My donkey dick grow journal TTT genetics LETS ROCK!


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full boost 30ml per 10 litre
full a and b--40ml per 10 ltre
full rhiz 30ml per 10 litre
teaspoon of sum white powder of a pal
that one long bud is just getting fatter and fatter dence as ya like too! fuking cant wait to smoke that puppy!
clones still on tap water on 18-6 lighting only 24watt 6400k ther looking nice! getting 125 watt cfl shortly so be better,i feedmaybe once a week.


Well-Known Member
yeh, got the 24 watt cfl ini ther on the clones atm,got a 30 watt blue spec cominig,and getting the 125 watt blue spec of me pal,but only 2 of the hoops are working so it will be a 80 watt,so all in all,il have a 80 watt blue spec,30 watt blue spec and a 24 watt strip light 6400k,
il be able to do a full veg in me box and then use the 600hps for flower! awsome

wen done i should open my box and it just be a forest so big enough to flower as the box is a foot deep,


Well-Known Member
just been and checked me shit,the clones have taken the nutes i started fine,,full dose too! as thers only 6 i made a 1litre bottle of nute mix up menna be 40 ml per 10 litres i did 5 ml for 1 litre, so slightley over the max and n burn no nothing,,i may have to tie one plant up,not me donkey dik the other one,its tsarted to fill out like crazy and im nott hrilled about the stability,the last thing i need is it snapping the main stem,bamboo or string to the wall here we come


Well-Known Member
just been to chek me shit,got ther first brown hairs going on and the leaves are tuning nice and crystally,,first brown so im thinking halfway or 4 weeks leftt,ile get my 30x mag bak tomorrow to show pics,and update the thread,nice and sticky with a dence feel wen i sqweeze the plant,the bigger one out the 2 im gunna have to get sum cane to hold it up very skeptical on the stbility


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week 5 unsure lol if it is then ther guna be fucnut huge

40 ml A and B(canna)
30ml rhiz(canna)
hammerhead(but using raw podwer ingrediants NOT the bottles stuff eitherway teaspoon of each powder

clones are stil on canna start nutes looking rather good 1 in particular is shooting up,
stil havent got the new bulb in the box to boost growth,will be done tomorrow
thinking one of me plants neds a pole to prop t up too(good sign) lol


Well-Known Member
looking good man!thought i was subbed lol am now rep +also that donkey dick s looking class
did you get your light?


Well-Known Member
If you make it to the end you'll here the POT reference.... We've called huge cola's donkey dicks for 15 years, it only made sense someone made a strain called it.



Well-Known Member
looking good man!thought i was subbed lol am now rep +also that donkey dick s looking class
did you get your light?
yeh about a week ago but uk dont use e27 screw caps as standard so had to sort a lamp out to rip apart for the parts to get it in ther,,mission acomplished,,just done it,so thers another blue spec cfl in the veg box now,one nemeisis is realy taking of so now hopefully the rest wil catch up,next week il order another new one to add so il have like 110 watts blue spec cfl in me box,,they was doing great on the 24watt strip i had in ther so they should do even minter now

chekced out that single cola plant,had a close look its red buds so im guessing BSBXBR is that one and im hoping the other is exo like i been sayin

yeh anwyays i think donkey is a lil closer to end than a i thought hard to explain but the buds are starting to look finished i.e full whole coloured buds is the best i can explain it,eitherway its ahead of the other :( so yet again gunna be a scratty grow,1 then 1 then 6 plants ffs lol

:)put a stik in to stop the lean,now its leaning towards the stik lmao

If you make it to the end you'll here the POT reference.... We've called huge cola's donkey dicks for 15 years, it only made sense someone made a strain called it.

lol thanks man,like i said i didnt think wen i named the thread ,its a name my pal gave it as i didnet know the strain out of 5 diffrent ones and he sed hey thats a huge donkey dick,,lol so it stuck..


Well-Known Member
had no internet,bak on now so wil upload pics later
flushing the big cola plant started on wednesday
pics up later


Well-Known Member
decied not to flush now ive had a good look at it,what do u think?

the two clones the single one is a nemesis im thinking of topping and the 2 togther the right is physco or EXO and left is nemesis ther stil on starter nutes havent put them on A and B yet had to move my box out of the main grow room was just getting far to hot and in turn has stunted ther growth,im not real happy about having it out but thers nothing i can do,hell i can flower em now if i wanted :)


Well-Known Member
yeh the one on the right has to be tide up twice one at bottom and one at top lol

and dont know watthe fuk was going thru my head to think that one was ready for flush,another week or so MAYBE

now i see why people use calenders coz ive got nooo fuking clue on how long they ben down it just seems a while

gunna top one of me nemesis later tonite


Well-Known Member
ive bit the bullet and topped 2 of em now lets see how fast they die!!LOL
(1st time topper)lol how hard can it be even i can handle scissors