First time grower log with pics all help is appreciated!!

Thats pretty good,that gives you about 200ppm of cal/mag right off the bat,I wouldnt filter that.If your water has cholrine let it sit for 24hrs before use and it will mostly gas off.My water runs .3-.4 and I only need to add cal/mag in flower.You might raise you dose of a and b and see how they react.
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Hello everyone,

Sorry was very busy lately, reserching and tryen to figure out what the hell am doin :)!!

Okay first pics

I have made a veg room at the moment in small room which I have and dumped the cabinet for now (maybe ill make it drying cabinet later on) and got my self secretjarden 150x90x200 as flower room (1x600w and 1x400w) the end will be prepartual grow new plant each 3 weeks the first I finnish the flower room.

Tryen to figure out now should I have one HPS and one MH or both HPS

And should I have the 600w first and keep moven the plants till the end of the harvest under the 400 or vice versa start flowering on the 400 and mobe in the tent gradually towards the 600 till the finnish under it.

Okay enough bla bla bla and here is some pics

First of all i wanna say That I have used bendz to train my plant and as newbie I have broken so many leaves and tops tryen to figure out how to remive the bendz without breaking the steam.

Am a professional now hihi u just need to open the clips alittle with your fingernails before you remove it then it suppose to be easy removen it

Today is almost week 4 veg ( they suppose to be much faster however as I sayed I topped all plants once and broke and removed alot of branches and tops by mistake)

This is pic made 3 days ago (everyday they get bigger now)



So basically they doimg

So basically what was the hill with my plants!
Well 2 things!

First. I hvae been speaking with (Doctor) he is a knowen member on the forum.

He advised me to raise the cal mag in the feeding after he saw those pics

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He this is cal mag dif

While my tap water is 0.5 EC 220ppm.its basically useless!!
As the first as i hight the dosage of calmag those spots stop spreading and the plants look better!

So the water ppm is basically rubbish!!

I just bought RO unit expecting to be delieverd tommorow so I can adjust my ec without all this rubbish

Second is (Springtails)

I habe heard alot of mixed reviews if they are good or bad, however I dont believe they are good!

So I orderd Aptus soil shark attack to fight with thise basterds alittle as I dont want them in my next grow.

By the way is this looks like healty leaf?

It has light light green spots between the viens, is thats mag def?!

I have got epson salt as well, dont know how should I use this with my calmag so I dont couse any lockouts for any of them.

Any questions please feel free to ask

5 november planted seed in coco

Today 5 dec update

I used 1/2. 1/2 Ro tap water

Which toke my EC to 2 ppm 100 I believe

Added aptus calmag water went to 0.6 ec.

 regular A&B. rhizo, and zym, 2/3 droops Superthrive all in 12 liter

ec in total 1.5 ph 5.9




Bubble :leaf:
Your plants look great. That leaf on your palm is huge. That would make a good avatar, the Godzilla leaf. You'll be an expert at this in no time. It's all about trial and error until you find what works best for you. Growing dope is a continual learning process. There is still much to be discovered.
Hello Bob,

Thanks alot mate.

Indeed it was very hard and complecated all in the begining, even when I thought I know already enough. Reall world is COMPLETELY something ealse.

I know am still so far but am not giving up...

This fan leave was so big that was shading alot of the plant that I had to remove it with no hesitation, as it was literally growing everyday, so I sayed damn it now its time to stop puttin power on that leave :)!!

I try not to remove fan leaves, i just use bendz on them. However as I sayed this particular leaf was pain in the ass :).

Ill check if I can have it as an avatar thanks for the hint BOb..

Keep it safe

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Update week 5 veg from seed

3 somango
2 bubblegum
1 fruit spirit

Total of 6

Hello guys every thing is getten good ill give them agood 10 days then ill flip.

Have been on 20/4 with the regular nuts ec between
1.3 to 1.5
Ph 5.8 \ 6
Rh try to keep it between 60 \ 70
Temp day 23 /27
Night 20/22




This beauty grow over the night into the lamps and completly burnt her self, I removed couple of total waste leafs


Start to have as well those yellowen on the top of new growth


Didint figure out completly the nutrients thing I think but ill say am doin ((Okay))

Cheers guys

Bubble :leaf:
Okay guys. UPDATE!!

Flipping in couple of days, some plants have determinated sex already some I doubt about..
Some pics first (((okay for reall this time))) :lol: and tommorow more pics .




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Talk tomorow cheers guys.

