First Grow, Blackstar 500, 32x32x60 Grow Space


Well-Known Member
Day 55 of Flower:
Started flushing today... Not too much longer now! :weed:. There are not that many orange trycomes yet so I am hoping that in about 2 weeks when I chop they will be present. Is that a safe bet? Anyone want to guess yield (to make it fun +rep to the closest guess!)


Well-Known Member
They're all made of 3W LEDs... only difference is the # of them :) That's why I went with 240s instead of getting a bigger model -- The lower wattages work fine my plants under just one 240w are looking just fine.


Well-Known Member
you don't need to flush there is nothing beneficial about flushing iv smoked weed flushed and weed that iv nuked all the way untill the day before dark cycle all your doing is minimizing your girls full potential


Well-Known Member
you don't need to flush there is nothing beneficial about flushing iv smoked weed flushed and weed that iv nuked all the way untill the day before dark cycle all your doing is minimizing your girls full potential
Well, I have had cannabis that sparks and crackles when its smoked and I don't want that. Plus I don't want to be smoking my fertilizer. I actually haven't read up too much on flushing... just figured Id water without fertilizers for the last 2 weeks. Mabey I should read a bit more on the subject.


Well-Known Member
nothing worse than weed grown in chemical ferts that taste like shit because they weren't flushed properly. yuck. that's why i grow organic no flushing necessary, great taste :)


Well-Known Member
Day 57 of Flower:

This one looks close to being finished.

This one looks like it needs a bit more time.

And I think these are just about finished as well.


Well-Known Member
All looking really tastey... what do you think you'll yield after they dry? Are you checking trichs with a scope or just eyeballing?

Too bad though... must be a bunch of big airbuds since we all know LEDs can't grow real bud ;)


Well-Known Member
what do you think you'll yield after they dry? Are you checking trichs with a scope or just eyeballing?
I have no idea how much I am going to yield but if I get 1/oz per plant I will be happy. I am looking at the trichs with my macro lens. There are not very many orange ones. I am hoping by the time I harvest there will be more.

Here are how the Great White Sharks are doing in the tub. A few days shy of 2 weeks since germination.


Well-Known Member
add molasses to your last 2 weeks of watering or refined sugar. Looking fat dude! i predict more then an ounce per plant, but u should def. have an oz per plant


Well-Known Member
Looks like at least an ounce... hard to tell how much more from pics... plus pics can't tell you density... the great thing for me is i'm pretty sure if I cut now I'd get at least an ounce... but I still have weeks to go haven't even hit the final swell/plumping phase


Well-Known Member
add molasses to your last 2 weeks of watering or refined sugar. Looking fat dude! i predict more then an ounce per plant, but u should def. have an oz per plant
adding molasses doesnt do a damn thing other then bring pests into the equation


Well-Known Member
adding molasses doesnt do a damn thing other then bring pests into the equation
ive never tryed molasses but i have used refined sugar and i felt it braught out more of the taste and trich count but that is from one test, and yes it was the same strain. Good to hear the other side of things tho on the molasses ive noticed alot of suggestions of using it in the past.


Well-Known Member
The sugars are going to waste and the only benefit you are getting is a few trace elements.

Its all about the Microherd. The sugars are not used by the plants at all, instead its used by a thriving microherd to break down the organics into a form that the plants can uptake.
Chemicial grows have no microherd. Therefore cannot benefit from sugars in the soil.

What you are doing when you flush a chemical soil op with mollassas water is your flushing away nute build up ( which should not be there in the first place ) with an expensive nutrient water. Nutrient salts build up over time when you over fertilize.

The molassas does have some water soluable nutrients in it. So you are trying to flush out nutes with nute water... The sugar does nothing for you.

if you don't nuke your girls theres no need for a flush they still absorb whatever is left in the soil think of the last two weeks as a grace period they're basicly done growing its just time for the apple to turn red and ripen

i nuke my girls to the last moment i have towering hulk-like butch girls the bud tastes fine no snap crackle or pop but if i didnt monitor the ppm i could have a massive salt build up and they would lockout and die over night which basically is what the "flush" is preventing. stay high :) happy 420!!!