i need extreme HELP!!!!!!!!!! for resccued clones!!!!!!


ok heres the low down, 48 hrs ago i rescued 92 clones from the back of a tool trailer!!! now the grower was admitted to hospital and made a desprate phone call and i decided to help,
i have never grown b4 so i am doing what i can, i have spent 40 of the last 48hrs reading and doing my best.... i fear its not enough!!!!!

1) 70 of the clones are rooted this confirmed, performed pull test.
2) 19 no roots, or had started rotting, re cut stems and scraped place back in rock wool, built humidity doom, gentle light,
3) went back to trailer and found out the soil is Mg, all pourpose,
4) wife watered the clones with mg nutrient solution. she is the green thumb and says it will help,
5) after reading about 20 mj sickness diagnosis threads and web help sites, i atempted a flush of the plants... i was try'n to avoid nut burn..

ok guys that was all the actions taken up to this point...

the clones where in the trailer unatended for 3 days coverd in garbage bags .. all so the temp was + 5c at its coldest during the time in trailer,

condition of clones now.
positive results.
1) drooping has almost gone away most plants sprung back up,
2) what tiny leaves i could see un shriveld and look good - wife says that it was the new growth b4 been unatended..

BAD RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) most plants leaves have started turning yellow this was followed bye brow tips that curled up.....

ill upload some pics pls guys i could really use some help.. the guy im helping is in a bad way and cant afford to loose these pls pls help!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
ok heres the low down, 48 hrs ago i rescued 92 clones from the back of a tool trailer!!! now the grower was admitted to hospital and made a desprate phone call and i decided to help,
i have never grown b4 so i am doing what i can, i have spent 40 of the last 48hrs reading and doing my best.... i fear its not enough!!!!!

1) 70 of the clones are rooted this confirmed, performed pull test.
2) 19 no roots, or had started rotting, re cut stems and scraped place back in rock wool, built humidity doom, gentle light,
3) went back to trailer and found out the soil is Mg, all pourpose,
4) wife watered the clones with mg nutrient solution. she is the green thumb and says it will help,
5) after reading about 20 mj sickness diagnosis threads and web help sites, i atempted a flush of the plants... i was try'n to avoid nut burn..

ok guys that was all the actions taken up to this point...

the clones where in the trailer unatended for 3 days coverd in garbage bags .. all so the temp was + 5c at its coldest during the time in trailer,

condition of clones now.
positive results.
1) drooping has almost gone away most plants sprung back up,
2) what tiny leaves i could see un shriveld and look good - wife says that it was the new growth b4 been unatended..

BAD RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) most plants leaves have started turning yellow this was followed bye brow tips that curled up.....

ill upload some pics pls guys i could really use some help.. the guy im helping is in a bad way and cant afford to loose these pls pls help!!!!!!!
get them in a good dome pronto, good light and high humidity. a good spray would be good, flush the medium if they're getting burned. or if they're not rooted, move them to a better pot for cloning. re-dip them in hormone as well.


ok ive done a flush allready so should i do another? like do i just poor the water thru untill it runs out the bottom of cup? and so even with the rooted ones i should dome them?
im soooooooo completly new to this guys i havent slepted in 2 days.... ill be getting more lights tomorow, bye a good spray do u mean store bought or a heavy water spray?


Well-Known Member
ok ive done a flush allready so should i do another? like do i just poor the water thru untill it runs out the bottom of cup? and so even with the rooted ones i should dome them?
im soooooooo completly new to this guys i havent slepted in 2 days.... ill be getting more lights tomorow, bye a good spray do u mean store bought or a heavy water spray?
if you already flushed your probably fine, a good amount of run off should have came out. and if they arent doing well in regular light, back to the dome. keep an eye on them, they can change in as little as 30 minutes from being droopy to perking up. dont give them mg nutes either, make sure your using the right water. make sure pH is lower than 7 and tap water has bad chlorine and other metals that harm plants, use spring water or distilled if you can, if not leave out the tap water for about 3 days.
use good water with foliar spray as well, i dont think theres that many good organicides out there but marigold flowers, garlic and canola all help if used, just garlic or a bit of canola would be good. get a spritzer bottle or a sprayer from home depot or lowes.


ok the best i can do untill tomorow is cover them in clear polly after i mist them... also these are an outdoor stain - Monster kush.. is what he said.. dunno if that helps

thanks so much guys... ill keep post pics an updates least i can do for you'r much needed advice


great! i have a new spriter bottle, as for the flush, it was only a minor drip out the bottom of the cup... ill redo it now, also i only have tap water atm would it be better to wait till i get distilled? best of 2 evils i suppose?

garlic? canola? like is there a special form of these or do i just go to my kitchen grind it up and add to mister bottle? im so newb is kinda funny the situation im in.... omg i need sleep!!


