250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Active Member
What's up 250w HPS club? Been lurking for a little bit, this thread inspired me to buy a 250, first grow with it I was very happy with the end results, 1 plant LST'd yielded 3oz despite PH issues, I was using FFOF & organic nutes, I didn't have a camera or anything then so I couldn't "join the club" :( but I switched up my recipe a few times this grow I'm using pre bagged organic soil Dr. Earth's amended with some extra bat guano, & top dressed with way more than what was necessary, so she is experiencing some nute burn (hard to do with organic but NOOB mistakes are how we become PROS right?). Sadly she also hermie'd & the herm seeded her up good because it was a random bagseed & it was all I had at the time of sprouting them, I was trying to get a clone but failed until she was already in flower. Despite the trouble it looks nice & frosty can't wait for harvest, I'm thinking a week or two.. I have good seeds (Sannies Indica Mix and Sour Diesel + maybe more from Sannie soon) to work with next time in the fall because I can't afford to pay for A/c and the grow :( I think I would've gotten a bigger yield out of this 1 if it didn't hermie and seed.. It could be stress it could be genetics.. When I picked out some of the seeds from the nug it smelled like this strain I bought awhile ago called "Pot of Gold" :weed:


Well-Known Member
my plants are 27 days old and just topped the one in the hydro system. i had a cal-mag def, so i increased my nuts and played with my ph letting it go to 6.2 for 2 days and then lowering it back to 5.5 and no more probs ( still ordered cal-mag just waiting for it to come in), I used epson salt (in water feeding) and eggshall ( crushed finally mixed in soil and transplanted) But i i just topped the hydro so hoping that will help her bush out and give me 2 main stems :) soil grow is AMS and the hydro is Afghan Kush X Skunk :)


Active Member
This 1 is in a 3 gallon square pot, last grow I did was in a 1.7 gallon square pot. I cracked this current grows seed in February & started 12/12 around end of March so I'd say I vegged it for like 5-6 weeks. I thought it'd stay a lot shorter than it did, but it must have some Sativa somewhere in the genetics.. Random bagseed seem'd like a good idea until I realized how easy it is to just get seeds delivered to the hood.


i use 6500k cfl for veg and i never turn it off and 400watt HPS on 12/12 for flower works great...flowers faster when you drop it from a all the time to a 12/12 cycle. they bud faster.remember white lights or blue for veg and reds and oranges for flower..


bueatiful pics man if you need help dealing with heat you might think about putting a piece of glass or plexy between your lights and plants. i run a 400watt in a 3x3x2 and it never gets over 88f.


Active Member
Hi all growers! :) i have started my growing under 250w mh. i got 1 cream caramel and 1 sourkush aka headband in DWC 55L. i will use advanced nutrients sensi nutes and rhino skin :p. i will up pics soon as i can (then when i buy camera :D) and my flowering period will go with 250w hps superplant super red bulb. sorry my bad english but i try my best! :D


Well-Known Member
So a few things....

Welcome new members, great bud porn all, and good job on the info. Anyhow there's been a hell of a lot going on lately. I'm sure you've noticed my absence lol, but long story short I'm moving again. Still doing 1 month perpetual, just have to keep them in veg until the move. I should be back sometime in June or July, with a re-done way better set up. Keep it up all!!



Well-Known Member
Great! Welcome back all be it briefly :)

Good luck with the move.. and you better make something badass and new lol :D

Stay Frosty!


Well-Known Member
looks nice ace.
Doobieus do what you gotta do man!looking foward 2 see your new setup!

I picked up a bean from a grower/breeder in my area.It is C99 crossed with either sourd or purpkush. eithier cross would be good i have tried the C99xPK gets you mellow and alert at the same time. I am actualy hoping it is male so i can start a breeding project.been wanting c99 for some time.maybe a pheno will pop out heavy on the c99 side.oh yeah the seed popped in just 2 days in paper towel method.will put in dirt manana!


Well-Known Member
So a few things....

Welcome new members, great bud porn all, and good job on the info. Anyhow there's been a hell of a lot going on lately. I'm sure you've noticed my absence lol, but long story short I'm moving again. Still doing 1 month perpetual, just have to keep them in veg until the move. I should be back sometime in June or July, with a re-done way better set up. Keep it up all!!

I have noted your absence girl, hope everything works out and we see you back here in a few weeks.. I'll keep looking for you on IM in the meantime..