Bubble :leaf:
Looks like females to me homie. Good job. The yellow tips are signs of over fertilization. Take note of what you were feeding (ec) and back it off a little. You have found the limit which is good. I suggest to back it off a little and stay there for a bit until you see the need to bring it higher. Doing an awesome job man good hustle
Hallo guys.

Am 2/3 days into week 7 veg (from planting seed in coco)

I have just had my home work for today
I juat feed and sprayed with plagron diamond shild adjust RH to 55% and closed the light. Planing on giving them 48H of darkness. Then 12/12.

Here is the last photos I made b4 I close the light

( veg chapter for me is over) :hug:HAVE LEARND ALOTT! :eyesmoke:

From now on they will get 48H of darkness then 12/12 :lol:

Here is the last pics b4 I close the light preparing for flowering.

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Any commentsare welcome.

Bubble :leaf:
Looks like females to me homie. Good job. The yellow tips are signs of over fertilization. Take note of what you were feeding (ec) and back it off a little. You have found the limit which is good. I suggest to back it off a little and stay there for a bit until you see the need to bring it higher. Doing an awesome job man good hustle

Thanks alot bro.

Has been a long journey :)..

I belileve that It may be indeed over fert in a way as my bluelab ec is reading low :s!!

Ill get the calibration fluid in coupleof days. At the moment am feeding normal around 1.5 /1.6 EC.


Bubble they're looking great man! You're doing a nice job keeping up with them. Excellent work on that lollipopping. I'm sure your girls will produce well for you I can see that already. Plenty of spacing in-between branching and no loss of growth energy. You could tighten up your LST strings just a bit to open them up a bit more so they stretch a little more horizontally rather than vertically, but that's totally up to you. More light penetration towards the middle of the plants seems to be the most effective, but either way. Nice work!
Bubble they're looking great man! You're doing a nice job keeping up with them. Excellent work on that lollipopping. I'm sure your girls will produce well for you I can see that already. Plenty of spacing in-between branching and no loss of growth energy. You could tighten up your LST strings just a bit to open them up a bit more so they stretch a little more horizontally rather than vertically, but that's totally up to you. More light penetration towards the middle of the plants seems to be the most effective, but either way. Nice work!

Hallo Mineralz,

Thanks for the boost buddy.

I really hope it turns up good, I have really humiliated and abused those plants to the level I though they will never gonna make it :)!!

Alot of LST and HST (super cropping, topping) plus alot of mistakes and breaking big branches by mistake..

Ill buy some silica power specially for LST and HST as ppl swear by it..

Those 6 plants set now in almost 120cm x 100cm under 1x400w MH and 110w TNEON
1x55w 6500k and 1x 55w 2200K

And they are already crammbed in there, I cant find any more place for LST, i wish I could widen them more as you sayed minerlaz for better light to the center..

Am planing on doing so in week 3 flower some small lst and removing some of the stretch fan leaves.

Ill never have more than 4 plants MAX in 1.2 x1 M space in any time from now on!

Those 6 babys is going tommorow into 150cm x 90 cm

Stick around buddy and keep it safe..

Bubble :leaf:
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Hallo guys, little update in here.

This week was a reall disaster for me.!!

First of all after screwen my self up adjusting the flowering tent SJ(150cmx90x200)for almost a week now, first thing after I had the ladys in, I know that They will not fit in in any way!!!!

Not with fans and 1x600w plus 1x 400w

It was tooo hot there!!!! Hitting 30/31c easly!!

Few days before that, I got my self secret jardin 240x120x200 so I sayed will forget the SJ 150x90 and lets put together the big tent.

Which I did, However it toke me almost 2 days to finnish this one it was already late for the ladies!!!

It was so crammbed that after I finnish the big tent tryen to have the ladies in thier new home, I found them allllllll cover in white!!!!!!

(powdery mildew)) I GOT SHOCKED!!!

Start removing all top sites ( big ones ;'(

And all kind of leaves!!!

They have stayed two days in a complete shock!!!! Like dead!!

Plus today I connected fan wrongly which couse the breaker to fall down so I didnt had electricity for almost one hour till I Figured it out.

The ladyes set now under 1x600w hps and I have orderd one more digital ballast to have 2x600w as I cant stand any more the HMMM of the other normal ballast I have.. I really dont expect alot of this grow any more ( I know that those ladies have been really humiliated in allll kind of ways from begining) that I really feel sad for them :(

Here is some new pics

Happy holidayDSC_0004.JPG every body!

Bubble :leaf:DSC_0012.JPG DSC_0011.JPG DSC_0009.JPG DSC_0006.JPG