Smoke cocaine?


Well-Known Member
You thiink so? Maybe I just didn't explain it right. Def smells like some sort of chemical. Shit hasn't been cut either, most of it I've gotten before. You can tell my the color.


Well-Known Member
Yea, usually to me it looks yellow/white...lots of shine to it. I know the guy does deals with the mex mafia....maybe they cut it, i dunno...but that shit is all blocked talkin big quantities here. Also by the way it breaks up...usually when it's cut you can tell when you go to break it up... just my thoughts on this..


Well-Known Member
Yea, usually to me it looks yellow/white...lots of shine to it. I know the guy does deals with the mex mafia....maybe they cut it, i dunno...but that shit is all blocked talkin big quantities here. Also by the way it breaks up...usually when it's cut you can tell when you go to break it up... just my thoughts on this..
the whiter the better, but not all of the time


Active Member
In England we get perivian flake and it the best stuff u are likely to get your hands on, by the you can smoke cocain in a joint and get messed up you can also wash it up in either bicarbonate soda or amonia to make the dreaded CRACK, just my views tombong1:joint::joint:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Ahhh I know all about the 3 dollar ready rocks in Philly.........Roosevelt is a good place to look....


Well-Known Member
the yellower the better not the whiter you idiot pure coke is liquid you have to cut it to bring it to powder form and you cant get it any purer than 82 percent . there are steps to making it you start by making a coca paste then you mix that with sulfuric acid them you hit it with a solvent like kerosene then you have to activate it with an alkaloid then dry thats as simple as i can decribe to you .and it doese have a smell it smells like hospital equipment lol and the white cloured coke is usly the most cut probly by nesatol and eather any other wisdom do you all need


Well-Known Member
he may be wrong but ive had it white, beige, yellow,soft and yellow like butter was the best with beige comming in at a close second:shock::shock::shock: