What if Christianity Was True?


Well-Known Member
haha spelling jedi wrong is unamerican...not sure your american in the first place but if you were..you no longer are lol

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I got confused with the matter/mother map, comment and this, "Wouldn't we all just be 'where we're at' in our own evolution"

I don't mean to make you exasperated. Just wanting clarification before I answer something you didn't ask.
...the exasperation was meant to be fairly dramatic, that's for sure :)


Well-Known Member
..so you believe in god then since you say existence of life could not have come from other life(which is obvious)??...
Sorry to just take this one bit out of conext, but this is something that bugs me when I see it. Just because someone does not beleive in one thing, it does not infer beleif in something else (i.e. Just because I hate peanut butter on sandwiches, does not mean I hate sandwiches overall.). "Because you think this...therefore, you must beleive this." logic is generally flawed. Not trying to pick a fight, just trying to help you out.


Well-Known Member
So say you died tomorrow and you're instantly transported to a guy with a clipboard standing next to some pearly gates... He tells you the whole story in the Christian Bible is true, every word is of God.

What happens to you, according to Christianity, how do you explain your actions up until this point in your life, and how do you feel about finding all of this out definitively, at last?
" I'd tell saint peter at the goldent, id hate to make him wait, but i gotta have just one more cigarette"-Jimmy Dean

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
Christianity being true...

I think I'd request to know if the pope was going to hell or not for sitting in gold garments, on a gold throne while people die of poverty.


Well-Known Member
"I'm screwed and it's your fault for not devising a better method of spreading your word. Why does it seem so unbelievable? Why didn't you just show everyone on the entire world you existed? Why did you let us kill each other for so long? Why did you only start to really help us about 2000 years ago? So many questions..."
Cos He ain't no "Pushy Parent"?
"Here's the rules, fuck it up if you like.....but..."