Gordon Ramsay knows his shit!

This man's hilarious.
He probolly sooths his food at his home alone :D
Love his work though, he could be a pain at times too.

I love that guy. No matter how big the dude is who's yelling at him he doesn't back down. I like that.
You know after watching the Vietnam special he has thats linked on the side of the video above. I kind of am ok with him now. Plus seeing him freak out about taking a shot with a beating snake heart in it was a big enough piece of humble pie for me to come around and kind of like him.


Of course it could just be the formula of British host/s in wandering around Vietnam that I like so much.

i fucking love gordon ramsay.. found his show on bbc america not too long ago and i'm addicted...

dude knows his shit.. anytime anyone has given him food out of the microwave, i've yet to see him not know it's been nuked and not cooker proper like..
same deal with frozen food's, especially fish.. i'm a foody, and think he's brilliant.. yah, a lot of these places end up closing down after he visits, but most of them were going to close even if the pope himself came to help as they are in so much debt by the time they call gordon for help, it's going to pretty much take a miracle to save some of these places...
he's arrogant, and i love watching him spit food out, and call people idiots and shit.. great show.. why kiss people's asses all the time when you really want to them their food is shit?? much respect from me.. :)
Damn that just made me hungry....

I used to dislike this guy because he was such an asshole on his show, but I think he's just playing a character for TV. When he's not on that show he seems like a cool dude
not a fan of cooiking shows, but ramsey i do watch. very entertaining. aaa top gear vietnam my favorite, i love the botswana and bolivia special as well. you can go to streetfire.net to find those shows aswell.
not a fan of cooiking shows, but ramsey i do watch. very entertaining. aaa top gear vietnam my favorite, i love the botswana and bolivia special as well. you can go to streetfire.net to find those shows aswell.

What really grinds my gears is that they took out "Born in the USA" from the background for the backup bike and replaced it with the star spangled banner which does not do justice to the scenario of driving a american flag motorcycle blaring "Born in the USA" through Vietnam. Its why we cant have nice things.

I've been on a Hells Kitchen marathon all day, they've got a lot of it up on youtube. That guy is funny as fuck!

A guy fucks up seasoning the scallops too early, Ramsay tells him to throw them away and start over, the guy does it AGAIN! lol! So Ramsay tells him "hey, come over here" the guy walks over to him "Piss off outside for a breath of fresh air!" the guy starts walking and Ramsay says "HEY!" the guy looks back "PISS OFF!" LMFAO!!!

Great show, and they have some EPIC ass prizes for winning the little challenges in the beginning. In this season, the blue team has won like 75% of the challenges and went on all the cool ass trips and lost 75% of the time during the actual nights the restaurant is open for the customers!

Ramsay is an asshole. He has a show where he does failing restaurant make overs. In one epidode he tricks a vegetarian to eat meat, then asks if he wants more. If he did that to me, I'd have knocked his ass out or worse
ramsey is the shit i found a vid on youtube how he made scramble eggs i did it there good as shit and i dont even like eggs now everytime my niece comes over she bugs me till i make em for her next time im gonna tell her to piss off lol