Marijuana's effect on personal spirituality and philosophy


Well-Known Member
That pretty much sums up my experience, it does reveal both the good and the bad though sometimes, so you gotta learn to deal with it.
Romans 12:2 KJV

And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

renewing of your mind = :weed:

I don't believe in any god, but it is a bronze age book anyway, so in it's day, this was pure wisdom. Maybe replace 'will of god' with 'pursuit of truth'?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Some cultures believed that marijuana is the tree of life, even some christians believe that too... It would make sense, I'd say, theres not another substance in the world that has as many uses as marijuana.


Well-Known Member
it for sure for me makes me think more in depth on any topic. an like strife it def makes my imagionation take off esp when it comes to music it feels like it just flows out of you. its def made me see positively, negatively, and everythin between, but i feel it was for the better. it makes me think an appreciate my family and friends and just the fact that we all live and have these amazin machines for our bodies. it def help with my anger issues an has made me more of a carin person all around high or not.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
mj helps me categorize and prioritize what has to be done its my anti-overwelming meds after i smoke im all, ok i'll start helps me remember for any big problem, my friends father told me" its just like eating an elephant one bite at a time."it really helps when i am designing my construction drawing or plans.


Active Member
mj helps me categorize and prioritize what has to be done its my anti-overwelming meds after i smoke im all, ok i'll start helps me remember for any big problem, my friends father told me" its just like eating an elephant one bite at a time."it really helps when i am designing my construction drawing or plans.
That's really cool, has it ever produced some really creative construction plans? Or maybe some really wonky ones that needed tweaking?

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
both, but in the end it always works out and the client gets more than what they expected.i see things and solutions i would have been too distracted to recognize if i was not medicated.