Well-Known Member
great! i have a new spriter bottle, as for the flush, it was only a minor drip out the bottom of the cup... ill redo it now, also i only have tap water atm would it be better to wait till i get distilled? best of 2 evils i suppose?

garlic? canola? like is there a special form of these or do i just go to my kitchen grind it up and add to mister bottle? im so newb is kinda funny the situation im in.... omg i need sleep!!
make some new holes in the cups, poking holes in the top soil with a pencil may help wick out moisture that can cause root rot. stay an inch or two away from the mainstem to avoid hurting the tap root. and id just use tap for now, try boiling it first, things may blow over. tap water is different in every city, some have more excess metal than others.
and use the household stuff, just cut up some garlic, add about a teaspoon per gal of water and add the mix to your spritzer. should keep off most pests, spray the bottoms of the leaves as well.


so do these plants have any hope for recovery? or am i depriving my self of sleep and sanity for a lost cause? i dont want to give up on them nor am i shy about putting the work in to heal them.. whic in the end would help heal the guy im tryn to help :)

thanks every for your help :)


Well-Known Member
so do these plants have any hope for recovery? or am i depriving my self of sleep and sanity for a lost cause? i dont want to give up on them nor am i shy about putting the work in to heal them.. whic in the end would help heal the guy im tryn to help :)

thanks every for your help :)
with proper care you may be able to bring back a few, if your real lucky you can bring all of them back.


with proper care you may be able to bring back a few, if your real lucky you can bring all of them back.
ok finished second flush this was a good one alot of run off... say 1/4 of watter ran from each as i had them sit in tub, i feel better so i hope they will fell better :)
now any thoughts on why they look they way they do? is it nute burn? been left 3 days in garbage bags and cold..? oh a big plus i pulled a few out of the soil to look at the roots and every one i looked at are longer then when i first viewd then 2 days ago and they are ivory white? i hope thats good....

thanks again every one..


Well-Known Member
ok finished second flush this was a good one alot of run off... say 1/4 of watter ran from each as i had them sit in tub, i feel better so i hope they will fell better :)
now any thoughts on why they look they way they do? is it nute burn? been left 3 days in garbage bags and cold..? oh a big plus i pulled a few out of the soil to look at the roots and every one i looked at are longer then when i first viewd then 2 days ago and they are ivory white? i hope thats good....

thanks again every one..
may just be stress, could be nute burn as well. the yellowing leaves happen when theyre being cloned usually so that can be normal. look close at the leaves for abnormalities. keep them in a high humidity dome until theyve shown growth.


well i just put up a dome over them i hope all this flushing and moving and jazz hasent F'd them up.. :( not that they wernt messed up all ready... anyways thanks for all the help im gonna hit the sack ill update in the morning!!!

Thanks Mr.Ganja for taken the time to explain thing to me, and for the advice!!


well i was just about to crash then i had a thought !!! could i pick up some new soil and repot the rooted clones? like a soiless mix or somthing? this way i would avoid nute burn, and root rot from the flushing?


Well-Known Member
well i was just about to crash then i had a thought !!! could i pick up some new soil and repot the rooted clones? like a soiless mix or somthing? this way i would avoid nute burn, and root rot from the flushing?
poking holes should stop your root rot, a transplant would be good too. idk about soilless though, maybe get some less hot soil like fox farms or black kow, a bag of perlite and mix them about 70:30 ratio with soil and perlite. i would wait till after they adjust.


Well-Known Member
yellowing of clones is due to overwatering and those clones are not rooted despite your 'pull test' . Reduce watering and if they droop badly give them a spray dont water the medium untill nearly dry and stop the MG ,just water..


yeah i havent waterd the medium since last night when i gave then a good flush, due to the mg nutes.. also i know that the plants in the pic are rooted, i gently lifted them bye the rockwool cube and seen lots of ivory white roots??? maybe about 1/4 - 1/2 inch out of the cube, all plants have been placed in humidity domes with cfl 6500k lights, i havent had to mist since last nite and all look much better, out of the 70 that i placed in domes last nite only 3 have gotten worse, im just really worried about root rot from the 2 flush's and this mg soil holds water.. i removed the soil from the top of the cubes and place wick hole around the cube in hopes of reducing water in th soil...

again i could be totaly wrong about the roots i am completly new to this and im going bye threads and pics in help sections either way im following the same advice, no water in the medium, mist if dry and keep in domes until growth starts...

if im missing somthing pls pls let me know....

thanks buds i do need help and appriciate all the advise..


Well-Known Member
yellowing of clones is due to overwatering and those clones are not rooted despite your 'pull test' . Reduce watering and if they droop badly give them a spray dont water the medium untill nearly dry and stop the MG ,just water..
go with BUDS advice, hes on point. if you've got roots, id suggest a transplant, go light on the nutes until they ask for em. your soil packs most of the shit they need, should be good for a few weeks. if theres any new discolored leaves though let us know. make sure you got the right pH too.


ok so i will transplante the rooted plants in the morning, as 70 takes awhile... also with using cfl bulbs how many and what kind would be good?