My donkey dick grow journal TTT genetics LETS ROCK!


Well-Known Member
o 2nd attempt as server was messed up so earlier journal was delted,wasent gunna do another but hell they looking mint! s thought i would,ANWYAYS
canna nutes full range
some other various powders for making stuff,
canna coco
SOME perlite
600 watt hps for flower room
300 hps in flower room(not in use)
24 watt t5( i think) 6400k for box
5 inch rvk extractor
12 inch fan

so got some beans of sum1 here they got mixed so could be
exo/black rose,rom,exo, or sum others

also got 4 nemesis clones in the box froma fairy

anwyays i had sum disasters at start gemred 32 seeds killed a few a few died had qwite a few males--ended up with 2 viable females 1 week veg been in flower JUST 3 weeks

in my box i have 4x nemesis clones got them young and let the box get too hot and humid so excuse the brown leaves,under control now and new growth started in the centre of them so ther recvoering,,been in box 5 days,

awaiting on 2 more clones a liver and a psycosis i do belive or i could be wrong lol
so heres my thread i made this just to journal my grow enjoy the ride,MORONS NOT welcome you know who u r :)

heres the pics

donkey dick
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donkey diskc wife(lesbians of course)

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adopted kids!

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Well-Known Member
did you pop beans for the mommy? I have grown Donkey dicks a few times. they are a super impressive looking plant, but fail to have a good buzz i think.

massive main colas, thick, I have had mold issues every time i grow them outdoors. inside might b a different story tho.

good luck with the grow.

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Well-Known Member
did you pop beans for the mommy? I have grown Donkey dicks a few times. they are a super impressive looking plant, but fail to have a good buzz i think.

massive main colas, thick, I have had mold issues every time i grow them outdoors. inside might b a different story tho.

good luck with the grow.

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the strains not donkey dick m8 im talking the shape and size and formation,, it looks like a donkye dik,

yeh its from bean i got sum beans of a fairy here and popped 32 but killed sum with stupidity and had some males ect ect ect ect with that i just made sure i had 2 NICE lookers wich i thnk they are looking nice,my room ive never had a mould issue with any grow,the odd cobweb from a bug in the attick but easily remedied i dont have heat issues or humidiy issues or cold issues,,i guss im just fucking lucky in that respect,as ive heard horror stories about peoples issues with such varaiables

anyways the strain of the 2 wich are obviously diffrent strains,,they are either,,,,black rose f2,,,romulan,,,BSB,,,EXO,,,and the 2 clones are nemesis the 2 ive got coming are exo/livers



Well-Known Member
oh right, yeah the ones iv grown we were told they were the strain Donkey Dick. and they do look like it when flowering. big main cola, with a couple lower branches that form the balls. Really funny lookin plant, like i say, they had nice growth, decent weight, just lacked the punch i was looking for.

sadly all our available clones got wiped out last year, someone left them in a car to long. :(


Well-Known Member
yeh sorry for the confusion man, anyways edited the thread title to save confusin,,,i didnet even know ther was s train called donkey dick lmao,

gutted on the loss of the clones matey,bet sum1 was in trouble lmao


Well-Known Member
lol. yeah the clone loss was the middle mans fault, so it was jus disappointing on our end. ended up with like 20 less plants then we intended. Kinda falls under "Shit Happens" hahaha


Well-Known Member
lol. yeah the clone loss was the middle mans fault, so it was jus disappointing on our end. ended up with like 20 less plants then we intended. Kinda falls under "Shit Happens" hahaha
lmao yeh take it out of his cut bloody n00bs hhaahaha wtf

so just fed me plants heres the feeding
10 litre res/bucket

40 ml A and 40 ml B



and sum white powder a pal left me,1 teaspooon(heaped)


Well-Known Member
2 more clones arrived today !woot,,thats me now no more plants till next grow,,guna leave these in box for a few weeks maybe 3 to give my main 2 as much time alone under the 600 ass possible get em as big as i can,il add photos of the new 2 later


Well-Known Member
so im thinking of stripping the branches of the bushy plant out the 2 whats your thoughts on this guys? i mean ther only shitty little popcorn buds anyways on them branches id rather the plant focus on its main cola than them shitty lil ones


Well-Known Member
2 livers or exo clones popping ther tissure on the jiffy so ready for a pot now
pictures to follow tonite

week 4 about now


Well-Known Member
I use to get Donkey Dick in the mid 80's from a renoun Texas grower. It had come from Thi and Viet Nam strains and it wasn't just one colas but all of the branching was D-Dick diameter. Never seen weed like that again! He was using bat guano from local caves and had been growing since the 70's. We lost touch for some reason.


Well-Known Member
i should have named this thread diffrently lol my pal sais damn thats a rite donkey dik,lol, so it stuck,il get sum more pics and nute levels up tonigiht