What's For Dinner Tonight?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i usto date a navajo and cabbello apache girl and for the first time in navajo nation pow wow i had my first taste of mutin stew i fell inlove with the stew and thier FRI BREAD my god must have nown i was coming because i nevor tasted anything like it ever since i been to native american gathering threw out n nevor tasted anything like the day at the pow wow old ladie i mean REALy old like a fossil.. man your lucky..
It was fucking delicious. My aunt brought over some roast mutton she had cooked on the grill outside. We had a feast. :)


Well-Known Member
Other people really need to appreciate mutton...

All my white friends only eat lamb. Boring...

You ever tried currying it, Carne?


Well-Known Member
Well, I had some left over cheese pizza, and some left over teryiaki steak tips... so, naturally, I chopped up that steak, laid it all over that pizza, heated her up, and went to town!


Well-Known Member
Salsa Grilled chicken , yellow rice, pinto beans

Hope this makes up for that stir fry pic that i agree did not look to appetizing

Rub the chicken with the spices, then marinade in homemade salsa. A little sage&salt is good with the beans, and i like the yellow rice how it comes.

Rub :for chicken

Black pepper
Lemon juice

Salsa Marinade

Cilantro << lots like 1/2 cup to 1cup<< this is why i grow my own stuff
Can of Diced tomatoes
1 jalapeno << add more to your preference i use habaneros
1 clove of garlic << less is more when it comes to salsa
1/4 onion <<< also less is more

put it in a food processor

Nothing like fresh Herbs




Well-Known Member
There's hundreds of types of curry, not all of them have coconut milk in them. Amchar masala, tikka masala, garam masala etc... You also need to add garlic-infused oil, jeera and cardamom to curry some good garbanzo beans/Chana


Active Member
Lasagna with potatoes cooked on the skillet. Some garlic bread (spread with potent mega butter), and half a meat ball sub.

Do you know what I'm saaaaaiiiiinnnnnnn--

Oh and that Mariah Curry sounds hilarious.