appreciate your confidence in our organization, and look forward to refocusing our efforts on protecting patients. If any concerns were raised by this attack, our members can be assured that they will be addressed with openness, clarity, compassion and respect Again I thank you for your understanding and patients.
Michael Komorn
CEO/President of the MMMA
The server is still a problem. I'm going to try to do a custom install. We'll see. Thanks, Joe
in the end of the sinking ship., they both lie to the patients,
8:21:09 AM] Michael Komorn
To the Membership of the MMMA;
Earlier today our site was hacked. The problem is under control. I personally want to thank you for your patients while we transition the website. We appreciate your confidence in our organization, and look forward to refocusing our efforts on protecting patients. If any concerns were raised by this attack, our members can be assured that they will be addressed with openness, clarity, compassion and respect Again I thank you for your understanding and patients.
Michael Komorn
CEO/President of the MMMA
The server is still a problem. I'm going to try to do a custom install. We'll see. Thanks, Joe
in the end of the sinking ship., they both lie to the patients,