FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
Rockwool = Algae
yeah i hear you, except my perlite gets it anyway! :( but it doesn't last long! :) the canopy is shading it very well, and its already dying off, i have never had an issue with it, i flush atleast once a week, depending on quality of what's in my res....

never had a problem with algea ever .... not in the sense that i never get it , i do for sure but it has never caused me any problems.
ahhh thanx man! :) yeah, i don't think it's an issue unless you're lazy and it ends up in your res, i clean thoroughly and scrub hard when i do a flush, nice clean sparkling fresh water and nutes, what does algae come from? is it just dust spores like moss?


Well-Known Member
not 100% where it comes from ... i think its dormant in the rockwool then when it gets wet and has sunlight pooof! algea .... now that i think about it i guess algea in the res would kinda suck but i dont think the green kind that comes off the rockwool will fuck with you plants or roots .... might even be beneficial haha not to sure.


Well-Known Member
hmmmmm what to smoke before knockout.....120 micron grade....tasty....or 73 micron.....never remember and maybe pass out on couch. too many options

120 grade......

73 micron grade, outdoor batch so clean, this stuff has shocked a few people round my end



Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmm making me jelous , been a while since i brewed up some nice hash .... i got the industrial size bags ....20 gallons ... so i either gotta save up for a log time or wait till a friend has a bunch of trimmings they dont want ..... illl take that thank you very much :D of coarse i always throw a couple o'z for the kind gesture :D


Well-Known Member
You cant go wrong either way! What I would do is take them both and combined together for the ultimate ko!!


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmm making me jelous , been a while since i brewed up some nice hash .... i got the industrial size bags ....20 gallons ... so i either gotta save up for a log time or wait till a friend has a bunch of trimmings they dont want ..... illl take that thank you very much :D of coarse i always throw a couple o'z for the kind gesture :D
You cant go wrong either way! What I would do is take them both and combined together for the ultimate ko!!
buzzing hard as, but can't sleep, i think i honestly won't sleep unless i down a huge hit of oil!! DOH!! sometimes it's just too much though, soo heavy!

I'm looooooving hash so much, i think most growers have no idea what they are throwing away! they are losing anywhere up to ounces from any given harvest!! when you think of it like that!
what's kief usually go for? i helped a few mates out and they 'donated' $30 a gram for the killer 73 micron, is it really worth that much?


Well-Known Member
depends on the market man , in vancouver we get hash for the same price as weed 10$ a gram .... unless your buying lots of coarse. oil over here goes for 40$ a gram vial. keif is the good shit for sure but not the only stuff in weed that gets you high i would pay the same 10$ a gram for keif if i was gonna buy it .... goes so damn fast though lol.


Well-Known Member
depends on the market man , in vancouver we get hash for the same price as weed 10$ a gram .... unless your buying lots of coarse. oil over here goes for 40$ a gram vial. keif is the good shit for sure but not the only stuff in weed that gets you high i would pay the same 10$ a gram for keif if i was gonna buy it .... goes so damn fast though lol.
I know exactly what you mean! my mrs makes it last though, she has literally a speck, and sometimes says too much! i on the other hand, i'll have 2 sometimes if i force myself, to get that real hard strong buzz.....oil just made me lazy....now i'm just slappin the keyboard


Well-Known Member
Throw up a comparison shot from last grow. No i didnt think she was going to be this big. i went a bit overboard again

last grow..... beginnings of flower. 35 days veg

Current Grow, start of flowering 28 days veg.



