Seedling dying?


Hello World! I'm doing a trial run untill I can afford to buy the right materials. Unfortunately my passion is bigger then my wallet. My baby girl is just a little over 2 weeks since she peeked out the soil. Right now she is in a red plastic solo cup with drainage holes poked in the bottom and placed in the lip of a coffee can with about 2 inches of room from the bottom of the cup to catch draining watter. I have one 26 watt cfl that I had been keeping about 3-4 inches above her untill I started noticing problems, the last 3 daysI moved it about a inch or less from the top of the plant. I am unfotuneately, using mircale grow cactus soil because its all I have right now but next grow will definately be foxfarm ocean forest soil. I have used no nutes and have been watering almost everyday because the soil drains very fast and drys out quickly. So far their are 2 sets of fan leaves and the orginal sprouting leaves that have grown. I read an article about root rot and it made me nervous so I started watering every other day.. since i switched the watering schedule to every other day the first set of fan leaves have started curling under and the leaves have turned yellow, the sprouting leaves now are starting to die ..also the the fan leaves have brown tips and are yellowing. I have read many threads and I dont know what exaclty my problem is or if I should just give up and start over properly. I dont know if my light is to close, not stong enough, to much watering, not enough..just plane out bad soil???? maybe I should let it sit out side in the day time on the porch utill it heals??? WHAT SHOLD I DO? THANKS TO ANY ADVICE.. i know that i shouldnt expect much with the little effort i have put into it but i still dont want her to die so quickly =(


Well-Known Member
Overwatering. The medium is too wet to allow o2 to the small root system. Make sure the drainage holes are big enough, and a plant that size , would only need watering approx once a week, when it gets bigger and is growing ,it will need more water. Water the cup when it feels light and no domes ,misting etc.


New Member
you should have added perlite to help with aeration and vermiculite for water absorption, perlite is more important though

edit: sitting it outside will dry it quicker so you can get it on track faster


I should have listened to my gut instinct, plus in what i have read i should have known better then to water it so much!! I just felt like feeding my baby but in reality i was killing her =( ..THANKS FOR THE HELP ALL!!! and I will add more perlite to the mix when i re plant her.. waiting till a full recovery first though! I will let her chill out on the porch and dry out and hope to post healty pics of her next week after shes recovered!


Active Member
They are from EDIT. Autoflower Fast Bud

The Cotyledon's Seem to be drying out and hardening but The fist set of single leaves are emerging. [h=1][/h]


Active Member
Also, not sure where your water source is coming from, but if it is from your tap, I recommend letting the water sit out for a day before using it to water your plant.


Well-Known Member
Also, not sure where your water source is coming from, but if it is from your tap, I recommend letting the water sit out for a day before using it to water your plant.
True, its always good to let some of the impurities evaporate including chlorine which does no good for you plant.


Well-Known Member
with small containers, get used to the weight of it dry, then water em. Don't water till its almost as light as it was when it was dry. This way roots grow strong and get lots of air.