Cloning by leaf ..


Active Member
Hi there growers . I'm reading a little booklet thing on cuttings ect . It says u can clone a plant via a leaf .?? Has any one done this .? And what's the %ratio if any one has ? Thanx


Well-Known Member
Don't see how it would be possible to clone a fan leaf alone

What does the book say ?


Active Member
It says take a mature leaf .. Cut 4cm down the stalk . Pre fill rootit plugs with root hormone gel and that's it .. Seems to simple for it to work for me ..


Well-Known Member
I always thought you needed some "new growth" to continue to grow once the clone roots.
IMO I feel like trying to clone from a single fan leaf would be a waste of time, even if it roots I dont see where the growth would come from

Ive been taking cuts and have a 100% success rate
I just take the cut from the main stem
at a 45 degree angle dip in rooting gel
And mist the dome 3 times a day

Usually have roots in 8-10 days (no fancy cloners just a dome and spray bottle)

These should be rooting in the next 2 - 4 days

If anybody clones from just a fan leaf I'm interested to see it

But imo I think the regular way of taking clones would be more efficient.


Well-Known Member
I seriously want to see some pics or a video of somebody attempting it
I'd follow that thread

el rey

Like take a leaf and put in dirt like normal ? No. However there are people on this board that do tissue culture including myself. I have successfully grown roots from a leaf it's crazy check out cloning by tissue culture I have posted pics of my progress.


Well-Known Member
You *could* get a fan leaf to sprout some roots...but it will not amount to anything useful. In all my years of growing and botany I have also never seen ANY tree leaf that sprouted roots and grew into a tree. Of course I wasn't there to watch the whole time, but science says it ain't happening, sorry. If you Google search this topic, it has been beat into the ground and the consensus was always the same- a no-go.
+rep for thinking about it anyways... that's where all discoveries first come from. ;)


Well-Known Member
I've done it, and pulled nearly 18 ounces(dry) off the resulting plant.

Just kidding, lol! But I did clone a fan leaf in the TurboKloner back in the beginning when I didn't know what the fuck was going on. And yes the fan leaf did sprout roots after nearly a week and a half in the machine.


Well-Known Member
I've done it, and pulled nearly 18 ounces(dry) off the resulting plant.

Just kidding, lol! But I did clone a fan leaf in the TurboKloner back in the beginning when I didn't know what the fuck was going on. And yes the fan leaf did sprout roots after nearly a week and a half in the machine.
I was just about to post a "pics or it didn't happen" picture lol


Well-Known Member
Your book is correct that plants can be cloned via a single leaf ,problem is that if you try to clone a fan leaf from a mj plant all you will get is a nicely rooted fan leaf that wont grow out into a full plant.

Plants with complex structures like a node on a mj plant do not contain the cell structure needed to replicate itself within the leaf matter.

The cells needed to grow out a full plant are locked within the vein of the leaf,cloning a mj plant via a fan leaf is possible but not in a classic sense,the leaf needs to lay flat on top the medium & needs to root from the veins of the leaf instead of the leaf stalk.
Then what you get is a goofy ass looking lump of roots that if you can keep alive long enough will shoot up little sprouts that resemble a mj seedling.

A botanist who is a member here talked a few members & myself into trying it a few years back,we were experimenting with different growth hormones when he suggested the fan leaf deal ,we spent an entire year fukin round with fan leaf cloning & found out its a bitch to pull off,after about 6 months & dozens of failures I got a few leaves to root via the veins ,but only 1 took hold & grew a root mass,i never did get a plant to pop out of the root mass,i forgot to adjust the temp in the incunator & the root mass molded over,i was all kinda pissed & gave up.

Its possible but the cloning process dosent even remotely resemble just sticking a leaf stalk in hormones & your off n running,its alot of precise work involving incubators,total sterile medium & growth chambers as well as sterile hormones,its just too much work when standard cloning techniques are so simple with extremely high success rates.

Dont waste your time unless your into the science behind it all.


Active Member
Thanx ppl for taking some of ur time to get bk to my thread . . Cloning by leaf sounds more complicated than it sounded . Bloody books make things sound so simple . Well iv only tried to clone off of a plant once and fxcx all grew and made me very disheartened. I really wanna no the art of cloning I read loads but I'm just not grasping the correct way .


Active Member
only one time did i see someone try to clone a leaf, and roots actually did develop but no growth what so ever.


Well-Known Member
well it true if you dont induce "shooting" along a stem of the growth the leaves/stem will only form roots(without a plantlet or node).

but there are 2 ways you can induce "shooting" to occur, siply wait till leaf is rotted and make an incision in the vein of the stem about a cm long like this \/ keep exposed and cut away any new growth that starts from the edges and in the center of your wound(if kept clean plain with plain water) after some time a plantlet MAY develop, from what i hear not all strains have this regenerative capability, some people try to make the incision as close to the bottom of leaves as possible as this is where all fluids separate and become smaller veins easier to block off to build up the hormones in the wound. another method is to spray with a chemical know as 6-BAP after leaf has rooted


Well-Known Member
Haha... I did it for fun. I made 2 clones from 2 fan leafs on my last grow.

One died in a week and the other one hung on to life for about a month. Till I got tired of looking @ it.
Opened the rapid rooter... Didn't see any roots.

But, I have read that it will root. But, will not produce a plant.:leaf:

kbo ca

Active Member
ever heard of cloning from leaf cultures? Just enough plant material to get the dna from the live plant can make a new plant. It takes way too much time to do, but it's kinda cool. You can get a plant to grow from just a leaf, or even less.


Well-Known Member
ever heard of cloning from leaf cultures? Just enough plant material to get the dna from the live plant can make a new plant. It takes way too much time to do, but it's kinda cool. You can get a plant to grow from just a leaf, or even less.
Nobody has done this with cannabis, at least that I'm aware of...