Oh No!! Tragedy in the grow room :(


Hey all. So this last week was pretty rough for me. Multiple deaths in the family, taking care of others' children because of it, and more complications. I was so busy and stressed that my mind was elsewhere, and i thought my grow could go a day or two beyond the norm of my watering cycle. I was wrong. When I went in this morning it was so dry, all the leaves had turned totally down if they are still alive. I watered it this morning in hopes that i can maybe bring back the tops, but I think she's done for.

So i need your help fellow patients and caregivers!! I need some clones. I am in Macomb, send me a PM if you think you could help me. I am not made of money, this is a personal, small grow, and I'm now in a jam. I want to help you out for helping me out, but i can't donate much these days.


Well-Known Member
I will send some down some with ol lady tomorrow. Let me see what I can get rounded up. I do not need any donations for helping you. You will have to meet her in Detroit or Oakland county. Well, Detroit actually. Like original Buddys or something.


Well-Known Member
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Well my order is all fucked up on the pictures. Sure hope you like TGA! lol. I have a Chernobyl, Apollo 13, and Querkle plant that I can send. They are clones I took.
I am cloning some Cheese Quake, JillyBean, and Space Dog. I sexed the Sapce Dog and that cutting was off Space Dog 1 and was already rooting so I put it in soil a few hours ago and was gonna grow that bitch pretty big, but you can have it.
Now the other two little ones are Dr. Greenthumb Bubba Og. That seed pack was $200. Those are some bad-ass little bitches. I am sending a few bigger plants cuz you can get a bunch of clones of them by themselves after they adjust to your room and shit. I am not putting neem or nothing and they will be in the car for a good 8-9 hours before they get to you, so they may a little pissed from the trip.

So you will have Chernobyl, Apollow 13, and Querkle plants. Space Dawg and Bubba OG babies. All TGA clones, 'cept the Bubba OG with is Dr. Greenthumb.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck. Hope this helps you and your patients.


Well-Known Member
relx they will be fine bro , sorry to hear you are having a tough time man but don't worry bout your plants they will perk back up shortly


Well-Known Member
Props to glad. I agree. And to the original op, I would be surprised if it killed the crop.
Good luck and hope you get back to happy growing soon.


Active Member
gladstone.. y9ou are a good man. wish u lived in vegas haha
i just orderd tga. got plushberry , vortex, and ripped bubba
wish i could have sum of ur qurkle tho..

+rep too you.


Well-Known Member
A good friend of mine went to Uncle's funeral about 2 weeks ago. It was really hard on him. When they were in Wisconsin at the funeral a 19-year old drunk girl hit his cousin with her car and killed him. To make matters worse, like they could be, the police felt sorry for the young girl and only charged her with underage drinking. He came home just devastated a few days ago. Well his other cousin and best friend killed himself yesterday morning. I cannot put into words how bad I feel for him.

When you mentioned your garden suffered from going to a funeral, that was all I had to hear.


Well-Known Member
OP.........go get Ubiogrow....it can save your plants. I've had an issue before and it brought it back to life right away. You might not lose your crop...just get on it asap, and make sure you add a drop per gallon of superthrive to the mix.

Glad......good shit my man. Plus rep for you!

Fucking stupid ass "spread rep around note". Admin, that is fucking stupid and with the loss of the like button, you guys need to get this straightened out, it's fucking dumb.

I tried bud.


Well-Known Member
A good friend of mine went to Uncle's funeral about 2 weeks ago. It was really hard on him. When they were in Wisconsin at the funeral a 19-year old drunk girl hit his cousin with her car and killed him. To make matters worse, like they could be, the police felt sorry for the young girl and only charged her with underage drinking. He came home just devastated a few days ago. Well his other cousin and best friend killed himself yesterday morning. I cannot put into words how bad I feel for him.

When you mentioned your garden suffered from going to a funeral, that was all I had to hear.

Wow! The next time I think I'm having a bad day I'll have to remember this. That's terrible.

Good lookin out for this cat, though! +rep


The eagle has landed.
Take care of that Space Dawg, I would like a smoke report on that one.
Thank you so much!!! Somebody needs to tell me how to give rep, because Gladstoned is a true gentleman. I plan on keeping in touch, I know how special the girls can be! I can't express how grateful I am and my patients will be! I actually have a patient who is Ukrainian, so he will live the Chernobyl lol! Thanks do much again :)


Well-Known Member
chernobyl 002.jpg
Here is a pic of my two chernobyl that were seed. I am not sure which you have but #1 is on left. The both look the same. These are in week 5 of bud I believe.

That was nice of her to go a little out of the way when she is so sick. She loves some patients though. Within next two weeks she is going to go a grow on Cereal Killer from Cabin Fever Seed Breeders. cfsbonline.info. You see she needs to eat something, lol. Well she said even the sound of that strain made her hungry. She wants to do a grow and document her weight and health. Down to making tincture and Simpson's oil and trying to get off some meds. Pretty fucking crazy and not sure if a doctor can help her some. Follow her grow and check it out, she will get you cuttings of that too. She will be growing on her hydro table and haven't decided on nutes yet. She has the full line of General Hydroponics, but she don't like having ten different gallons of bullshit.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
The eagle has landed.
Take care of that Space Dawg, I would like a smoke report on that one.
I am excited to hear a smoke report on Space Dawg too. I just received some Space Dawg seeds and Ace of Spades too.
I have a gut feeling about that Space Dawg. I also have high hopes on the test strain Qush (TGA) that I am running right now. I am getting ready to flower out two phenos of it real soon.

Kudos to you Gladstoned for helping a "friend in need" +++reps to you!