Defenses against home invasion


Well-Known Member
i would take a life of someone in a blink of an eye if they were trying to hurt my familly , it wouldnt even get a second thought .
I totally agree with the concept. The problem is most people can't be vicious even if they are prepared. I've had much training and now I realize, I'm the weapon, regardless of the tool. We have all seen viciousness in, say a dog. Did you know it's Navy SEALs doctrine? Sudden violence of action swings the element of surprise.

In a home situation, brandishing a shotgun is not likely a choice. I've lived through two home invasions. I did not get a chance to get to a weapon. The first time I had to use my wits and implant suggestions of the danger as my room mate bolted out the back, thru the locked screen door. :) Very subtle, I shouted, "He's going for the Cops! He's going for the Cops!" They left, robbed another place down the street and our witness testimony got them 10 years each.

The second time, 15 years later, I went to check the sliding glass door in my bedroom and it was coming open, with a big fat hand sliding it. I went into extreme viscous mode and attacked all three guys bare handed, and forced it back outside. I had element of surprise and got them moving back without blocking their escape without letting anyone grab me. My wife started screaming and I'm yelling, "get me the shotgun!" They tumbled down the steps of the deck and left.

This is why they say all the training in the world won't tell you what you will do. This is why they train us into a vicious counter attack. Let that look of surprise on your face go to fear. Let that fear look be the opening ruse of your snarling, ulta-violent attack.

To me the very best home defense if the invasion proceeds, is the Taurus pistol, loaded with 410, 000 buckshot. Put those around in side cushions, and such, but not in a nightstand. Tape the holster to the back of the headboard or nightstand. If you have one keep it at the TV couch, then take it to bed. Always begin your attack with ruse.

So ask yourself.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone feels comfortable with a gun, so another option for home defense is pepper spray (gel or foam based) and a really bright tactical flashlight like a Surefire. Ideally they should be small enough where you can attach them to your keychain or carry them on your belt at all times. I carry pepper spray with me everywhere and it's not just for defense against people. In fact out of few times I've had to use it, it was against large aggressive dogs. If you do make the choice to carry a firearm, be responsible about it, and practice with it often.
I carry Pepper spray in my car and had to brandish it once in a road rage situation.


Well-Known Member
Home security systems, dogs... they deter, but they don't stop, and, if someone is willing to come through, they are willing to drop a few .303-.308 rounds to clean up before entry. From an ex-con, trust me, that bumper sticker that says "Criminals hate armed victims" is bullshit. In my heyday we wanted to see that gun -- guns are a deterrent, most honest people won't take a life, even to save their favourite child or husband/wife. We used to jack the DEA and ATF for flack jackets, and go in dressed as SRT. Do yourself a favour, from a serious ex-con, if someone REALLY wants your shit, they'll die trying to get it -- do you have the conscious (or lack thereof) to actually take a life and sleep at night for the next 40-60 years, knowing you've ended a life? If the answer is no, than you won't pull the trigger at go-time, and you WILL be hurt or killed for your effort. Your weed, your TV, your computer, they aren't worth the life of regret, or the loss of family, for trying to protect it. Get a home monitoring system, hide the fucker, and know WHO robbed you, don't try to stop it. 1 in 20 people is a psycho/sociopath... 1 in 1000 people is a criminal -- the odds are NOT in your favour!
thats the thing if there coming to rob u mostlikely they have a gun to so i aint taking a chance ima let 33 go before they get a chance to do the same


New Member
placement of weapons around your house depends on the layout of your home and your ability to get to those weapons in an emergency based on where you might be in your home and where the entry points for intruders are. in my house...sleeping with a handgun on my nightstand is ideal for me. having an ar-15 in the closet, another handgun downstairs, a shotgun in the garage, and a handgun in my car pretty much assure i will have the upperhand in any invasion scenario no matter where i am in my home. along with 4 dogs who are very protective, safety doors, and very view access points...i sleep just fine at night.


New Member
thats the thing if there coming to rob u mostlikely they have a gun to so i aint taking a chance ima let 33 go before they get a chance to do the same
agreed...try to avoid it if you can. if they are coming in and hear shots and still keep coming...well, then you know you had better dig in. plus, buckshot is for those who don't know how to shoot.


Active Member
placement of weapons around your house depends on the layout of your home and your ability to get to those weapons in an emergency based on where you might be in your home and where the entry points for intruders are. in my house...sleeping with a handgun on my nightstand is ideal for me. having an ar-15 in the closet, another handgun downstairs, a shotgun in the garage, and a handgun in my car pretty much assure i will have the upperhand in any invasion scenario no matter where i am in my home. along with 4 dogs who are very protective, safety doors, and very view access points...i sleep just fine at night.

Thats whats up, I'm workin on it


Well-Known Member
I've always like the idea of hiding weapons throughout the house (assuming there are no kids in the home). I usually do this with knives and machetes. With guns, I don't feel comfortable unless they're locked up or on my person. The last thing I want is for me to make a quick trip to Taco Bell and come back home finding all my unlocked guns gone or worse, come back home to find a group of thugs armed with my guns. Locking and unlocking every time isn't reliable. Eventually you slip up and forget to lock or unlock them.

Dogs are great. Wish I had a few. Although I don't know if I'd trust a dog to defend my family until it had some training.


Active Member
Home security systems, dogs... they deter, but they don't stop, and, if someone is willing to come through, they are willing to drop a few .303-.308 rounds to clean up before entry. From an ex-con, trust me, that bumper sticker that says "Criminals hate armed victims" is bullshit. In my heyday we wanted to see that gun -- guns are a deterrent, most honest people won't take a life, even to save their favourite child or husband/wife. We used to jack the DEA and ATF for flack jackets, and go in dressed as SRT. Do yourself a favour, from a serious ex-con, if someone REALLY wants your shit, they'll die trying to get it -- do you have the conscious (or lack thereof) to actually take a life and sleep at night for the next 40-60 years, knowing you've ended a life? If the answer is no, than you won't pull the trigger at go-time, and you WILL be hurt or killed for your effort. Your weed, your TV, your computer, they aren't worth the life of regret, or the loss of family, for trying to protect it. Get a home monitoring system, hide the fucker, and know WHO robbed you, don't try to stop it. 1 in 20 people is a psycho/sociopath... 1 in 1000 people is a criminal -- the odds are NOT in your favour!
Are you pathetically trying to justify your mentality and an "ex-con"? Guess what you're a human being, just like the home of it is you're trying to break into. Your opinion doesn't mean much of anything.

I personally don't give a fuck.... someone can try that all they want on to break in my home. I have armor piercing rounds and hollow points ready to go. You come through my door yellowing "police" at 3 AM, and I'm feeding that squad a couple hundred rounds. I'll deal with a jail cell later, because I'll still have my life.

I have a few AK's, locked, loaded, and on standby. I don't care if you're a "cop" or not. Come in my home without notice, and you will die, and if not, I'll die trying to kill you.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
^^^^another good reason to have cameras. sometimes bacon really doesn't give notice. how do you suppose that usually goes in court?


Well-Known Member
in a legal state like cali if all u r doing is growing there not going to kick down ur door and thats wat security doors are for.if those come off bet your ass its the cops. not to long ago i was running 10 lights in a house and sleeping in the living room i anit going to lie no mater how many guns i had i still didnt sleep well harvest time


Well-Known Member
i sleep real good at night

i got a .40 full of hollows within a arms reach at all times
i wish somebody would try me
they're gonna wish they didn't