Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil


Active Member
i had a very similar experience with plushberry and jack the ripper..used the same method as you too..only difference is i put about 50 homemade seeds through that set up with 100% germ rate b4 i used the TGA stuff..sooo i know it not my method...i didnt give up and it seems the seeds late bloomers and need a lot of coaxing to get going...went back nd forth between soil and just water soak for almost a week now and the jack is just showing some nice sized tap roots, but only 3 of 10 even about 6 for 10 on the plushberry
keep the seeds warm wet and keep them going...u never know


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!
I have decided for ease of use I'm going to name my plants :D. At first this was a little troubling, as I don't know whether they are males or females; but I've decided that maybe if I name them female names they'll be more inclined to turn out that way :mrgreen:. Plushberry #1 will be Pamela, PB #2 will be Phoebe; Vortex #1 will be Vanessa, and #2 will be Vivian lol! Okay so I transplanted Pamela and Vanessa on Friday into some one gallon black nursery pots. In the bottom 25% of these pots I put my super soil mixture, and the rest I put plain Roots Organics. They're looking good! Nice and green, starting to develop the leaves with fingers. I've also noticed this morning Pamela is in the very beginning stages of sending out branches from the small fan leaves she has! Pam is definitely growing the fastest!. Vanessa has a weak stem and needs the support of a broken skewer to stay up easily and absorb the light. I'm debating to myself whether I want to try to do a scrog with Vanessa because of this weak stemmed problem showing early on. It would allow her (him?) to get possibly very fat nugs without having stress on the stems :D. Vivian and Phoebe are trucking along as well, I will probably transplant them in the next few days! Here are some pics

Vanessa and Pamela right after transplant

Pamela on Friday

Vanessa on Friday

Pamela this morning (Sunday)

Vanessa This morning

Vivian and Phoebe (I always get these two mixed up!) I'm too lazy to remember which ones which right now lol :mrgreen:

Have a good day everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Glad I stumbled upon this thread, everything is going well it seems. I have a few seedlings started this yr as a little experiment to see if I can get a female out of a potential mix up I had with a few plants last season indoors. Pineapple chunk is in the genetics.

A few questions for you though about the super soil.

1.) About how much did you spend to get everything you needed to make the super soil recipe? (you dont have to answer that if you dont want) I just wanted to get a general idea.

2.) How long does it take to 'cook' the soil as you described it? ( I noticed that it might be right around a month but was not sure)

3.) Would it be too late already to plan to make a super soil considering how long it takes to 'prepare' the soil. ( I live in the midwest)



Well-Known Member
cool! I am about as far along as you are with my SC outdoor grow! I will be along for the ride!
Nice to have you here, Chuck!

Glad I stumbled upon this thread, everything is going well it seems. I have a few seedlings started this yr as a little experiment to see if I can get a female out of a potential mix up I had with a few plants last season indoors. Pineapple chunk is in the genetics.

A few questions for you though about the super soil.

1.) About how much did you spend to get everything you needed to make the super soil recipe? (you dont have to answer that if you dont want) I just wanted to get a general idea.

2.) How long does it take to 'cook' the soil as you described it? ( I noticed that it might be right around a month but was not sure)

3.) Would it be too late already to plan to make a super soil considering how long it takes to 'prepare' the soil. ( I live in the midwest)

1. On about 90 gallons of soil I spent about $240. The main cost of the mix were the Roots bags (like $13 per 1.5 cu ft bag) and the earthworm castings ($60 for all of it, I think 40 lbs?) but I didn't want to skimp this year, I'm going all out lol :mrgreen:!

2. Subcool recommends 30 days
Subcool said:
Before using it, the entire load is poured out once more and mixed well. Once placed in the storage containers, I water the mix slightly, adding three gallons to a large garbage trash can full. Now, after adding water we cap it and put it in the sunshine. Thirty days of cooking is best for this concentrate.

3. No it wouldn't, last year I didn't start my seeds until early May and I got a crop I was happy with. Note my link in signature of first grow :weed:


Well-Known Member
Cute girls. And the Basil, too! If you do end up with a male you can make some nice seeds with that cross.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I had a great week, and I still have a few days before I go back to school! My birthday was on Wednesday and I bought myself a Solo portable vaporizer by Arizer as a gift haha :D. Yesterday (Thursday) I brought it to San Francisco for the day and it was awesome! I was vaping just walking around and it was so fun hahah! I don't think anyone knew, it kinda looks like I'm drinking something if I just do it casually :mrgreen:. The only downside to it is the battery lasts only a few hours of constant use, but I have a car charger/A/C adapter for it so I charged it while I was there lol. I'm excited, the apricot crop this year is looking really full, here's a snap of one of the branches developing. The plums and peaches this year also look very very promising due to the early sunny weather! I really hope some hard hail doesn't roll by and fuck it all up lol! (knock on wood)

Today I did a lot of things in regards to my potential girls :D. I transplanted Vivian and Phoebe into ~1gal pots (not sure if they are exactly) with about 25% super soil in the bottoms of each, the rest filled with Roots. Vivian is the one in the shorter black pot with the larger radius, and Phoebe is in a slightly taller, orange plastic container.

