

Well-Known Member
When I am heavily medicated I tend to drift to the thought of what is space? Without the orbits of planets around the sun would time exist?

A GIANT (or at least to us) mysterious void filled with different minerals and gasses reacting with each other to form what we know as "outer space"

makes my brain kick into overdrive... what if we are some other beings science project floating around in a tank or something.....

it's even crazier to think that we will NEVER truly know the answer..... im high as fuck right now


Active Member
Time isn't real it's some made up thing but it is so important in everyday life.
Naw man how we measure time is whats fucked up with clocks that go back and forward an hour or a calendar with uneven months and leap years, but time itself is very real.. maybe your confusing time with money..


Active Member
any body seen "what the bleep do we know? down the rabbit hole???



Well-Known Member
Naw man how we measure time is whats fucked up with clocks that go back and forward an hour or a calendar with uneven months and leap years, but time itself is very real.. maybe your confusing time with money..
Here's my logic to show or "prove" time is not real. It is a day to day illusion that has to do with measuring durations. First we saw light and dark, and summer vs winter, etc. Durations, sure, but they vary. How to measure sub-divisions to understand the the variances/ A water clock, accidentally made from an animal skin bag was probably not the first thing that could tell us when this horror of night would be over. Just watch the stars move. Fast forward 70,000 years and we are time bound civilization.

But, here is where it fails and here is where the quantum based high energy physicists are beginning to lean toward a model called, "Continuous Creation." Why? Because the sub-divisions never end. We can take the smallest measurable duration and mentally divide that into durations beyond count. So, where is NOW? This logic of Time actually rules out our existence, because we only exist in Now. And therefore Now is all that exists. Therefore Time is an illusion. We see the arrow of entropy. We artificially divide that and call it Time.

Measuring duration is very real. But, I'd like to see your "proof" logic that time is actually real.


Well-Known Member
I was heavily medicated when I thought about time. It blew my fucking mind. Time isn't real it's some made up thing but it is so important in everyday life. Its now sun-up and sun-down to me, until I ask someone for the fucking time.

Anyone ever seen Donnie darko? What a trip. Is time travel possible?
most things we live our lives by and have faith in are based on a next man's theory so i agree with you - not much is real. And yes time travel is possible for example i think I Am medieval.
Your thread took me back to my lsd/shroom/lsd days. I used to see specifically humans as a big jello (think the blob, the film not the female blob).


Well-Known Member
space is 3 dimensions.
There is some interesting work on this also. Quantum string theory could be interpolated to provide 11 dimensions. And some math is being worked to define space as just one dimension. I can't pretend to understand that. Also, Atoms take up space, but I'd be hard pressed to define the "inside" of the atom as 3D space due to the Uncertainty Principle. Perhaps the proton/neutron clump displaces space, very hard to tell.

Space is defined by "time." Hence the term spacetime. You cannot cross any space without taking a duration. All our measures including the atomic clock are measuring movement in space taking a duration. So, we can't fold Time, it's not real, we certainly can't fold entropy because of the Grandfather Paradox.

But, Space itself might be compressible or foldable. A black hole, for example, according the experts is just crushed and twisted space. All the energy of matter has gone into maintaining and growing the Knot in spacetime. You fold space, you decrease duration.


Active Member
An excellent read about the Theory of Time is a book by Stephen Hawking, "A Briefer History of Time." He is a wonderful writer, and this book gives a layperson perspective of the theories of time, space, and quantum mechanics.


Well-Known Member
Put a lighter to your hand for a minute and it feels like an hour. Sit in a circle for hours doing bong hits with your friends and it feels like only a minute has past. That's relativity. That's TIME. :)

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
There is some interesting work on this also. Quantum string theory could be interpolated to provide 11 dimensions. And some math is being worked to define space as just one dimension. I can't pretend to understand that. Also, Atoms take up space, but I'd be hard pressed to define the "inside" of the atom as 3D space due to the Uncertainty Principle. Perhaps the proton/neutron clump displaces space, very hard to tell.

Space is defined by "time." Hence the term spacetime. You cannot cross any space without taking a duration. All our measures including the atomic clock are measuring movement in space taking a duration. So, we can't fold Time, it's not real, we certainly can't fold entropy because of the Grandfather Paradox.

But, Space itself might be compressible or foldable. A black hole, for example, according the experts is just crushed and twisted space. All the energy of matter has gone into maintaining and growing the Knot in spacetime. You fold space, you decrease duration.
I have read a lot on those very subjects Doer and understand every bit of it... It really is quite simple...

meechz 024

Active Member
Ultimately, scientists may find that only travel into the future is possible, as the laws of nature may make travel to the past impossible so the relationship between cause and effect is maintained. For example, if you could travel in the past and do something that prevents yourself from being born, how could you exist in the future to travel back in time?

copy off the net.
Of course there has to be some element of the supernatural involved in order to travel into the past and make changes like in Back to the future. There's the obvious loophole in logic there.

What about traveling into the past and just observing?


Well-Known Member
All we need is a bunch of electrons, up and down quarks and we can make all the matter here on Earth, so when we can scan your body, transmit its information at the speed of light to another area, you can be reborn there when you are re-constructed.