Well-Known Member
I'M FREAKIN OUT MAAAAAAN! jk the tent is starting to get a bit funky, as soon as i open the tent flap, it hit me in the face. my heart thumped, and raced a million miles an hour, what is this going to be like flowering flatout?? I NEED MY NEW FILTER!! if i font get my intended filter soon, i'll have to snap an ebay purchase soon, this is starting to make me a little more nervous this time, and i want her to stop growing.....she's almost too big, and i have very limited room, unlike i said i was going to. Let's hope my hood does it's job, i have to do a bit more weaving tonight if she's stretched some more, but i dosed her with Part A PGR, which will be just for these last couple of days before the flush. She may stop growing vertically by tonight. x my fingers. My light is at maximum height and around 14-12 inches away from the tips. any closer and i might get worried...thoughts? i'll post some further back shots tonight to give you an idea where everythings sitting.

digging through random shots of my old outdoor plants, found this beauty, don't think i've ever posted it, such a clear sweet shot from a compact....no scope, just a steady hand and a smart camera.



Active Member
not 100% where it comes from ... i think its dormant in the rockwool then when it gets wet and has sunlight pooof! algea .... now that i think about it i guess algea in the res would kinda suck but i dont think the green kind that comes off the rockwool will fuck with you plants or roots .... might even be beneficial haha not to sure.
It comes from parasites in the water. Has nothing to do with the RW! Cover the RW and all is well! Leave it exposed and get some major algae, LOOK OUT! It is a major O2 hog!


Active Member
great to hear man! I too love the paper towel method, also an idea is to put in a container to keep moisture in, i always forget and lose alot of seeds to drying out!!....back then anyway, i'm too careful and love my cannabis too much to let that happen again lol You get that ryzo idea from me ;) or you a smart man :p
seedlings and clones love seaweed extract as it has alot of helpful hormones needed for root stimulant....

I got carried away on my last update, it was day 4 not 5, day 1 was the 13th, so today is day 5. and i see baby trichs growing their little village of heaven, or this strain is naturally frosty :)

added 50ml of part A cyco PGR (plant growth Regulator for newbies) raised my light 5 inches. it shot up last night and today, the humid weather helping the massive growth stretches i presume. i want to leave her as is for now, maybe a few tweaking of some branches here and there, little uneven , my plant is more Bushy on the right hand side due to my globe being more positioned on the right side of my hood...upgrade time. that hood won't last lang. TRIAL AND ERROR PEOPLE. it's cooling is very effective with the bonus fan built in but light spread is limited. I'M A PICKY PRICK.

Day 5 Flowering for FlowaMasta!!! come on baby!! ''pulling those reigns tight' Yield is completely unpredictable at this stage and counting the tops, well i'm lazy, i'll wait till i see some nugs. Here I am expecting more for day 5 hehe....Can't help myself but get ahead. yep sleep?? pretty hard when your as excited as me

What the fuck!?!? I thought you "thinned" that baby out? :lol:

I know guys that are scared to pull anything at all off of their plants! :dunce:

Guess they need to see first hand what it does to promote new growth! Oh well, they are the ones missing out! Looking stellar as usual FM! Cheers mate!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah i always put the paper towel in a plastic container then in a drawer to keep light out,

getting down to 10 degrees at night pretty chilly!


Well-Known Member
Flow do you have a drain line? If so how far off the bottom is it?

yeah, it's re-circulating, the pots sit above the nutrient level in the res.....sorry i nearly missed ya

What the fuck!?!? I thought you "thinned" that baby out? :lol:

I know guys that are scared to pull anything at all off of their plants! :dunce:

Guess they need to see first hand what it does to promote new growth! Oh well, they are the ones missing out! Looking stellar as usual FM! Cheers mate!:bigjoint:
Wow man! what a shweeeeet compliment! yeah man still thinning her out just a bit here and there, she 90% clear under the canopy of those little measly tiny light searching tips. I'm just after the most appealing buds of them all.

I may have to fim a couple of tips right under the light yet, i should of snipped some more down really, but it's crowded as is. I've even removed some lower 'hanging' branches, you know the ones with only 2 finger size buds , I'm going for a very controlled environment now. I have to clean up my act a bit, and make this a proper show. i need to stop smoking hash. I've almost forgotten about sex.

nah...might have yas fooled there