Here is Pamela, she looks to be liking the new container I put her in. :mrgreen: I'M REALLY REALLY HOPING PAM TURNS OUT TO BE A REAL GIRL, but if he doesn't, and I better start reading up on how to collect pollen and distribute it :D. I think PlushberryxVortex and PlushberryxPlushberry could be a good strains to develop to my climate over time :D

Vanessa has a very weak stem, she is growing a bit slower than Pamela and a bit more stretchy so this makes me concerned that she may be a he? Although they are completely different strains, The Dolce Vita and Red Dragon seemed to be pretty close in growth rate early on last year.

(Vivian in background!)

Unfortunately, at this point in the morning my phone died, this meant that was the end of my pictures. So I went and put it on charge and continued my work. I dug both holes for the plants, considering that most likely I'll have 2 plants I dug 2 big holes. The holes I plan on putting one of the Vortex's in is a little bit deeper than the other. I don't have exact measurements, but it was probably around 2.5-3' deep and 1.5-2' radius. At the bottom of this hole I sprinkled a bit of dolomite lime and a handful of High P bat guano that I used in my original super soil ti give it an extra boost when it hits the bottom, I filled this hole about 2/3-3/4 full of super soil (I really hope this isn't too much, someone further consolidate my portioning please?) and I put 1 1/2 bags of roots so far on top of it. I put chicken wire poking about 6" off the ground and supported the bottom side of this with the clay that I dug up. I'm using this as a support from erosion so I can almost terrace the 2 plants that I will likely have :mrgreen:. I still need to put another bag of plain roots in this hole to fill it up, and another 2-2 1/2 probably for the other hole. The other hole is about 2' deep and is more of a oval shaped about 4'x2'. I will keep the plant that's planted here (hopefully plushberry) low and stout, perhaps even using a screen or other LST method... I still need to go buy another few bags of Roots, but I won't even be putting plants in these homes until I see signs of a female! I don't really know how much longer this will be, my guess is about a month? If someone has any experience in this aspect an estimate would be greatly appreciated and rep deserving :clap:.

Anyways that's it for now, will get pics of the finished product of the raised beds as I finish them and get more soil, Thanks for reading guys :D :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man how much light per day are you getting in your area? just curious

I don't know exactly, but we're getting probably 12-13 hours of light a day, and the girls probably get 5-7 of it direct right now if even that. Things are going by slowly, but I keep telling myself they're growing faster than they did last year, and by the first week of May I had just gotten my seeds planted; I'm like 5 weeks ahead lol :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, Jeep and everyone! It's nice to see some people are checking out my journal XD. Hope you had a great 4/20 like I did :D. Sorry for not posting an update in forever, things are just pretty slow in the beginning and my mind has been occupied by other things recently :roll:. Anywho, the plants have been doing well :blsmoke:. They're all putting along day by day, last night was the first night I left them outside because it stayed above 50 degrees the whole night, but other than that I have been taking them out each day at about 8 each day (when I know it's going to be nice weather, of course :wall:) and let them soak up the sun. I haven't been watering very often as they haven't needed it (besides Pamela, she soaks it up like a sponge) but every other watering I have been giving each baby a nice light dose of Liquid Karma. They're all looking awesome and starting to develop branches from each node. Does anyone who has some experience with regular seeds know about how much longer it will be before these plants show sex? I'm trying to decide whether I will want to transplant them again before putting them into the ground. They're only in one gallon black nursery pots that get very hot in the sun, and I know Pamela is starting to fill her's out.... Now for the pictures :D, did these ones with something better than just my phone XD

Group shot! Left to right: Vivian, Vanessa, Pamela, Phoebe

Pamela is definitely the strongest plant of them all it seems, she has been and currently is growing at the fastest rate of them all. Pam's leaves are much larger and have a deeper green than any of the plants (I figure the Vortex will be more lime green than the PB) and has this shine to it's leaves that make it look really happy. If any of the plants turn out to be a female, I really really hope it's Pamela! I want to tie her down and "main-line" her (nugbuckets style) she's nice and stocky :mrgreen: here's some pics of her....
First a pic of Pamela and Phoebe for size reference (started a few weeks apart)

Phoebe is growing at a nice rate, both Phoebe and Vivian seem to be growing close to the same rate. Phoebe really likes being put into the one gallon pot earlier in her life than Pamela was. I've noticed that the larger pot size almost made them grow the secondary branches. Both Phoebe and Vivian started growing branches at shorter node length than Pamela and Vanessa. Here's some pics of Phoebe...

Hey, Nugbuckets! I've noticed the Vortex leaves do droop noticeably when the sun begins to go down and the weather gets a bit cooler :D

Vanessa is doing great! She is growing pretty tall with smaller and thinner leaves than Pamela, but the ridges on her fan leaves are more defined and deeper veined than either of the PB's. She seems to be putting a lot of effort into the branches that are forming. Both of the Vortex's, as previously stated, are a much more lime green color than the PB's. Pics of Vanessa.... EEK A SPIDER

Vivian is coming along nicely :D




Well-Known Member
I think Pam may be a dude :-( I think his pollen sacks are beginning to form right next to his secondary branches, they look like tiny balls. Of course the strongest plant turns out male /facepalm